Chapter 280 Music Program
This person actually gave Chu Qing three different plans, and they were completely different plans!

The first plan was a music talent show, which wasn't too surprising, but Chu Qing could already see some shadows of "The Voice of China" on it.

The second plan is a reality show, not an outdoor reality show, but an indoor game reality show. Chu Qing saw some shadows of "Ace vs. Ace" on it.

The third plan is a talk show, which has some traces of the previous life "The Story of Strange Flowers".

After Chu Qing watched it, she was really shocked. It was only then that she realized why the other party was able to have her own program on the TV station at the age of 30.

People rely on strength!
After reading the three proposals, Chu Qing said, "Are you all original?"

Shi Zhihao shook his head and said: "Not all of them. For example, the second plan, I borrowed some variety shows from Jiangnan TV, but I am confident that after I make it, the audience will never see that we are imitating."

Chu Qing laughed as soon as she heard it, what is most lacking in the 21st century?talent!

The person in front of me is an out-and-out talent!
Chu Qing never cared whether his subordinates plagiarized or not. He only cared about the result and whether he would be discovered after plagiarism.

The rest, really doesn't matter.

China was originally a big copycat country, otherwise it would have taken 30 years to catch up with other countries' 200-year progress!

Without even thinking about it, Chu Qing took the contract that had just been signed and tore it in half.

This scene made Shi Zhihao and Song Dawei stunned, not understanding what was going on.

Shi Zhihao thought more, and thought, could it be that the other party read his plan and planned to do it by themselves, and wanted to kick him out?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being a little nervous, and he began to feel uneasy, wondering if the current society is really so dark?
He is not whimsical, in fact, there are so many such things in Yanjing that it is outrageous!
But this time, he was wrong.

After Chu Qing tore up the contract, he looked at Song Dawei and said, "Get a new contract for Shi Zhihao. The salary will be doubled, and the commission will also be increased by [-]%!"

This made Shi Zhihao stand on the spot in a daze. He never thought that he would be promoted and raise his salary before he even started working!
He has read the previous treatment contract, so he naturally knows what his previous contract was!
But now the salary is doubled, and the commission is also increased by [-]%. Is this a dream?

Thinking of this, he really wanted to pinch himself, to see if it hurt.

Fortunately, he also understood that the current situation was very serious, and he couldn't be tempted.

It's just that the veins on the neck are a little hideous.

Chu Qing thought for a while, picked up the third variety show plan similar to "The Story of Strange Flowers" and said, "I'll give you 3000 million start-up funds, and you don't need to be responsible for the venue. Are you confident?"

Shi Zhihao didn't rush to agree, but instead asked, "Where is the advertisement for investment?"

"It's yours, and the commission is also yours."

"no problem!"

Shi Zhihao answered very decisively, Chu Qing nodded with a smile, then looked at Song Dawei and said, "Brother Wei, contact the president and ask him if he has a site for debt repayment or foreclosure of the factory building. I need to buy one. The price let him watch


Song Dawei promised that he knew about Chu Qing's plan to buy the venue in advance, but unfortunately, he never had the right opportunity and venue to start with.

Now that they plan to record this kind of indoor variety show, a fixed venue must be indispensable.

With rent money, it’s actually better to buy a piece of land by yourself, and shoot five or six variety shows, and the money will be earned back, and the rest will be net profit.

With the addition of these two talents, Chu Qing's heart is at the bottom.

Chu Qing directly held a video conference, and the goal for this year was also set.

Two movies, two web dramas, and two variety shows, "Run, Brother" also start!

Chu Qing has not set the goal of the theater chain, because no one knows what will happen to the theater chain after it opens.

And in the early stage, it definitely needs some publicity.

After the plan was finalized, Chu Qing was free.

As the Best Actor of the Golden Horse Award, Song Dawei immediately rejected him when ordinary film crews approached him.

And those good scripts are almost impossible to come by, so after Chu Qing arranged tasks and goals for others, he found that he seemed to have nothing to do.

He rubbed his chin, wondering why it took so long to announce the main task this time?

Just thinking about these messy things, Song Dawei opened the door and came in with a smile: "Qingzi, there is a music show, and I want you to be a judge!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing waved her hands again and again: "No, no, my qualifications are too low, what qualifications do I have to be a judge for others, when the time comes, I won't be scolded to death on the Internet, don't go, don't go"

"I'll give you [-] million!"


"One hundred million!"

"I suddenly figured it out. Being scolded by netizens is actually an indispensable part of every artist, but how can I avoid it? Come on, let's talk about the [-] million thing, um no, the show's matter"


Chu Qing thoughtfully took out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator and handed it to Song Dawei, while she drank mineral water herself.

Song Dawei sat on the sofa and began to talk eloquently.

Speaking of which, this music show is really unusual, to describe it in four simple words, rich and powerful!
The investor of this show is the son of a real estate tycoon. He is here to cross-border this time and wants to try the water.

It is said that his father gave him 20 billion, let him choose an industry to invest in, and gave him a year to let him develop, and this will determine his future!
It turned out that this guy was also a ruthless person, and he directly found, and cooperated with him. It would cost one billion yuan to create a program, select amateurs in it, and then use another billion yuan to package it!

To put it simply, this person is here to make stars!

Of course, these are what Song Dawei told him, and Song Dawei also heard what other people said, so I don't know if it's true or not.

But one thing is certain, that is, this variety show will definitely be a hit!
Because the people he invited are very important, Chu Qing naturally needless to say, the hottest newcomer in the past two years is backed by Zhang Sanli, and most people in the circle want to give some face.

He also invited Liu Wei, a famous singer in the circle, who can be said to be the originator of pop music.

And then Amy, a singer of the new generation, who has sold tens of millions of albums.

Chu Qing didn't like her style very much, but she didn't make her angry at all.

The last one, Little Heavenly King Xue Yiming!
Back then, it was claimed that one person supported the entire Chinese music scene!

Chu Qing was shocked when he saw this lineup. Among the four, he and the so-called Amy were obviously bastards.

Those two are the true gods.
(End of this chapter)

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