Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 281 Music Variety Show

Chapter 281 Music Variety Show
When Chu Qing saw the list of guests, she agreed directly.

Not because of anything else, but because the lineup is too powerful!
For a show with this lineup, no matter how bad it is, the flow rate cannot be low.

Seeing that Chu Qing agreed, Song Dawei directly contacted the program team to discuss the contract.

Only then did Chu Qing know that they had started preparing for this show last year, and they hadn't planned to invite Chu Qing in the first place.

It's just that the one they hired before was reported for smoking D, and it hasn't been released yet, so they contacted Chu Qing.

Chu Qing didn't pay much attention to it, after all, he gave him a lot of sincerity!

After settling down, Song Dawei, Chu Qing, and Yin Tao flew to Yanjing.

Yin Tao's current assistant to Chu Qing naturally follows Chu Qing, let alone Song Dawei's manager.

During this time, Chu Qing also plans to find two bodyguards for herself, preferably ones who can work part-time as drivers.

Now that he has become popular, he is often recognized when traveling, and once recognized, it is really not easy to leave. At this time, bodyguards are needed.

Arrived in Yanjing, came to the headquarters of, and signed a contract. Everything was so natural.

Today's Chu Qing is not a small character, she is always surrounded by people wherever she goes, like the situation when she was recording "Idol Has an Attitude", it will never happen again.

After waiting to sign the contract, the other party gave the script of the variety show.

Chu Qing took a look. The competition system is actually simple, that is, each selects sixteen people, and then sixteen to eight.

Four out of eight are selected, and then groups compete with each other to select the final four.

Four people entered the finals and selected the champion. The program process seemed very simple.

But at this time, the program group gave two plans.

One of them is the so-called welfare plan, which is to select the players they designate, and if they choose a player, they can get 50!

You know, each of them can choose 16 people.

If all the people selected by the program group are selected, it will be 800 million!

This number is not a small number for anyone.

Chu Qing was a little surprised, and thought, isn't this a rich second generation who plans to make a new debut?
Then it must be to select some capable people to come out. What is the purpose of the program group doing this?
But in an instant, Chu Qing understood that these bastards were planning to steal other people's resources!
They put some of their own people in, and then let the rich second generation spend money to support them. This group of people is quite shameless. Isn't this clearly a scam?This is called bullying laymen!

After thinking about it, Chu Qing still refused, and he decided to choose by himself.

The staff smiled and didn't say much, after all, Chu Qing was not something he could offend.

There is also a reason for Chu Qing's choice. It's not that he doesn't love money, but a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way.

Moreover, he didn't believe that this rich second generation would be so stupid. He dared to wade into the circle without a sensible person around him!

The recording of the program was unexpectedly fast. In mid-February, the recording began in Yanjing!
The recording time is expected to reach one month.

The program team provides professional makeup artists and stylists, and if you don't mind, they can also provide clothing.

Of course, Chu Qing didn't need clothes, because he had an endorsement, and all his clothes in the show were provided by the endorser.

But he still needs a makeup artist and a stylist, and the other three judges have their own professional teams.

There is only Chu Qing, the make-up artist who 'lives up to her original intention'!

No way, the makeup artist in his studio was transferred to the crew.
The audition for this program was actually completed last year. Nearly 300 people signed up, but in the end, less than [-] people passed the audition.

And they will select a total of 300 people from among the 64 people to advance.

It can also be said that time is tight and the task is heavy!

After the program recording started, Chu Qing met the other three for the first time.

Amy's posture is very low, and Chu Qing is the same. After all, they are both newcomers in the music industry.

Liu Wei's attitude is very friendly, especially for Chu Qing, he shows admiration.

The little heavenly king Xue Yiming is not very talkative, he just greeted them with a smile, and it can be seen that this person is not arrogant, but purely shy.

After waiting for the program to start recording, Chu Qing discovered that several of them were professional.

After all, Chu Qing is just a copywriter, and he doesn't know much about music. Among these people, even Amy is more professional than him.

After waiting for the show to start, most of the contestants who were selected also chose Liu Wei and Xue Yiming, which is the same as Chu Qing's choice of Zhang Sanli.

As far as the music industry is concerned, Liu Wei and Xue Yiming are undoubtedly the big backers. Joining their team and building a good relationship with them, maybe they will take off right away?

If Chu Qing himself planned to make a living in the music scene, then he would definitely choose to do so.

As a result, after one day of recording, Xue Yiming had three subordinates, and Liu Wei had five subordinates.

Chu Qing and Amy have no one under them. Chu Qing is fine, but Amy's face is a little uneasy.

When recording the next day, she frequently selected, as if casting a wide net.

Those contestants were quite sensible, and they all chose her, but gradually Chu Qing realized that something was wrong. Most of the contestants she selected were mediocre singing and good-looking people.

And as long as you pay attention, you can find that these people have obviously undergone systematic training, and it should be a systematic training.

Thinking of the welfare contract given by the program group before, Chu Qing understood.

But Chu Qing naturally didn't say anything, but was still recording the program every day.

After waiting for Xiao Tianwang and Liu Wei to have more than ten people, some people finally began to choose Chu Qing, and at this time Amy was almost full.

Most of Chu Qing's recruits were unwanted, but there were also two good candidates who chose Chu Qing on their own initiative.

Chu Qing felt that they absolutely had too much competition in the two teams, so they chose themselves!
But a good seedling is a good seedling, and Chu Qing is quite happy for them to join.

They are recording every day on this side, and on the other side, the program team has already edited the content of the first two episodes.

This program had been widely advertised before, after all, the guest lineup was very good, but now with the broadcast of the first episode, this program has directly become the most popular program on!

Seeing this, the program team hastily contacted the official again to step up publicity efforts again!

In fact, this kind of singing talent show has always been popular, but they didn't expect it to be as popular as it is now!

The number of online viewers exceeds 3000 million!
The click-through rate exceeded [-] million in one day, and the director of the program group almost grinned behind his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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