Chapter 282 The Theater
While the audience was still watching and the four instructors were choosing singers, Chu Qing and others had already started the singer battle!
The sixteen players under each of them played against each other in twos. After eight players were selected, they played against each other in twos, and four players were selected.

The team selected on the first day was the team of Little Heavenly King Xue Yiming.

It can be seen that he is really conflicted.

It's no wonder that all the players under him are of that kind of strength!

Before participating in the competition, they were either bar singers or music teachers, and they all graduated from professional music schools.

It can be said that taking out one casually is better than Chu Qing's basic skills.

To eliminate more than half of these people, it would definitely be difficult for Chu Qing himself.

But in the end Little Heavenly King gritted his teeth and selected four of them. After the end, he seemed to lose his strength.

The next day, it was time for Chu Qing to choose players, and it was easy for Chu Qing to choose.

He has the [Recognition] function enabled by the system!
Just turn on [Recognition] to watch their respective skill levels, and then pick out the ones with high skill levels and nice voices.

On the third day, when it was time for Amy to choose the players, she almost laughed them to death.

I saw that the singing of those people was average, but the storytelling was top-notch!
After singing on stage, I started to tell various stories during the tutor session.

"When I was young, my family was very difficult. My mother told me that the children of poor people should be able to head home early."

"I'm actually a left-behind child who grew up with my grandparents."

After hearing this, Chu Qing felt that these people were not here to sing, but to talk about cross talk, which was too funny!

When one of them said that he had not received higher education because he grew up in the countryside, Chu Qing couldn't help but say.

"I'm sorry, we don't take the blame in the countryside!"

"I also grew up in the countryside when I was a child, and later I was admitted to Huaxia Communication University"

"People can't blame their own reasons on the surrounding environment"

"Those children who study in the mountains don't even have all the textbooks, and some people still pass the 985 exam. So, if you can't, that's your own problem. Don't make those high-sounding excuses for yourself."

Chu Qing's words directly deceived the other party. You must know that Chu Qing has always appeared in front of everyone with a gentle and humble image.

Now that he suddenly said something like this, the other party was stunned.

Little Heavenly King and Liu Wei showed smiles, both of them are the same as Chu Qing, they are the kind of people who were not in good condition when they were young, and they got to where they are today with their own hard work.

So when they heard the man rambling for a long time, saying that their family conditions were not good and how pitiful they were, they were already very upset.

When he said that it was because he was in the countryside that he didn't receive a good education, he became even more upset.

If Chu Qing didn't speak just now, then the two of them planned to do so too.

However, after such an incident, the two of them obviously became closer to Chu Qing.

The man was ashamed by what Chu Qing said, but in the end Amy chose to let him advance.

Chu Qing looked at Amy indifferently, but didn't say much.

First, it's Amy's group, and people can choose whatever they like, and I can't control it.

Second, since Amy has collected the money, she has to listen to other program groups. If this is an order from the program group, Amy would not dare to refuse.

On the last day, we arrived at Liu Wei's group.

Liu Wei picked players very quickly, and he didn't feel reluctant.

He is old and has seen this kind of situation a lot, so he has long been used to it.

In the end, each group successfully selected four people.

Then, it's time for the competition between groups.

It was fair for Chu Qing to fight Amy, and Little Heavenly King to fight Liu Wei.

They also ushered in a short break, and the program team gave them a week to train their respective players.

In fact, Chu Qing has nothing to train, after all, in terms of professionalism, these people are almost enough to train themselves.

But Chu Qing also has his advantage, that is, he is an actor!
He can teach himself these players, what is camera sense, how to behave in a typhoon on stage, how to interact with the audience, and so on.

And these players are all studying very seriously, at least on the surface, after all, although Chu Qing is only a second-tier player, the popularity is too high, even if they make their debut, they can't afford to offend them!

Chu Qing trained them for three days, and then let them practice by themselves, in a euphemistic name, to give them some space.

Chu Qing brought Yin Tao and Song Dawei back to the Hutong restaurant. After all, the owner of the restaurant was kind to Yin Tao.

Now that Yin Tao is gone, the boss hired another guy.

Seeing Chu Qing and Yin Tao coming, the boss seemed very happy, and specially cooked a large table of dishes, all of which Yin Tao likes and Chu Qing often orders.

The boss called the waiter to greet the guests, while he and Chu Qing exchanged cups.

Chu Qing has a good impression of the shop owner. After all, in this kind of society, there are not many people who are willing to take the initiative to help others.

There are not many such bosses.

They ate and drank until very late, before Chu Qing left.

Song Dawei didn't drink tonight, and drove a few people to the reserved hotel, without talking all night.

The next day, Chu Qing and others came to the theater in Yanjing.

After arriving at the place, Chu Qing found out that the place has already started trial operation!
There were seven or eight graceful girls standing at the door, wearing clothes with [Bright Cinema] printed on them, actively distributing leaflets to passers-by.

Chu Qing could hear them selling from a long distance away.

"Sir, our cinema has just opened for trial operation. If you buy a 1000 yuan card now, we will give you an additional 1000 yuan viewing card, which is equivalent to 1000 yuan can be used as 2000 yuan tweed."

"Sir, during the soft opening period, all movie tickets are half price, and the price of popcorn drinks in the theater is also the same as that of the supermarket outside. Don't miss such a good opportunity."

Chu Qing smiled after hearing this, and she really did not find the wrong person, Jiang Shaoan is a talent.

Although the propaganda methods are a bit old, but looking at the status of these staff members, we can see the strength of the management staff.

Song Dawei was calling Jiang Shaoan, and within 2 minutes, Jiang Shaoan walked out of the theater. When he saw Chu Qing, he was surprised.

"Boss, you came just in time, I was just looking for you"

Chu Qing was a little puzzled when he heard it, but he looked at the staff members who were looking at him curiously, and said: "Let's go in and talk about it first."

Speaking of walking ahead, the theaters today are completely different from when Chu Qingnian came to see them.

As soon as I walked into the cinema, I saw two staff members checking tickets for the queuing audience and distributing 3D glasses.

(End of this chapter)

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