Chapter 283 Signing
Jiang Shaoan ignored the crowd, but led Chu Qing to stroll around the theater.

"Boss, our movie theater is a large movie theater with nine screening halls, which can accommodate enough people"

"In terms of the flow of people, we are close to a big shopping mall, which is also enough, but I think our supporting facilities are a little bit worse."

After Jiang Shaoan finished speaking, he led Chu Qing to the surrounding area.

"We only sell popcorn and snacks here. According to my idea, we can just get two vending machines here, and we don't need these at all."

"We haven't talked about peripheral products yet, and we can't sell any movie peripherals."

"Milk tea shop, Guoguoluo, etc., there are people next to us who opened it"

"The audience's thinking is that the ones sold outside must be cheaper than the ones sold in the cinema, so most of them are bought outside. Even if we open it, there will be no sales."

Chu Qing nodded frequently, thinking that what Jiang Shaoan said made sense.

"But the Food City is different! Boss, I think we should build a Food City here!"

"You don't need many, just a dozen or three specialty shops. We can find someone to do this position, or we can outsource it."

"The more people watching a movie, the more people waiting to enter the screening hall"

"Boss, you have also seen that the seats in our waiting area are not enough, so if we open the food court, the audience will have another place to wait."

"At that time, our food city can clearly mark the price to let the audience know that the food is not expensive, so that there will be an extra income."

Chu Qing thought about it, and really felt that Jiang Shaoan's words made sense.

"So Shaoan, please send a detailed plan copy to my mailbox. It happens that we are now in trial operation. If you want to get it done, get there early."

"You can set up another suggestion box to collect the needs of the audience. It doesn't matter if you send some movie tickets or something. After all, we serve the audience, and their opinions are very important to us."

Jiang Shaoan said with a smile: "The suggestion box was opened on the first day of trial operation, and I read it every night."

Song Dawei asked with a smile after hearing this: "Have you gained anything?"

"The audience reacted most to the fact that the location of our toilets is a little far away, and that the signs are not clear enough."

"There is definitely no way to adjust the location of the toilet, but I have already hired a professional to design the signage, and I can come up with a plan in about two days."

After Chu Qing heard this, she nodded in satisfaction, feeling more and more that the talents the system had found for her were extraordinary!
After wandering around the theater for a while, Chu Qing and the others left.

Chu Qing was somewhat nervous before, after all, the investment in [Bright Cinema] was too large.

But now he felt at ease, with Jiang Shaoan around, even if he didn't earn money, he couldn't afford it.

A few days later, Chu Qing returned to the program recording site again, but was surprised to find that in just a few days, the scene was re-arranged.

The whole venue looks more high-end, and there are many more conspicuous advertisements.

There was even some yogurt on the table in front of the four of them.

Chu Qing is also a person who has done variety shows, and she knew it at a glance. This must be the show's popularity. Many manufacturers directly set high prices and forced them to increase it!

Chu Qing naturally felt that it didn't matter, after all, everyone wanted to make money.

But Liu Wei's expression was a bit ugly, as if he cared about these things very much.

When Chu Qing and others started to put on makeup, he went to find the person in charge.

Chu Qing didn't know what they said, but after Liu Wei came back, his face became more gloomy.

Liu Wei was in the circle, but he was notoriously good-tempered. Seeing this, Chu Qing couldn't help being curious about what the two of them said to make Liu Wei angry like this.

He looked at the yogurt in front of him again, thinking that this is a normal advertisement placement, what's wrong?
However, although he was curious, he didn't ask. The relationship between the two of them hadn't reached that level, and even if it did, Chu Qing wouldn't do such annoying things with his EQ.

The program officially started recording soon. Today, there are a total of eight contestants, four of them are Chu Qing and four of Amy.

There are still a hundred public judges sitting in the audience today, and they will vote to select the two finalists.

The recording started soon, and the strength of Chu Qing's group was pretty good, and the two good seedlings among them were fully fired, plus the typhoon and camera movement that Chu Qing had trained them before.

These people played their best on the stage. Compared with before, the four members of Amy's team were not even a star.

But the other party was not in a hurry, and seemed confident.

Sure enough, when it came time for the public to vote, the opponent won!

If it wasn't for Chu Qing's face, Chu Qing might not be left alone in the end.

After the first round of competition, there was only one player left in the Chuqing team, and there were only three players left in the other team.

Then the four of them competed again. In the end, there was only one person left in Chu Qing's team, and there was only one person left in the other party. Today's recording is over.

Chu Qing was very satisfied with the result, but the players in Chu Qing's team were not.

Obviously, if it is really based on strength, then these places should be theirs!
They didn't dare to go to the program team, but came to find Chu Qing instead.

Chu Qing could only comfort them with a smile, and invited those eliminated contestants to join the studio.

The music department in their studio is still in a vacuum, so it's good to invite these two good seedlings to join.

Sure enough, as soon as they heard Chu Qing's suggestion, they immediately calmed down. After all, why didn't they make their debut?
What's more, there are not many singers in 'That's a big studio', and Chu Qing is a well-known songwriter in the industry, and she was originally a singer.

Wouldn't it be flattering to write a song for yourself casually?

The few people stopped complaining now, and Chu Qing happily called Song Dawei, and signed a contract with the three of them. From this day on, Chu Qing's studio can be regarded as having a singer.

As for the advanced player, Chu Qing didn't sign it, and he didn't come to look for it.

After all, this is a variety show on, and it’s popular now, so why did he join Chu Qing’s studio?

You know, even Chu Qing was actually promoted by, after all, his debut work at that time was "Idol Has an Attitude"!
So why can't I become the second Chu Qing?

Chu Qing also guessed his idea and agreed with it.

This society is like this, people go to high places, water flows to low places, and I can't stop others from climbing up.

However, not long after signing the contract, when Chu Qing was about to lead his new employees out for a meal, he was suddenly blocked by two strong men.

Chu Qing frowned subconsciously. He has martial arts skills. Just by looking at them, he knew that the two in front of him were Lianjiazi.

"Haha, Teacher Chu, let's enjoy the face and have a meal together."

At this time, a brisk voice came from behind the two strong men.

(End of this chapter)

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