Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 284 Prince Wang's Dinner Party

Chapter 284 Prince Wang's Dinner Party
The two big men separated one from the left and the other from the right, and a tall and thin young man walked out behind them.

This person has big eyes and is tall and thin. He was called a 'telephone pole' when he was a child.

He was wearing a white suit and a pair of brown crocodile leather shoes. Chu Qing had already guessed the other person's identity when he saw him for the first time. He should be the rich second generation!
The smile on Chu Qing's face was as gentle as ever, no matter who saw it, they would have a good impression.

He pretended not to know each other and smiled, "May I ask who you are?"

"Oh yes, we haven't met yet, let's get to know each other, my name is Wang Cong!"

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand. Chu Qing briefly shook hands with him and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Wang, but I'm a little embarrassed that you invited me to dinner when we met for the first time. In this way, I please"

After hearing this, Wang Cong waved his hands and said, "No, no, I am a person who never cares about money when making friends."

After speaking, he looked at Wang Cong and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, I admire you very much. To be honest, I am an investor in this program."

After hearing this, Chu Qing had a proper 'surprised' expression on his face.

At this moment, Chu Qing's actor-level acting skills were perfect.

The other party obviously enjoyed Chu Qing's expression at the moment, and smiled lightly: "Among the four mentors this time, you are the one I admire the most. That's why I thought, I will have a good chat with you when I have the opportunity."

Chu Qing saw that the other party was talking about it, so she nodded with a smile and said: "Then respect is worse than obedience."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at Song Dawei and the three singers who had just signed a contract, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Seeing this, Wang Cong waved his hand: "Everyone, I will treat you tonight. You must have fun eating and having fun!"

It was his words that Chu Qing was waiting for. Song Dawei was also a good person, and he had already led the three of them to thank him.

After everyone went out, they got into Wang Cong's stretched luxury car.

As soon as she got into the car, Chu Qing realized that Amy was there, and there was no one around her!
No agent or assistant is there.

Amy was obviously a little surprised when she saw Chu Qing, and then she looked a little embarrassed.

Chu Qing understood immediately when she saw this. After all, Wang Cong was such a wealthy son-in-law, how many female artists could refuse?

Their generation was influenced by TV dramas when they were young, and the idea of ​​marrying into a wealthy family has long been deeply involved.

Chu Qing didn't despise this. He always believed in what his father said, that is, everyone has their own way of life.

How people like to live is their own business, just take care of yourself.

After Chu Qing got into the car, Song Dawei was next, and then the three little ones.

The few of them don't have Chu Qing's acting skills, and they can't manage their expressions perfectly. Seeing Amy is there, they can't help but show a surprised expression.

This made Amy feel like she was sitting on pins and needles. Originally, tonight, she wanted to have a two-person world with Wang Cong.

At that time, give Wang Cong some more wine, and let him have a mess after drinking.

If this one wins the bid, won't she be a wealthy wife in the future?
She thought it was good, but Wang Cong said that she has an appointment tonight. She thought it was Wang Cong's scene, but she didn't expect it to be a date.
Wang Cong was the last one to get in the car. After he got in the car, the bodyguard closed the door, and within a few seconds, the car started slowly.

It was the first time for Chu Qing to ride in this kind of car, and it felt unexpectedly smooth. In the car, Wang Cong crossed his legs and chatted with Chu Qing with a smile.

It was only after they chatted that Chu Qing learned that Wang Cong's plan was not just to make a few young singers popular, but to start his own studio, just like Chu Qing, to develop in all aspects!
He came to invite Chu Qing to dinner this time, not without purpose, the main reason was to know why Chu Qing was able to be so successful!
To be honest, the studio founded by Chu Qing is now very famous in the industry, because since the establishment, he has almost never made a mistake in investment, and almost every investment is original by himself, and the copyright is in his hands.

Whether it is a singer, actor, director, screenwriter, copyright is very important, because it means his value.

That's the hen that lays the golden eggs!
Moreover, they are not the kind of people who watch the hen squeezed to death.

Their copyrights are also sold to the outside world. For example, "Love Apartment", they sold it when it was the hottest.

As for the follow-up Waterloo, it is entirely due to the buyer himself. After all, something that is good in other people's hands is not good after you buy it, so who can blame it?

After waiting for the group to arrive at the restaurant, Chu Qing and Song Dawei were fine, but the three little ones couldn't help showing a somewhat shocked expression.

The place where Wang Cong took everyone to eat was the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse!
It can be regarded as one of the best in Yanjing, but after Chu Qing saw it, she thought in her heart that she must bring Yin Tao over to eat once then.

Chu Qing didn't bring Yin Tao with her when recording the show today, and she didn't have a friend in Yanjing, so she was given a vacation today to see her friends.

When everyone arrived at the door, a staff member was already waiting. This person also had a gentle smile on his face, which looked exactly like Chu Qing's.

This made the expression on Chu Qing's face slightly stiff. After everyone came to the box, the staff began to serve the food.

The three little eyes widened even further. If they hadn't forced themselves to suppress themselves and wanted to behave better in front of Chu Qing and Wang Cong, they would have been unable to control their desire to take pictures and post them on Moments.

Amy looked calm on the surface, but Chu Qing still noticed her eyes.

There is a kind of ambition in those eyes!
The way she looked at Wang Cong was like wanting to eat him alive!

Although Chu Qing is more handsome than Wang Cong, he is also more talented than him, and he is even younger and richer.

But when it comes to family background, even ten Chu Qings or a hundred Chu Qings are not as rich as Wang Cong!
So in Amy's eyes, there was no place for Chu Qing at all.

Didn't she work so hard to get to this position just to marry into a wealthy family?

Now the opportunity is in front of me, whether I can grasp it is up to me!

Thinking of this, she laughed inwardly. Among so many artists, Wang Cong chose herself, and she was the only female mentor. Doesn't this also mean that Wang Cong has some thoughts about herself?
At that time, it's normal for you to love me, right?

Chu Qing didn't have that much thought, and asked after waiting for the dishes to come.

"Mr. Wang, I'm really hungry, can I eat?"

Wang Cong was startled when he heard this, and then he smiled and said, "Of course, we're here for dinner, right?"

After speaking, he was the first to pick up the chopsticks and started eating.

He treats guests today, and it's not good for others to move chopsticks first if he doesn't start.

Sure enough, as soon as he moved the chopsticks, Chu Qing and the others lost their scruples, and the chopsticks fell like flying.

(End of this chapter)

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