Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 287: I've got something wrong!

Chapter 287: I've got something wrong!
The movie "Play Back To School" can be said to be the masterpiece of Master Xing.

With this movie, Master Xing also killed the Quartet, and even made a series of follow-up movies.

In fact, if a movie is successful or not, you will know if there is a sequel.

Often an investor can't stand a movie without market support, let alone shoot a sequel.

When filming old movies of that era, Chu Qing was actually a little worried about the audience, whether the audience would accept it.

After all, the plots that seemed relatively novel at the time now seem a bit clichéd. When people watch old movies, they are mostly out of feelings.

It's like when many people eat, they will open "Wulin Biography" and "Love Apartment".

They have read the content more than 800 times, but when they have nothing else to read, they will still find them to read. This is called feelings.

At this moment, the shooting location, procedures, scenery props, etc. have all been prepared.

The only difference is that the actors are still communicating. The leading actor in this movie is Duan Peng.

Chu Qing proved his promise to Duan Peng at the beginning, when resources are not enough, he will first make himself famous.

But when the resources are sufficient, he will praise Duan Peng, and if he is not popular, he will insist on it!
In order to take care of Duan Peng's height, the audience will not be obtrusive during the filming. This time, almost all the actors from top to bottom are over 1.7 meters!

Originally, the role of the heroine was going to be cast by a second-tier female artist, but now it is saved.

After Chu Qing and his group arrived at the set, Chu Qing introduced Han Jie to them, and then found a gap to talk about the situation with Han Jie alone.

Han Jie's arrangement for Chu Qing was meaningless, not to mention that Chu Qing arranged for an actor, even if Chu Qing arranged for a tuoxiang, he would have no objection!

Chu Qing talked about her identity as an actress, then her relationship with Wang Cong, and didn't say much else.

The reason why she specifically mentioned Wang Cong was because Chu Qing wanted Han Jie to look at her.

Don't be nosy with other people in the crew, when the filming is over, Wang Cong will have several hats on his head.

Originally, I wanted to have a good relationship with Wang Cong, so don't keep dying!

When they arrived at Hai K, it was considered to be in Chu Qing's territory. The female artist stayed on the set directly, while Chu Qing took Wang Cong to play for two days, and the friendship between the two was also concluded.

After getting familiar with it, I can speak a lot more straightforwardly.

After being drunk once, Wang Cong said that now many people are waiting to see his jokes. They all say that he is a prodigal son, that he is rich because of his father, and he just wants to prove that he can do it with his own strength!
After he finished speaking, he still looked at Chu Qing with some envy, saying that Chu Qing was very powerful and started such a family business from scratch. At that time, his father often used Chu Qing as an example to teach him.

Chu Qing just smiled awkwardly after hearing this, it's really hard to answer such words.

Then I saw Wang Cong get up, and said proudly, after this talent show, he will have a singer!
After the filming is done, he has actors!
At that time, it will be the day when his studio will be established. He will be a blockbuster, and like Chu Qing, he will bloom everywhere!
But Chu Qing wondered, do you have any misunderstanding about the term "blossom everywhere", I am a film producer, um no, I am a filmmaker!What is this blooming everywhere?

Half a month passed quickly, and it was the final of the show!
What Chu Qing didn't expect was that the finals would be turned into a concert, and besides the contestants, mentors like them also had to go up and sing a song.

At that time, there will still be some players who have been eliminated but are highly popular. They will also participate in the concert, but they will not be counted in the vote.

After seeing the list, Chu Qing laughed. All the program crew had placed the eliminated people.

After this incident, Chu Qing realized that really didn't want any face at all!

In order to support my family, I really took great pains.

This is to catch someone who has been taken advantage of, use it to death!
Chu Qing thought, if Wang Cong finds out about this, will these people still have good fruit to eat?

But Chu Qing was thinking too much, and Wang Cong is not a fool, how could he not see these things, but Wang Cong didn't have a seizure.

Chu Qing finished her makeup, wore a slim suit, and sat on a chair in the actor's passage.

Next to him is Amy, and Xiaotianwang and Liu Wei are in another actor channel.

The sequence of performances is that Liu Wei started, then Amy, then Chu Qing, and finally Xiaotianwang ended.

After the four of them finished performing, the contestants began to perform.

There are also many audiences in the audience today, almost ten thousand people!
It can also be regarded as a concert of good scale, following the direction of the on-site director.

Fireworks splashed, and the figure of the host appeared on the stage.

"Welcome! Everyone is welcome to come to our "Sonic Boom China" concert!"

"Our Today"

The two hosts began to introduce today's game rules and read some commercials.

Chu Qing felt a little bit amused watching this scene, after all, there must not be many people who can read commercials at the concert.

After the host's introduction, Liu Wei appeared.

He sang one of his famous songs, and the audience didn't react very strongly because Liu Wei was a bit old.

His famous songs were all made more than 30 years ago. Many of the audience at the scene were not 30 years old, so there was almost no resonance for them to listen to this kind of song.

Seeing this, Chu Qing wondered if Liu Wei did it on purpose because of the yogurt endorsement two days ago.

Of course, it is also possible that I judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Amy looked a little nervous. She couldn't sit still when Liu Wei was singing. After all, the venue made Liu Wei a little cold, and she was singing high songs. It would not be easy to heat up the venue soon.

But it's useless to be anxious, a song is only four or five minutes long, and Liu Wei's song is over in a blink of an eye, and it's time for her to appear on stage.

The host at the scene was already introducing Amy's name, and she could only forcefully suppress her inner tension and play under the command of the staff.

"Hello, audience friends at the scene!"

Amy yelled as soon as she entered the stage, but the audience in the audience reacted flatly.

This made Amy's heart skip a beat, wondering what happened to the audience today?Are you all so inconsistent?
But the music had reached the rhythm point, she still started to sing, and wanted to interact with the audience during the period, but the audience didn't pay any attention to her, and Chu Qing, who was watching, awkwardly buckled a two-bedroom one-living room with her feet!
Amy's face was a little red, not knowing whether it was because of the heat or shame.

Chu Qing had already got up, and used the three item cards in his hand silently.

You can't, you have to be brother, brother has something to do! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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