Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 288 "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"

Chapter 288 "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"

Within a few minutes, Amy finished singing a song, and the host felt a little embarrassed.

Hastily stepped onto the stage to make a rescue, and at the same time began to introduce Chu Qing.

"The next one to play is the youngest of our four mentors! Not only is he well-known in the music industry, but he has also won the title of Best Actor in the film industry!"

When the audience heard this, they somewhat became more energetic. After all, Chu Qing's popularity was really high.

"Let's welcome with applause! Chu Qing!"

The applause from the audience was still sparse, thanks to the two people in front of them, who completely chilled the place.

The host stepped off the stage, and Chu Qing slowly went up in the elevator in the staff passageway, and appeared in the center of the stage.

But he was different from the previous two, he didn't sing directly, but laughed.

"Today, I bring you a new song. I haven't released this new song yet. It can be said that you are the first listeners to hear this song."

"I hope everyone will like it, the name of the song is, "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"!"

When Chu Qing said this, the audience became more or less interested. Is he the first audience?That's pretty good.

"the brightest star in the night sky"

"Can you hear?"

"The one who looks up"

"Loneliness and sighs in my heart"

Chu Qing's slightly deep voice spread throughout the venue through the microphone.

As soon as the voice came out, many people who heard Chu Qing's songs for the first time were completely stunned.

Listening to the scene is completely different from listening to the MV, not only the atmosphere is different, but the effect is also different!
Chu Qing's voice can be called a human-shaped speaker, and with the bonus of three prop cards, just one mouth, directly stunned the audience.

Even Liu Wei and Amy, who had just stepped off the stage, suddenly looked in the direction of the stage.

It was the first time for the two of them to hear Chu Qing sing live. Only after listening to it did they know why the program group invited Chu Qing to be a judge. It was really wonderful!

Little Heavenly King also narrowed his eyes. Apart from Chu Qing's voice, he also cared about Chu Qing's lyrics.

He is an original musician himself, so he is particularly interested in originality.

"I pray to have a transparent heart"

"And Eyes That Weep"

"Give me the courage to believe again"

"oh beyond lies to hug you"

There seemed to be a magical power in Chu Qing's singing, which made people fascinated by it as soon as they heard it, and stopped involuntarily, wanting to hear him finish singing.

This kind of feeling is like going to a teahouse and listening to storytellers. The wonderful stories make people linger and forget to return.

"Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence"

"Whenever I'm Lost in the Night"

"oh~ the brightest star in the night sky"

"Please direct me to you"

All the audience fell silent, which made the director a little confused.

Originally, he could understand Liu Wei's silence when he sang, let alone these young people, even he, who is in his 40s, was a little confused when he heard Liu Wei sing.

Your song "Grinding the Scissors" is too old-fashioned!
Then when Amy appeared on the stage, the director could see that she had tried her best.

In a word, she also wants to heat up the scene, but her strength does not allow it!

When it came to Chu Qing, how could the audience be so quiet with such a good song?
Could it be that the listeners this time belong to the kind who don't have the ability to appreciate music?
Seriously, I don't understand you buying a fart concert ticket!

The director secretly slandered, Chu Qing on the stage naturally didn't know what he was thinking, and continued to sing with all his attention.

"I'd rather keep all the pain in my heart"

"I don't want to forget your eyes"

"Give me the courage to believe again"

"oh beyond lies to hug you"

Waiting for Chu Qing to sing the chorus for the second time, the audience in the audience woke up from the dream of singing that Chu Qing had compiled, and began to wave their light sticks one after another, and some even began to sing along in a low voice.

Although they can't remember the lyrics, they still remember the melody somewhat.

The director only breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene. If it has been lifeless, how will it be edited in the later stage?Fortunately, these audiences can be regarded as 'alive'!

"Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence"

"Whenever I'm Lost in the Night"

"oh~ the brightest star in the night sky"

"oh please light me up"

After waiting for the whole song to be sung, Chu Qing bowed to the audience, then waved his arms twice.

"I hope everyone can get used to my new song! Thank you, thank you for coming tonight!"

Only then did the audience react, and they all shouted Chu Qing's name.

"Chu Qing! Chu Qing!"

"One more song!"

"Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing! Let's play another song!"

Hearing the voices of the audience, Chu Qing smiled and waved his hands, the elevator started, and his figure slowly fell like a staff passageway.

Amy in the background looked confused, thinking, is this a place that people can control?

Why was it so embarrassing when I went up, and the audience cheered when you went up and down the stage?
Is there a mistake?Could it be that the audience doesn't like my youthful and beautiful girl genre anymore?
If Chu Qing hears this, Chu Qing must ask her, you are almost thirty, you have something to do with a young and beautiful girl!Aunt!

When the host came to the stage this time, he was finally no longer embarrassed, and the atmosphere at the scene became warmer.

They first praised Chu Qing's performance just now, and then repeated the rules for tonight.

While the enthusiasm of the audience has not subsided, the next little heavenly king is introduced!
Little Heavenly King's influence in the music industry is very exaggerated. Even if Chu Qing is so popular now, he still cannot compare to him.

The audience started cheering just by hearing his name.

Of course, part of the credit must have been due to Chu Qing's warming up the scene.

Amid the applause and cheers of the audience, the little heavenly king Xue Yiming appeared on the stage.

What he sang tonight was his most popular song, and the audience listened to the screams, with a crazy appearance.

Chu Qing could see clearly in the employee passageway that Little Heavenly King's voice condition could only be considered pretty good, definitely not top-notch.

The typhoon is also relatively average, but the audience is very convinced.

Chu Qing summed it up, and finally came to the conclusion that she has a charismatic personality!
Little Heavenly King has a personality charm, and it is this personality charm that makes his fans so crazy.

After the four of them finished performing, it was finally time for the contestants to perform on stage.

After Chu Qing and Little Heavenly King's heat, the scene has reached a peak, and now even if the dog comes out with a dog and barks twice, it can still get applause from the audience!
The players played one by one, and their performances were good and bad.

The final champion candidate is undoubtedly the one brought by Amy.

After seeing the other party win the championship, Chu Qing even wanted to laugh a little, look, how good it is to be a capital.

Say you can do it, you can do it, and you can’t do it!

(End of this chapter)

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