Chapter 289
At this point, the music program "Sound Shocking China" is over.

Chu Qing's [-] million, earned it!By the way, three artists were also accepted.

As for the one he brought to the finals, he also wanted to join Chu Qing's studio after losing.

But Chu Qing didn't want it, and instead recommended him to Wang Cong.

This made both parties very grateful. The player felt that Chu Qing had given him a better chance, at least a better chance to make money.

Wang Cong felt that Chu Qing gave himself a powerful singer, which was to save face.

At the end of the show, Wang Cong took people back to the studio, and began to create a tailor-made album for these people, which must be a hit.

Chu Qing returned to the studio and began to think about how to become capital faster!
To be honest, Chu Qing was a little stimulated to participate in the program of this time.

It's not that he has a sense of justice and feels that this show is unfair, and those with strength lose to those with background.

Why should the efforts of several generations of people lose to your so-called ten-year cold window?
He was just thinking, when can he become such a big capital!

Let whoever goes up, go up, let whoever goes down, go down!
Chu Qing has always been like this. When he participates in competitions, he doesn't care what the other party says.

Others shouted it was unfair, unfair, but he was thinking in his head, when could he do the same and become a shady man!

Now the studio has grown a lot, and it has blossomed in web dramas, TV dramas, movies, and variety shows.

But it's not enough for Chu Qing, he still needs newcomers!
And this time recruited three singers, he plans to develop in music.

Anyway, this time is equivalent to [-] million for nothing. The money is used to cultivate artists, and then artists make money, and money makes money.
After Chu Qing came back, the crew of "Play Back To School" officially started filming.

This time Chu Qing didn't play, this movie was made just to praise Duan Peng, and of course, it was also to make money.

Han Jie's ability to train actors is very good, and the one Wang Cong sent was trained very well.

I was very serious when I was filming, and I was originally playing a role like a vase, but it was also very good.

The progress of the production team is also very fast. On the other side, Han Jie's two elementary school brothers each spent 100 million to shoot an ancient micro-movie.

After Chu Qing saw it, she thought it was really good, and she put her heart into it.

He directly hired a big director to shoot costume dramas.

Let the two of them be the assistant directors and learn from the big director. After the filming of this TV series, the two of them will take the lead.

This made the two of them very excited, as if they wanted to work hard for Chu Qing.

After all, this is the kindness of knowing you!
Chu Qing discussed with Song Dawei to recruit artists!Amateur!Both!

Chu Qing bought another office building in Haik, which will be converted into a training building by him.

He plans to recruit a group of artists and train a group of newcomers, just like those other big media companies!
On the other side, Xiao Xianrou also plans to cultivate some, anyway, the most indispensable thing in the country is good-looking ones.

Choose ten or eight good-looking ones, some talented in music and dance, and send them to Bangzi Country to study for two years to be gilded, and they will earn money when they come back.

In this era where traffic is king, these idol cultures are faster than stealing money!

Just jump around casually, jump up and down, and you can earn money that no one else can earn in a lifetime.

Since you want to become capital, you must not let this aspect go!

When Song Dawei heard Chu Qing's plan, he slapped his thigh and agreed.

He had actually thought about it before, but he never had a good channel, and now that Chu Qing was planning to do the same, he had to expand the channel.

However, he was also a little worried, because now the trick of Xiao Xianrou had been played to pieces.

He was afraid that after his company's fresh meat was cultivated, the audience would no longer like it.

Chu Qing didn't care about this, because he had a big killer in his hand.

Who is the biggest audience of Xiaoxianrou?Rotten girl!
When the time comes, there will be a "Chen Qing Ling", and these people won't take it every minute?There is no need to worry at all.

It doesn't matter if the old rotten girl doesn't like it anymore, isn't there still a little rotten girl?

After Song Dawei heard this, he immediately started to contact the channels of Bangziguo. On the other hand, he began to think about where to choose some good-looking young meat.

Chu Qing himself would definitely not act in these dramas, and he didn't want to ruin the reputation he had gained with great difficulty on these dramas.

In fact, he doesn't quite understand what the so-called rotten girl thinks, and why she likes that tune.

"Sonic Boom China" became popular on the Internet, and even on Shaking Hands, many people started posting videos of this variety show, and some contestants directly started the Shaking Hands live broadcast to cash in on their fame.

Even the three people signed by Chu Qing's studio have a certain degree of enthusiasm on Shaking Hands, and they will shoot some videos and post them on it regularly, but Chu Qing didn't let them broadcast live now.

This made the three of them feel a little complicated. They were afraid that they would lose their enthusiasm after a while, and that they would not be able to earn money if they wanted to.

Those who were in the same period as them are now earning a lot of money from live broadcasting. There is a group among them, and now some people are showing off the sports car they just bought in the group.

Everyone is the same age, they are also envious, and they also want to drive a sports car!

But Chu Qing had her own plans, wondering what those people were, she only knew that playing with her current fame was really low level.

Chu Qing directly hired a filming team, and also invited two planners, directly set up the characters for the three, and then started to confront each other.

At the same time, on Weibo, Shaking Hands and other platforms, the news of the three people's discord was released, and then they started to operate, making it look like the three of them had already fought in private.

Then, start a live broadcast and guide fans to start a scolding battle!
The three of them directly looked online, like you without me!

This is on the Internet, and few people have played it yet.

Countless people who eat melons have watched it, and they have seen enough of the kind of hello, me, everyone, Lianmai, and this kind of mutual rivalry between colleagues is obviously more exciting!
The three of them refused to accept each other, what should they do in the end?It's simply more popular than popularity, swiping gifts, whoever has more gifts is the big brother.

What happened next, needless to say, in just two or three days, the three of them became popular at an extraordinary speed.

That money is really easy to earn, even after the studio takes a cut, the rest still makes them jealous.

The three of them had fun in the end, and they all got involved in the drama. On the Internet, they even looked like they were both rubbish, so why should they be juxtaposed with themselves.

And Chu Qing, who was watching silently and controlling all this, began to think again, not just praising fresh meat, praising Internet celebrities is also a means!
(End of this chapter)

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