Chapter 290 New Mission

Thinking of Chu Qing at this level, she began to plan to directly set up a department to be responsible for training internet celebrities!
After all, it's not a gift they give to someone, so why don't they earn the money themselves?
When I thought about it, I did it. It happened that when Chu Qing was promoting these three young singers, he hired a team. This time, he simply used this team as the framework and started to expand!
As for the three young singers, Chu Qing planned to let them become Internet celebrities first, and it seemed that the three of them also enjoyed it. After all, who doesn't like to make money?
But in today's society, live broadcasts come in too quickly. You can see the benefits when you broadcast live on the same day.

They earn 10,000+ a day, and earn 10,000+ in two, how much is it a month?How many people can refuse this harvest?
In the face of money, the dreams, ideals, etc. that they talked about on the stage at the beginning have been forgotten by their family members and veterans.

Of course, this does not mean that Chu Qing will give up on them.

On the contrary, Chu Qing will also increase investment in them, such as finding well-known songwriters in the industry to tailor a single for them, and then make an album or something. Will they be able to get up by then? Will they continue to be Internet celebrities? If they really become a singer, it depends on themselves.

After all, Chu Qing herself also came out of being an Internet celebrity.

He is a role model on this road. Whether these three people plan to follow their own path or continue to enjoy a daily income of 10,000+ depends on them.

At the same time, Chu Qing also asked the live broadcast team to start contacting the manufacturer, and then directly start bringing the goods.

Still the same sentence, you have to buy it anyway, so why doesn't Chu Qing earn the money?

For Chu Qing, who wanted to become a capital, playing these games was still a bit low-level, and the money he got was still a bit small.

Unless two people are really awarded, similar to the two kings of goods in the previous life, only when they reach that status can they be regarded as high-level players.

Chu Qing was planning to make a lot of money, but the main task of the system was announced unexpectedly.

"Dididi, the main task will be announced! The host is asked to make a movie with an investment of 100 million! The task requires that the box office exceed the investment by a hundred times!"

"As a reward for the mission, one of the skills that the host possesses will be raised to level [-] immediately!"

Chu Qing swallowed her saliva. This task is really difficult. An investment of 100 million requires a profit of more than [-] times, that is to say, the profit must exceed [-] million!

This is simply ridiculous, 100 million is not enough to hire actors, and it is even a question of whether it can make up nine or ten minutes of the movie.

Didn't I give ten luck points to my last mission?Why can't you see the yarn at all?

But I have to say, that task reward is really tempting!

For so long, Chu Qing has seen Zhang Sanli's acting skill with the highest level, which is only over level 30. Now, the system will upgrade Chu Qing's existing skills to level [-]!
Level [-] or above is considered an advanced skill, so what is level [-]?Perfect?

At that time, if one of my [Piano], [Director], and [Acting Skills] is upgraded to level [-], will I still be a god?

Thinking of this, Chu Qing became excited again, and suddenly thought of a way to turn the system around.

My company is now recruiting newcomers, so I can use all the newcomers, and then have zero pay, only the kind of monthly salary.

Then I don’t need salary, camera, etc., and all use newcomers, the lower the price, the better, the same is true for post-production and so on.

Just as Chu Qing was thinking, a panel suddenly appeared in front of him, with a row of blue numbers on it, 1000000!

He knew it without guessing, this should be his available balance.

As for what type to shoot, there is no need to think about it. At this price, there are only two types that can be photographed.

The first type, narrative film!

The most common ones are "This Man From Earth", "Hello, Madman", "Twelve Angry Men" and the Chinese version of "Twelve Citizens".

The investment in these films is not large, and the main content is a group of people gathering together to tell a story. There is no requirement for the venue, but there is a requirement for the acting skills of the actors.

But Chu Qing directly ruled out this plan for a simple reason.

It is easy for this kind of movie to win awards, but the box office is often terribly dismal.

And the second type is horror movies!
This is also the genre that Chu Qing intends to shoot. Horror films are a very magical category. It has a high upper limit and lower limit, and it is full of inclusiveness.

The most exaggerated is "Ghost Story", which can be called a legend.

The total investment is about 13 Huaxia coins, but the total income is about [-] billion Huaxia coins!
If you use him as a comparison, the conditions set by the system for yourself can be regarded as an open side of the net.

But unfortunately, Chu Qing felt that this movie might not be very popular in China.

Because there are different cultural differences between the East and the West, especially when it comes to horror movies and romance movies, there is a huge difference.

So Chu Qing still planned to choose a movie that was affordable in China and had a relatively small investment.

After thinking hard for a long time, he finally came up with a book, "Chain Saw"!
In fact, in terms of box office, "Saw" is no match for "Ghost Story".

But the good thing about this IP is that it has the potential for continuous development!

But it's a pity that in China, if these two movies want to be released in cinemas, it may be a little troublesome, especially after the new regulations come out.

Ghosts are not allowed in the movie, and if there are any, they must be ancient ghosts of the kind who are talented and beautiful.

If it's the revenge type, it has to end up being a psychotic hypothesis, or something like that.

Even in many half-shot movies before, the ghosts and gods in the play had to be changed to aliens.

So much so that the audience didn't seem to be smooth, and they cursed when they got out of the movie theater.

It is also because of this that Chu Qing gave up "Ghost Shadows", at least for now.

As for how many shots of "Chain Saw" can be left, it depends on Song Dawei's stomach. Anyway, he must not drink less wine.

Now that the shooting target was decided, Chu Qing began to work on her own. In one night, she wrote the script and drew the sub-shots at the same time.

Although the painting is relatively general, it is enough to express the meaning clearly.

Chu Qing sent it to Song Dawei as soon as he finished writing the script, wanting to know Song Dawei's opinion.

Song Dawei has been researching the channel of Xiaoxianrou to Bangziguo for the past two days, and he is very busy outside. After reading Chu Qing's new script, he called him directly.

"Hey, Viagra, how's my new script?"

"Chu Qing, tell me the truth, do you feel depressed now? Did something happen to you?"

"No, don't be depressed, what's wrong, brother?"

"A person with no problems in his heart can come up with this kind of book and so many methods of torture? Qingzi, mental illness is also a disease, and it needs to be treated. Don't be afraid, brother knows a very reliable psychiatrist. "


(End of this chapter)

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