Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 291 1 earns 1 million!

Chapter 291 One million earns one hundred million!

Chu Qing explained for a long time before finally convincing Song Dawei that he had nothing wrong with his mind. He just wanted to use 100 million yuan to make a movie that could earn [-] million yuan!

After Song Dawei heard about Chu Qing's goal, he no longer doubted whether Chu Qing had a mental problem, but instead wondered whether Chu Qing had a mental problem.

Earning 100 million with [-] million is like a joke!
Chu Qing could only explain again, Song Dawei didn't understand much, but in the end he still chose to believe in Chu Qing, after all Chu Qing proved his strength with his amazing record, as long as it was a movie he made, he would not be compensated.

Besides, 100 million is only pocket money for Song Dawei, so what if he loses it?
After discussing with Song Dawei, the plan was decided.

I don't need to think about the actors for now, the main thing to consider is publicity!

After all, for a movie, publicity is the big head!

The total investment for promotion of many films exceeds 4000 million yuan. In fact, only 6000 million yuan was used to shoot the film, and the remaining [-] million yuan was used for publicity. This shows the importance of publicity.

And Chu Qing can't do it, he only has 100 million investment, and his own publicity is okay, it's equivalent to white P, but it's definitely not enough to go to other places for publicity!
Even if people give themselves face, they have to make sense of it.

And the funds given to him by the system are not enough at all to be meaningful twice.

Chu Qing could only think of some other ways. After thinking about it for a long time, he thought of a way, that is to make a challenge!
Initiate challenges directly on Shaker and Weibo, saying that you want to challenge to earn 100 million with [-] million!

With her current popularity and the gimmick of this title, Chu Qing believes that she will definitely be able to publicize it!
At that time, I will use some props in the system by myself, and I don't believe that the promotion will not be open!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing laughed, like a little fox who had stolen a hen.

After making a plan, let's start to implement it!
Chu Qing spent some drawings of props and contacted the prop factory to make them. The shooting location is easy to get. Their company already has two large warehouses, which can be used after renovation.

Just like that, Chu Qing watched helplessly as the number on her system changed from 1000000 to 900000.

10 yuan just disappeared without a sound!And the filming hasn't even started yet.

Finally, on April [-]st, all the procedures for "Saw" were completed, and Chu Qing began to choose actors.

They now have more than a dozen artists in the studio, most of them are those who need training and have a guaranteed monthly salary of [-].

They have to receive at least one to two years of training before they can make their debut. Of course, good performance is another consideration.

And Chu Qing planned to choose actors here.

It is one thing to plan to train newcomers, and the other is to try to be cheap
On the one hand, the selection of actors, on the other hand, Chu Qing has already recorded a small video on his Weibo and Doushu, the video is only more than a minute long.

The content is also very simple, which means that starting from April, I will challenge to use only 100 million to shoot a movie!All expenses are open and transparent, and my goal is that the box office of this movie breaks through [-] million!

Chu Qing is very popular now, especially before the broadcast of "Sound Shocking China", as one of the four mentors, he even took advantage of the popularity of the show.

As soon as the video was made public, it actually made it to the top three in Shaking Hands!

In just one afternoon, more than 4000 million people watched it. Chu Qing himself did not expect the effect to be so good.

Then his Weibo fell, and countless netizens poured into Weibo one after another.

But no matter what kind of person, Chu Qing welcomes them very much. For him, this is traffic and publicity!
So Chu Qing directly posted on Weibo the 10 yuan he spent on making props and setting up the venue, and also made a bill showing that he had 90 yuan left.

In fact, many people thought that Chu Qing was joking before, but after reading the bill, they realized that Chu Qing was serious!

He really planned to use 100 million to shoot a movie, and he also asked for the movie's box office to exceed [-] million!
Now, quite a few 'brothers' in the circle stood up one after another, expressing that Chu Qing was just talking about his dreams, wanting to make money and going crazy.

Chu Qing really doesn't care about this at all, but welcomes it very much. After all, this is also a hot topic for him!

"Hehehe, young and frivolous are young and frivolous after all, use 100 million to earn [-] million. I can only say that your advertising campaign is very successful. Even if you don't earn [-] million in the end, there is no loss. Take us all for fools!"

"Jumping clown, grandstanding, these eight words are the best evaluation of you!"

"I didn't think about it so much, I'll put it here, if he really spends 100 million to shoot a movie and makes [-] million, I will run around Yanjing L, and then eat three catties on my head! After eating, I knelt down and sang Conquest!"

"The current Internet is really getting worse and worse, can't we get some positive energy? How come all kinds of cats and dogs can come up?"

There are a lot of such smearing comments on the Internet. Anyway, they say that they don’t have to pay anything, but they can get a lot of traffic. Why not do it?

As for worrying that Chu Qing would really do it and slap them in the face, how could that be possible?

A fan of 'Understanding Brother' asked this question before, but 'Understanding Brother' replied directly, the chances of that are less than that of me being the leader of martial arts!
This sentence also spread quickly, and even formed a new meme, and that Brother Tang was also affectionately called the leader of the martial arts by netizens.

Of course, Chu Qing's fans were not vegetarians either. After they finished commenting on Chu Qing, Chu Qing's fans rushed over and greeted the other party's mother in a cordial and friendly manner with a radius of [-] generations.

The two sides fought so hard, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, Chu Qing's fans are really not bragging.

Those are all so-called full-fire little sprayers!

In addition, Chu Qing now has 700 million fans on Weibo, most of whom are women in their teens and twenties. This is the time when their fighting power will explode.

Discredit Chu Qing in front of them, and they will use the keyboard to teach each other how to behave.

Chu Qing didn't care what others said, but had already started to choose actors.

But what makes Chu Qing feel a little regretful is that most of the young actors are not qualified.

The reason they were not qualified was that their looks were too high!

Chu Qing felt that the audience would perform when they saw them, and there was nothing he could do about it. When selecting actors and entertainers, they tried to choose some good-looking ones.

After all, even if these people can't improve their acting skills, they can still be used as vases. I didn't expect that when I really use people now, I can't find two who can support the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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