Chapter 292

In the end, Chu Qing just picked a decent female artist and asked her to play the heroine.

The female artist is so excited, Chu Qing is sure, at this time, he only needs to hook his fingers
Speaking of it, Chu Qing is actually more difficult than the crew in the previous life. The other party has at least 120 million US dollars in investment, while he only has 100 million Huaxia coins. This is almost a ten-fold gap!

In the previous life, due to the extremely tight budget, it took only 23 days from preparation to filming, and even the actors did not rehearse.

Director Wen Ziren even gave up his salary and only took dividends.

And Chu Qing didn't even have a hair. Fortunately, the system is not bad, and he didn't include all the fees for his formalities, otherwise Chu Qing can be sure that the 100 million hairs would not be able to be photographed.

As for the actors, he is extremely fortunate that he has recruited many veteran actors!
For a young artist, he, the heroine, Duan Peng and Chen Yao are almost enough.

For the rest, old artists are needed to help!
After the actors were selected, Chu Qing gave them their respective scripts, and after everyone finished reading them, the look in their eyes was the same as that of Song Dawei before, they were all weird.

Chu Qing was sure that what they were thinking about now was whether Chu Qing had a mental illness.

In order not to affect her glorious image in their hearts, Chu Qing still explained.

After everyone heard it, they all had an expression that you don't need to explain, I understand.

Chu Qing could only sigh, feeling secretly in her heart that she should not shoot this kind of movie in the future.

The script of the movie is very simple, without too complicated character psychology, and they are all characters that can be quickly learned.

Seeing that everyone said it was okay, Chu Qing set the shooting date, April [-]th!

Taking care of the funds, Chu Qing didn't even dare to use too many cameras, and there were only three cameras in total.

The photographers were also newcomers, and the three newcomers were overwhelmed. They felt that it was too precious to have a chance to work with the actor.

I often hear that my boss likes to support newcomers. I didn't believe it before, but I believe it today!

How did they know that Chu Qing didn't choose them for any support at all, mainly because it was cheap!

With an investment of 100 million, the director would definitely not be able to afford it. Chu Qing simply played on the stage by himself. Anyway, he also has director skills.

The same goes for the soundtrack, which is also "created" by myself.

In a word, Chu Qing does everything he can do in the theater by himself, just to reduce costs.

If possible, he even wants to cook in the crew to save money on box lunches!
However, this can only be thought about, after all, as the leading actor and director, his time is still quite precious.

In this way, Chu Qing watched helplessly as the funds prompted in the system decreased every day.

He also posts these data on Weibo almost every day, telling everyone that what he said before is true, he really plans to use 100 million to make a movie, and use this movie to sell [-] million!

There are still a lot of ridicules on the Internet at the beginning, saying that spending [-] to [-] a day is not enough for an actor's salary, and it can be a fart!

But after Chu Qing posted like this for more than half a month, these people understood that Chu Qing was not joking, but was really insisting on something.

But with his [-] investment that day, what can he do?

You know, it costs a lot of money to make movies, let's talk about those war movies.

For the smoke of those wars, you need to burn a kind of smoke cake, and you need 10,000+ to shoot a battle.

When Lao Mouzi was filming "Thirteen Pans of Jinling", coffee beans and imported cooking oil were used for the smoke of war, and the cost of each battle scene was terrifying.

And now that Chu Qing is making movies, he actually earns [-] a day, so it's inevitable that these netizens will make irresponsible remarks.

But Chu Qing doesn't read these comments at all. He is really tired every day. This movie can be regarded as self-written, directed and acted by him. In addition, in order to save costs, he often works overtime, so that his spirit Very tired.

Not to mention that the filming was still that kind of bloody scene, so that it was not easy for Chu Qing to sleep soundly, so how could he have time to pay attention to those comments.

But just because Chu Qing didn't take care of them, it didn't mean that no one found their own presence.

Those "understanding brothers" on the Internet, as well as some "old seniors" in the circle, all spoke out.

"Before, I always thought that Chu Qing was a down-to-earth and good actor. I didn't expect that he was so utilitarian. Staggering is nothing. You are ruining your own future!"

"It's normal to be young and frivolous. Young people also need goals, but you still have to be able to distinguish goals from daydreaming!"

"I want to know if I can watch a movie shot for 100 million yuan? A good camera costs 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands. Is your little money enough? Could it be shot with a mobile phone?"

"Everyone leave, people are already cold"

"I'm still the same old saying, if he can be photographed and sold for [-] million, I'll eat it upside down!"

Most of these people have taken a fancy to Chu Qing's popularity, and regardless of whether they recognize him or not, they just come up and hang out.

Those "old seniors in the circle" were even more funny. After they criticized Chu Qing, Chu Qing didn't respond to them, and they started to apologize.

Netizens enjoyed watching this operation and commented on it one after another.

"Hey, I'll apologize if you scold me, it's exciting~"

"I went out, I came in again~ hit me, idiot~"

"To be honest, if you are really afraid that Chu Qing will retaliate against you, then you should take it with you honestly, why jump out?"

"Old dog, bah!"

But Chu Qing didn't think too much about it. With the props ready, more than half of the movie was shot in half a month.

And Chu Qing's remaining funds are only 35!
This is still in the case that the venue does not require money, the leading director will come by himself, and most of the photographers and actors are paid a basic salary, otherwise the 100 million will have been spent long ago!
But now Chu Qing is somewhat flustered, not because of anything else, mainly because the more than 30 yuan is enough for the later stage?

For this little money, editing and subtitles may not be enough!

Thinking of Chu Qing here, she took a deep breath, there was nothing else, she had to come by herself then!

It doesn't matter, I have a talent for learning, study hard, and then buy experience capsules to smash!

Chu Qing, who had figured it out, was full of pride and made the shooting easier.

Finally, after 20 days, the crew of "Chain Saw" has officially wrapped up, and Chu Qing still has 20 yuan in his hands!
This was still a situation where he was saving money on food and expenses, so he didn't even hold a wrap-up banquet for this reason, he just promised them that there would be a wrap-up banquet after the box office came out!

When Chu Qing announced on Weibo Shaking Hands that the movie was finished and was in the post-production stage, those netizens who made fun of Chu Qing burst out laughing.
(End of this chapter)

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