Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 293 The Movie Is Released

Chapter 293 The Movie Is Released
"Hahahaha, this is too funny, 20 days to finish? Are you a tease invited by a monkey?"

"Laughing, I know even if I don't make movies. Ordinary movies take two to three months to shoot. Can you watch the things you shot in the past 20 days?"

"Yes, why not? For the first 5 minutes of a movie, the remaining 85 minutes are subtitles for the actors."

"Hahaha, the actors upstairs are missing Dade! If he had so many actors, he wouldn't be able to make a movie with only 100 million yuan."

"100 million? Haha, what a joke, this is obviously a gimmick, used for hype. If you can't do it, you will make a big deal and apologize. He didn't lose a piece of meat. On the contrary, he occupied the traffic for such a long time, no matter how he calculates it is not a loss."

"Fuck, the upstairs is amazing, why didn't I think of it? This wave, you are definitely standing on the fifth floor!"

These were all netizens who made fun of Chu Qing, and most of the 'old seniors in the circle' were quiet at this time.

It didn't matter if they said some bitter words before, Chu Qing didn't have time to talk to them anyway, but if they still provoke them now, Chu Qing would remember them, and they wouldn't be able to sleep well at night.

After all, Zhang Sanli stood behind Chu Qing, they were already on the fringes of the entertainment circle, if that one said a word, they might quit the circle immediately!

Therefore, they can still grasp the scale between looting traffic and being held hostage.

Most of the people talking and joking now are some netizens and some big Vs.

They were not in the circle, so naturally they were not afraid of Zhang Sanli.

It's like a cook, what can he do if he offends a very good taxi driver?Can you still let me cook?
But if you are in the same industry, you may have to change careers.

Otherwise, Yin and Yang would be enough for them to drink a pot.

On Chu Qing's side, the editing has already started!

He first studied with the company team for two days and learned the [late stage] skills of LV1.

Then I bought a bunch of experience capsules directly in the system mall, and successfully upgraded the [later stage] skills to LV5!

Although this level is not high, it is enough to edit such a movie. After all, there are no special effects, and with the completed film from the previous life as a reference, the editing is extremely smooth.

At the same time, [Guangming Video] under the studio gave Amway to members one after another. In mid-May, the new movie will be released!

After seeing the news, most of the netizens clicked to subscribe.

They really wanted to see what the movie that Chu Qing spent 100 million yuan on would look like. If it was shot well, it would be a good thing.

If the filming is not good, then scold him to death!Just treat it as uncompressed, and it’s still not a loss!

And Chu Qing worked overtime. It took a week to finally edit the finished film, and then sent it to review urgently. With Zhang Sanli's relationship, Chu Qing was not too worried about the review issue.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the superior to notify that the movie was approved!
Chu Qing confirmed the release time as soon as she received the approval of the movie.

On May [-]th, "Chain Saw" will be officially released!
It wasn't until this time that the audience realized that what Chu Qing filmed was actually a thriller movie!
Now more and more people are beginning to look down on Chu Qing, after all, the horror genre is too niche.

In terms of audience base, it is completely inferior to love, action, costumes and so on.

At present, there are more and more people who are bad-mouthing.

Chu Qing, however, had already started contacting several other video sites together with Song Dawei.

After all, the number of members of [Guangming Video] is there. It is still difficult to break through [-] million at the box office just relying on its own website.

This is also the difficulty of the system task, and it clearly stated that the "box office" must exceed [-] million!
Otherwise, if the income alone exceeds [-] million, Chu Qing can find a lot of advertising investment. With his enthusiasm, it is really too easy to exceed [-] million.

And the system obviously thought of this, and didn't give him a chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

The enthusiasm of the netizens is undiminished, they don't care if the movie is good or not, they want to watch it if they can eat melons.

There were even those who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and they flocked to the Weibo of the 'old seniors' who had spoken before, asking them what they thought of this movie.

But at the moment, those old seniors are all quiet. What if the box office of this movie is poor, and Chu Qing hates them because of it?
It's no fun to face Zhang Sanli's anger at that time.

In the midst of everyone's attention, the time has come to May [-]th. At [-]:[-] noon on this day, "Saw" is officially released!
Including [Bright Video], there are four video sites in total.

Chu Qing also did this to hit the box office, and did not engage in any exclusive screenings.

Yanjing, male dormitory of a certain university.

"Come on, come on, I'm done buying the movie, come on"

"Come here, come here, hey, bring the drinks and the food"

“all ready”

There are four people in this university dormitory. At the moment, one of the four is sitting in front of the computer, the other is pulling the curtain behind him, and the remaining two are carrying snacks here.

The price of an online movie is twelve Huaxia coins, and you can watch it for three days after you buy it.

One person is twelve, but four people see that it is three yuan each?These college students are still very good at living.

The four of them prepared snacks, each moved their own small stools and sat behind the computer, quietly watching this movie that claimed to have an investment of 100 million, and it was going to earn [-] million!
After the familiar dragon logo flashed, it was the logo of 'That's a big studio', a cartoon image of a light bulb.

It is the logo of Guangming Video and Guangming Cinema.

The movie was just beginning, and Chu Qing woke up from the bath, only to find that the surroundings were pitch black.

With a strong desire to survive, he sat up from the bathtub, but kicked the plug in the confusion, and the water flushed a blue object into the sewer.

He asked in horror what this place was and where he was!
At this time, an obviously processed male voice spoke to it.

"You are not dead, but this place is very likely to be hell!"

The lights come on slowly.

Only then did the audience notice that this place was originally a toilet, but the next moment, all their attention fell on the center of the toilet.

There was a dead body lying on the ground in the center, the blood hadn't dried up, holding a gun in his left hand, and an old-fashioned tape recorder in his right hand, his head was severely damaged.

This scene did not stimulate the audience, after all, they already knew that this was a thriller, and for them who had seen many horrors, this corpse was too childish.

In the opposite corner of the room, there was another person who was handcuffed. Both of them had one foot handcuffed to the water pipe.

After communicating, Chu Qing knew that the other party was a doctor, but neither of them knew why they were locked up here.

And their nightmare has just begun!
 The plot part, friends who mind, please skip it directly, it will not affect the follow-up reading

(End of this chapter)

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