Chapter 294 Shocking!

They started talking, discussing why they were locked up here, and what purpose the other party had.

Then the doctor tried to open the door, and Chu Qing found a tape in his pocket.

After the doctor saw it, he also rummaged through his clothes and found a video tape, a bullet, and a key.

The doctor tried to open the shackles with a key, but of course it was in vain.

Seeing that he could not unlock his shackles, he threw the key to Chu Qing again, but it turned out that this was not the key of Chu Qing's shackles either.

After unlocking it to no avail, the two turned their attention to the tape recorder in the hands of the deceased.

Because the tape recorder was relatively close to Chu Qing, he was given the task of fetching the tape recorder.

When he found that he couldn't reach it, he took off his coat, tied the bathtub stopper to his clothes, finally got the tape recorder, and played his own tape.

And this tape exposed Chu Qing's voyeuristic behavior and his character!

Chu Qing is a selfish person in the movie. The doctor gave Chu Qing the key, but Chu Qing was unwilling to give the recorder to the doctor, but asked the doctor to bring him the recording.

Although the doctor was a little annoyed, there was nothing he could do. After all, this might determine whether the two of them could get out alive.

As the tape was played, the purpose of the game was revealed.

This game is for the two of them to kill each other!

The doctor needs to kill Chu Qing before six o'clock, otherwise his wife and children will die!And the blood of the corpse in front of them is poisonous, volatilizing all the time, if they don't work hard to escape, they will eventually die of poisoning.

The two guessed that the murderer must have known them and knew them very well.

Immediately afterwards, the two looked for props according to the prompts. Chu Qing found two saws in the water tank of the toilet. Immediately, he squatted down to saw the chains as if he had found a treasure.

And the doctor on the side kept pleading, perhaps thinking of what the doctor said that the two can only survive if they cooperate.

Only then did Chu Qing hesitantly throw a saw to the doctor, but it didn't take long for Chu Qing to saw, the saw blade in his hand broke.

Then the doctor stopped sawing the chain, and he covered his face with a pained expression.

"He didn't want us to saw chains at all, he wanted us to saw off our own ankles!"

When this sentence came out, the audience gasped in unison.

Seeing this, the plot is actually not too scary. It is more about Chu Qing and the doctor exaggerating the atmosphere, and there are no too scary and bloody scenes.

They are still thinking, is it because the crew's funds are too small to make it.

But immediately, they realized how naive they were!
According to the doctor's analysis, their current situation is consistent with the modus operandi of the recent jigsaw puzzle maniac!
The doctor also has a deep memory because he took the blame for the murderer.

It turned out that it was not the first time that their kind of case happened. At the incident point of one of the cases, a flashlight with the doctor's fingerprints was found, and the doctor was taken to the police station to understand the situation.

The flashlight was found at the scene of one crime, and there have been three such cases so far, each with a tape at the scene.

The first one was a fat man who cut his wrists to gain attention from S, and was locked in the basement and surrounded by layers of iron nets. The prisoner asked him to climb out of the iron nets full of steel thorns with his naked body. In the end, he died on the way .

Stomach scars and even stomach acid came out.

Died of a hemorrhaging leg and missing a piece of skin from his back in the shape of a jigsaw puzzle.

Jigsaw Puzzle Killer, here it comes!

In the second case, the male star falsely reported that he was sick, was locked in a room full of glass shards on the floor, and was covered with flammable materials.

The key to the exit is locked in a box with a password, and he needs to use candles to find the password on the surrounding walls to open the safe and be rescued.

But unfortunately, he was burned to death in the end!Only a charred body remained at the scene.

At this time, police C found a hole that the murderer used to peep. Police C judged that this is a murderer who likes to "watch drama".

At the same time, they also found the doctor's flashlight, which is also the antecedent of what the doctor said before, and they blamed themselves.

When the four people in the university dormitory saw this scene, they silently put down the snacks in their hands. What the hell, they couldn't eat them at all, okay?
Only the boss in the dormitory, who looked calm on the surface, was in a panic, and was still eating potato chips in a strong and calm manner.

He deliberately pretended to be nonchalant: "Ahem, cough, that's it, it's quite creative, but it's also quite ordinary."

Another roommate said: "100 million, it's not easy to shoot with this quality."

The college student sitting next to him also nodded and said: "Well, it's not bad to make this kind of movie for 100 million, but it's still a bit unrealistic to sell [-] million with this."

"Stop making noise, just watch quietly"

Finally, a college student stopped them, and the four of them watched quietly again.

The movie continued, the doctor was giving an academic lecture, and the condition of the patient on the hospital bed continued to deteriorate and turned into cancer after admission.

But the doctor is still talking and laughing, regardless of the patient's feelings.

This scene made many people feel the same way.

When they go to the hospital to see a doctor or get medicine, the staff are also indifferent. After all, nothing happened to them or their family members.

At this moment, a nurse appeared and interrupted the doctor, and then the doctor was taken to the police station to understand the ins and outs of the incident, and also met a survivor and the only survivor with police C.

This is a woman who is the subject of the third case.

She woke up after being kidnapped, her body was tied to a chair, and there was an iron clip on her head. She could only live if she cut open the belly of the man next to her and took out the key within the specified time!
Otherwise, her head would be torn off by the iron clamp, and when the woman picked up the knife, she found out that the man was not dead at all, but only anesthetized.

He just stared at the woman, his eyes full of pleading and fear.

But the woman couldn't care about anything at this moment. She raised the knife and stabbed him with a knife. Finally, at the last moment, she took out the key, opened the iron clip on her head, and survived successfully.

Before this, the woman was a drug addict, but after experiencing this incident, she had a new perspective on her life.

She began to change herself, and felt that nothing was more important than living a good life!
And the image of Jigsaw Puzzle Killer wearing a mask and riding a bicycle appeared for the first time!
During this interrogation, he was finally released because the doctor had an alibi. He was going on a date with his little lover that day.

The camera switches back to the dark toilet again.

After talking with the doctor, Chu Qing didn't get any useful information, and smashed the glass in an atmosphere, only to find that there was a camera inside the glass!

That is the murderer behind the scenes, he is admiring all this!
Chu Qing, who was more furious, wanted to compare, while the doctor was very calm, and instead of wasting energy to vent, he sat down and looked for flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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