Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 296 Box Office and Word of Mouth

Chapter 296 Box Office and Word of Mouth

Not long after the doctor climbed out, the 'corpse' that had been lying in the middle of the toilet suddenly moved.

This scene directly caused the hearts of many audience members who had just relaxed to shrink at the same time!
They widened their eyes, guessing that there must be a reversal!
And the one who was most stimulated was Chu Qing in the movie, seeing Chu Qing staring at everything in front of him dumbfounded, his eyes full of horror.

Then all kinds of information he investigated came to his mind.

Including the murderer's methods, and how he likes to watch their victims up close!

And what better position than watching the two survive in the middle?This person is the murderer!
The 'corpse' stood up and tore off the disguise. After the camera recalled, the audience knew that the murderer behind the scenes had appeared a long time ago!
The patient in the doctor's lecture at the beginning was him!

When the doctor was talking and laughing happily and didn't care about his condition, he just watched the doctor quietly!

The man in the robe who was almost caught by the police is him, the one who likes to watch the crime scene up close is him, and the one who turned into the masked bicycle villain is also him!
After wiping the blood off his face, the corpse looked at Chu Qing.

"The key to the chain is in the bathtub"

Chu Qing was stunned when she heard this sentence, and then suddenly remembered that when she woke up in the bathtub, there was indeed a blue thing that was washed into the sewer by the current.

It turned out that he was so close to the chance of survival!

It turned out that he didn't have to go through all this!
At this moment, he fell into deep despair.

Chu Qing's acting skills were off the charts at this moment, and the hopeless and empty eyes made the audience empathize with her!

Chu Qing was driven crazy by all these shocks, picked up the pistol on the ground and pointed it at the murderer.

But before he could shoot, the murderer pressed the electric shock switch, which shocked him into paralysis.

"People live but never know gratitude, but I'm sure, you won't be in the future"

Chu Qing, who fell on the ground, was still convulsed by the electric shock, but the murderer had already walked out gracefully, and closed the door amidst Chu Qing's desperate howls!
"game over"

The movie screen goes black and the scene ends.

The audience was thinking about the last sentence, which you won't be able to do in the future.

This means that after Chu Qing has experienced all this, he will take life seriously, and will never do this again.

Or is it that Chu Qing will die here and never have another chance?

However, they estimate that the last possibility is relatively strong.

After all, if Chu Qing wants to escape, there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that the murderer shows mercy.

This possibility is almost unrealistic, because if the murderer planned to release him, he would have released him long ago.

The second is to wait for the doctor with the broken leg to bring someone back to rescue him.

This possibility is also unrealistic. First, the doctor is bleeding heavily, and whether he can survive is a problem.

Second, even if he crawled out, don't forget, the murderer is also out now, will the murderer let all this happen?
So no matter how you look at it, he should be dead.

The audience was overwhelmed by the film's final twist, which they never expected anyway!
It turned out that they had seen the murderer a long time ago.

It turned out that the hero had a chance to escape from the very beginning.

But this movie is said to be a thriller, but it conveys a truth to people.

That is to cherish your own life and cherish your body.

Coupled with the performance of the actors in the movie and the design of the plot, it is hard for them to believe that this is actually a movie that only cost 100 million!
A masterpiece, as if only these two words can describe this movie!
All of a sudden, those netizens who watched the movie all took action, they wanted Amway, and they wanted more people to watch this movie!

After all, you can't be the only one scared!Everyone is scared, that's only fair!
"Chain Saw", it's on fire!

It became popular at an unreasonable speed, and countless people bought the movie, and the Internet was full of discussions about this movie!
Now, those people who made sarcastic remarks before the release panicked a little.

Especially those who said they want to eat Xiang are even more panicked, and some people have even started to delete comments.

But it was too late to delete the comment at this time, because the foresighted netizens had already taken screenshots!

Of course, there is no lack of those who are stubborn, and it is absolutely impossible for this movie to exceed [-] million!
But when the box office came out the next day, they panicked.

At the premiere box office, 500 million!

This is already a brilliant box office in online movies!
Twelve Huaxia coins for a ticket, which proves that more than 100 million people are willing to pay to watch this movie.

This number is unusual no matter where you put it!
And judging from the current box office trend, not only did this movie not show a downward trend, but it intensified, and it has a trend of becoming a big hit!

Especially the reversal at the end of the movie is known as one of the top ten reversals of horror movies!

Of course, this is what netizens casually shouted, and they don't know what the other nine major reversals are.

The moment Chu Qing saw the box office of the premiere, she felt relieved.

Judging from the current box office results and popularity, it is only a matter of time before this movie breaks [-] million, and the main task should be completed.

And other video sites, like sharks smelling blood at this time, came to Chu Qing to discuss cooperation.

After all, movies are so popular now, if they don't take advantage of the opportunity, they won't be a qualified businessman.

Naturally, Chu Qing would not refuse this, after all, the more websites it showed, the more he would earn.

But in terms of time, he signed a contract with each website for one month, which means that after one month, they will lose the copyright to rebroadcast.

At that time, this "Chain Saw" can only be played exclusively on Guangming Video.

At that time, those video sites were not very willing, and they didn't agree until Chu Qing said that they could increase the share.

At that time, they must have made money, but looking at it now, it seems that they are not so profitable.

After all, if the movie's traffic goes up, it will be the big one!
A video website, the most important thing is actually some exclusive movies, variety shows, online dramas and other programs, which are the main means of attracting viewers.

And with the fire of "Chain Saw", some other voices began to appear on the Internet.

For example, a parent said that after watching this movie, his child was in a bad mood. He was so scared that he was in a trance and couldn't sleep at night.

Others said that the movie was so bloody that they couldn't eat for days after watching it.

The most outrageous thing is that his relatives had a heart attack after watching this movie and were frightened to death!
The movie is very popular, but there are more and more critical voices, as if this movie has caused public outrage!
They asked Chu Qing to give a reply and an explanation!
For this, Chu Qing really gave.
(End of this chapter)

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