Chapter 297 Plan
Chu Qing posted a picture on her Weibo, which was the approved dragon logo.

Then wrote a line below, "Don't read if you are afraid!"

This sentence made countless netizens laugh, and they all liked Chu Qing's Weibo, and left messages of support below.

"That's right, I'm afraid you don't look at it? Who begged you to look at it?"

"Damn and stand again! Have you ever heard of the fault of the son not teaching his father? Your child was terrified, and Chu Qing forced him to watch it? Why don't you care about your child watching movies, now come beep beep"

"Who knows, there will always be some people who can't draw the S and blame the earth's attraction for being too weak"

"Little Swallow, wearing a floral dress, comes here every spring. I asked Swallow why he came, and Swallow said: Take care of yourself first!"

"Hahaha, upstairs, you managed to make me laugh."

"Those black Chuqing people, be careful. Have you not noticed who the screenwriter of this movie is? It's Chu Qing! When the time comes, I'll tie you up and give you a game over, and I'll ask you if you're afraid "



Under this comment, there are only two words of shit.

I don't know if this sentence is really shocking. There are really fewer bad reviews about the movie and Chu Qing on the Internet.

Although the film's revenue has declined, it is not bad overall.

Finally, within seventeen days of its release, the total box office of the movie exceeded [-] million!
At this moment, the entire network cheered, they witnessed a miracle with their own eyes!
The few who said that Chu Qing would eat Xiang after success, canceled their accounts one after another, and disappeared from the world.

But the netizens didn't give up and looked for it one after another. Those who didn't show their faces were okay, but those who showed their faces were miserable.

Surprisingly, two people were found by netizens, and one of them was found by a video blogger.

The video blogger followed him with a microphone and kept asking.

"Young Master Leng, Young Master Leng, don't go, don't you say live broadcast eats Xiang? When will you eat it? If there is a lack of ingredients, I can help you with this favor."

"Don't go, don't go, what did you say at the beginning? Didn't you say that you would eat three catties at a time? You also said that if you don't eat, the whole family will die."

"I made such a strong oath, isn't it inappropriate not to eat now? What are you asking your family to do?"

"And those trumpets of yours, what about Lengshang, Lengshang, don't they all say that they need to eat three catties? Can you eat this guy alone?"

In the end, the video blogger managed to irritate the other party, and was beaten up by the other party. His face was cut and his face was successfully disfigured, which counted as a serious injury.

Then, the one named Leng Shao, who had been clamoring to eat shit before, went to prison for reform.

As for the video blogger, it is said that he is already looking at luxury cars.

Of course, Chu Qing doesn't care about these things, and he doesn't have time to care about them. Wouldn't it be nice if he had time to earn more money?
Moreover, there is also a piece of good news at the door.

There is actually a company in Lijian Country who has taken a fancy to this "Chain Saw" and wants to buy the copyright of the remake.

After all, a movie full of Asian faces cannot have a high box office in Lijian.

Chu Qing directly agreed to this. After all, this is also a means to amplify the popularity, and it can also get copyright fees. Why not do it?

The contract signed by the two parties is not a one-time buyout contract, but a sharing contract.

Chu Qing can get 20.00% of the net profit of the other party's film!In order to negotiate this contract, Song Dawei did his best!

Why send someone to direct, be responsible for the improvement of the script, etc., and the other party will agree to it only after talking about it.

This is also because the other party is a small company. If it were a big company, it would definitely not agree to such a ridiculous contract.

20.00% of the net profit, it's scary to think about it!
Of course, if their movie loses money, Chu Qing will lose money, and it must not be appropriate to buy out at that time.

However, Chu Qing is confident that Li Jian Country's movies are graded, and he can definitely make it more terrifying and bloody. Presumably, Li Jian Country's audience will like it.

One after another, the good news is that Song Dawei has opened up the door to Bangziguo and found a company that trains artists.

And the other party is still very famous, making many Korean boy bands popular and earning countless gold.

But at the same time, the other party's asking price is also quite expensive.

But now Chu Qing can be regarded as rich and powerful, so he readily agreed.

As for the artists to be sent for training, they have already been found during this time.

There are five little fresh meats in total, the oldest is sixteen this year, and the youngest is fourteen!

These five people have signed a ten-year contract with Chu Qing. According to the contract, each of them will be paid [-] Huaxia coins per month.

Afterwards, it will increase by [-] per year, if you perform well, make achievements, etc., you will also increase your salary while paying dividends!

These five people are the kind of children with handsome appearance, soft voice and good physical coordination ability.

They will be sent to Bangzi Country for training for about three years, and then they will return to China to form a boy group!

Chu Qing will make them famous and turn them into cash cows in his hands!
Some people may ask, what about their studies?
In this regard, Chu Qing said that he can study anywhere, and this is something his parents agree to.

In fact, not only Chu Qing was like this, but many people in the previous life were the same, especially those little fresh meats.

The first batch was okay, but when the subsequent batch debuted, few of them even reached the age of 20.

But they have been trained for many years, and even trained abroad. What kind of culture can you expect such people to have?
Their role in capital is to make money quickly while they are young!
They don't need to accumulate or precipitate, they just need to become popular!
In those few years when they became popular, their pay was higher than that of first-line superstars!

In those few years, the money they earned would never be spent in their entire lives!

After that, if it doesn't get popular, it won't be popular, anyway, it's enough for them to live comfortably for a lifetime.

Just like many acrobats, they have suffered and suffered since they were young, which ordinary people cannot bear.

But when they were in their 20s, they had already performed all over the world, and they had things that many people dream of.

When they are older, they will retire with injuries.

But at that time, they already had something that other people have been busy with all their lives.

It can only be said that everyone's path is different.

And these people are also an attempt by Chu Qing. If he succeeds, his studio will grow and even become a media company!
Just before the movie was taken off the shelves, Chu Qing personally sent these people on the plane to Bangzi Country, along with the translator Chu Qing was looking for, as well as her manager and assistant.

Just for the investment in these five little ones, Chu Qing prepared several million in the early stage!

(End of this chapter)

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