Chapter 298 The Circle
"Dididi, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the main task. The system rewards have been sent to the system backpack. Please check it carefully! Since the host has exceeded the main task, the system rewards the host with an additional item. Please check it!"

On June [-]th, the day when the movie was taken off the shelves, the system notification sounded in Chu Qing's mind again, indicating that the main task was finally completed.

The total box office of "Chain Saw" is freshly released, 5000 million!

This is definitely not a high-grossing movie in Chu Qing's studio, but you must know that the total investment of this movie is only 100 million Huaxia coins!
And it was filmed under the witness of everyone, without any extra effort!

After this battle, Chu Qing has been regarded as the god of small investment movies by many small directors in the circle!

Those people on the Internet were so black and Chuqing before, and now they are so popular!It was as if Chu Qing's identity had undergone a 180-degree reversal overnight!
"With an investment of 100 million, a box office of 5000 million, and a profit of 150 times the investment, I just want to ask, who else?"

"Hahaha, buddy, go shake your hands and watch, there are really people who want to live broadcast Chixiang, go watch it, don't see it when the live broadcast room is closed."

"Fuck, so ruthless? Are you playing so wildly? If it's true, then I'll crush him!"

"It's delicious and full, just eat."

"Guys, I'm also planning to shoot a movie. The investment is also transparent throughout the whole process. This time my total investment is only 1000! The goal is not high, as long as it can get [-] million at the box office!"

"Upstairs, I advise you to just throw 10 yuan into the river, and you can still hear it."

"Hahaha, it's so funny, I knew someone would imitate this incident in the future! Hahahaha"

Chu Qing's popularity has once again exploded, and his ranking in the artist list has also improved a lot.

Similarly, the popularity of those old artists who participated in the movie before has risen a little.

Among them, the most surprising one is Wu Yao who played the jigsaw puzzle killer!

Before, the audience only knew that he was an old variety show guy, but they never knew that his acting skills were so good!
And for this shoot, he also cut off his signature hairstyle, so that the audience didn't recognize it at all before, only to find out later that it was this great god!

This also increased the number of his fans a lot, and some nostalgic netizens left messages on his Weibo to find the feelings of the past.

But Chu Qing received a call from Wang Cong. Wang Cong invited him to a party, saying that there were many famous people in the circle going back at the party, and he wanted to invite Chu Qing to come with him.

Just at the beginning of June, "Play Back To School" filmed by Duan Peng was released.

Among them, the heroine is Wang Cong's person.

The movie wasn't a big hit after it was released, but it was okay.

After all, the aesthetics of the audience now is different from the aesthetics of the audience in that era.

Moreover, Chu Qing also knew that no one could replace Master Xing, and Duan Peng was able to shoot like this, which already surprised him a little.

But Wang Cong was very satisfied with the result. After all, the female artist belonged to him, and she could be regarded as the hottest person in his studio now!

From his point of view, all of these were due to Chu Qing, and Chu Qing only used his people because of giving him face.

If others give him face, then he will give others face!
After Chu Qing heard this, she did not refuse Wang Cong's invitation. After all, if the circle of adults wanted to expand, most of them would do so at the drinking party.

And based on the drinking capacity after the strengthening of the Chu Qing system, to put it bluntly, they are all younger brothers!

Two days later, Chu Qing brought Song Dawei to Wang Cong's mansion in Yanjing.

This is a villa, and the yard is full of people playing and playing.

After Chu Qing revealed his identity at the door, the security personnel led Chu Qing respectfully to the inside of the villa.

There are a lot fewer people inside the villa, and everyone is not dressed as coolly as those outside, and many people are even wearing formal clothes.

When they saw Chu Qing coming, they all nodded and smiled kindly, and Chu Qing also smiled back.

A few people got on the elevator, and when they reached the third floor, Wang Cong laughed and came up to give him a bear hug. The one beside him was the heroine of "Play Back to School".

"Qingzi, the news that you invested 100 million and gained 5000 million has spread! You are amazing! When we two brothers can cooperate, I also want to make a movie like this. It doesn't matter if you make money or not. , the main thing is that it is good enough!"

Chu Qing thought, only you can say such things, it doesn't matter if you earn money or not.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "There will be a chance, there will be a chance, by the way, how are the contestants selected in the previous variety show?"

Hearing about Chu Qing's culture, Wang Cong curled his lips.

"It's okay, I plan to let them form a group and make their debut together!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing frowned slightly. Those people's personal styles are too strong, and they are not suitable for being a group at all. Who gave Wang Cong this bad idea?

Then Chu Qing understood that there was a high probability that it was the hands and feet of Kiwi.

They want Wang Cong to hit a wall, and then take over the offer themselves.

Chu Qing hesitated to speak, but he would offend Kiwi Fruit Network if he said such words.

Chu Qing didn't believe that there is an impenetrable wall in this world, as long as he said this sentence, it would definitely spread to!

After weighing the pros and cons, Chu Qing still didn't say anything, and Wang Cong didn't notice Chu Qing's strange behavior, instead he patted Chu Qing's shoulder and said excitedly, "Let's go, let me introduce a few people to you."

After speaking, he put his arms around Chu Qing's shoulders, and led Chu Qing downstairs in an intimate manner, to the back of the villa.

Here is a western-style swimming pool, in which some scantily clad Internet celebrity beauties are playing water tennis.

There were still a few people on the shore applauding from time to time. Chu Qing took a look and found that those people on the shore were all well-known entertainers in the circle!
Some of them are even bigger than themselves, and next to them are several well-known hosts in the circle.

Wang Cong led Chu Qing to the front of several people and said, "Let me introduce, this is my good brother, Chu Qing! He is very popular now, I think you all know him too."

"Hahaha, I know you, Boss Chu's current name is known to everyone."

"Yes, yes, with 100 million to earn more than [-] million, there is only boss Chu Qingchu in the circle."

"Mr. Chu, if there are any good scripts or projects in the future, don't forget about us."

"Hahaha, I have also been in love with Mr. Chu for a long time."

Several people greeted them one after another, and Chu Qing also greeted them with a smile.

With Chu Qing's current enthusiasm, even if they are bigger than him, Chu Qing can still be neither humble nor overbearing.

After introducing these people, Wang Cong dragged Chu Qing away without waiting for them to say anything. He had to introduce more important people to Chu Qing!

(End of this chapter)

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