Chapter 299 System Rewards
After walking a little farther, Wang Cong curled his lips and said, "Those guys just now are fine on the surface, they are not good birds."

After hearing this, Chu Qing secretly laughed in her heart. Being able to say such a thing really fits Wang Cong's character.

At this time, Wang Cong became energetic and said: "Today I also invited a great director from Xiangjiang! He is about to shoot a movie, and I plan to get some investment for him. You are also a director. Let's get to know each other. It's good for your future." Definitely helps”

As soon as Chu Qing heard this, her thoughts changed sharply. Who would be the great director from Xiangjiang?
When she followed Wang Cong to the corner and saw him, Chu Qing couldn't help but widen her eyes.

He never expected that Wang Cong invited Fatty Wang, who is known as the king of bad movies!

This director's status in Xiangjiang is exaggerated, and he is also very popular. It is not because he can only shoot bad movies that he is called the king of bad movies.

It’s just that he made more bad movies, but it’s also the same. In the darkest era of Xiangjiang movies, if he didn’t shoot these bad movies, I don’t know how many Xiangjiang artists would starve to death!

What surprised Chu Qing even more was that he actually knew herself.

"Huh? Chu Qing!"

Chu Qing didn't expect that Fatty Wang would recognize her, but Chu Qing's reaction was also very fast. She walked over and shook hands with the other party with a smile, "Director Wang, I've been admiring you for a long time."

Fatty Wang held Chu Qing's hand and smiled, "I've admired it for a long time. Your "Chain Saw" almost didn't scare me to death. The box office is also very good. With an investment of 100 million, 5000 million box office, and now the entire Xiangjiang circle is discussing this matter.”

Chu Qing pretended to be embarrassed on purpose, and with his actor-level acting skills, he thought that Fatty Wang would not be able to tell.

Wang Cong introduced with a smile: "You two know each other, so I won't talk nonsense. Director Wang, you are a senior in the industry. My good brother is just a newcomer in the world of directors. You can do a lot. It's just a matter of cooperation."

Fatty Wang laughed when he heard the words: "Where is it, Director Chu is called green out of blue is better than blue! Hahaha"

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, coughed lightly and said, "Brother Chu, do you have a date soon?"

Chu Qing was startled, then looked at Song Dawei behind him.

Song Dawei thought for a while before answering: "If you squeeze, you can squeeze out about one and a half months from July to August."

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up, and then he smiled and said, "Brother Chu, I happen to have a movie to shoot in July, how about it, do you want to come and play?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing asked with a smile: "I don't know what kind of movie Director Wang is shooting this time?"

Fatty Wang laughed and said, "It's a Hong Kong underworld movie! In fact, it was also influenced by you. The "Infernal Affairs" you filmed before really reminds me deeply."

"And I came from that dark age and experienced some, so this time I plan to take a picture of the experience of that dark age!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing thought for a while, going to Xiangjiang to shoot a movie, which is nothing to him, but he has a good reputation now, so he can't shoot bad movies and ruin his reputation!
Thinking of this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Director Wang, I wonder if I can read the script? Only after reading the script can I know whether I am qualified for this role."

Fatty Wang looks very simple and honest, but he is actually extremely shrewd. Hearing what Chu Qing said, he understood what Chu Qing was thinking.

Haha laughed twice before opening his mouth.

"Of course there is. In this way, we will leave a contact information later, and I will send the script to your mailbox!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing also smiled and started to deal with it, while Wang Cong talked about investment with Fatty Wang.

That night, Chu Qing had a good chat with Fatty Wang, and Song Dawei also left contact information with some agents, which was quite fruitful.

At the end of the show, Wang Cong tried his best to persuade him to stay, but Chu Qing still chose to return to his small apartment.

Song Dawei stayed in a small hotel nearby, and when Chu Qing returned to the room, she took out her laptop and found that there was already an unread email in the mailbox.

That was the script sent by Fatty Wang, but Chu Qing didn't rush to read it, but took a deep breath and opened the system space!
After the main task was completed, Chu Qing was not in a hurry to receive the reward immediately, but chose to return to her small apartment to draw the prize.

He felt that his luck in the small apartment was much better. While opening the system space, Chu Qing silently activated the aura of luck.

I saw two small boxes lying silently in the system space.

Chu Qing opened the first box, and there was still a small note inside. The next moment, the system prompt sounded in Chu Qing's mind.

"Dididi, congratulations to the host, [Soundtrack] skill, successfully upgraded to LV50!"

The next moment, countless memories frantically flooded into Chu Qing's mind, causing him to lose his balance and fall on the bed.

When Chu Qing got up again, it was already five or six minutes later, his head was still a little confused, and his mind was full of all kinds of knowledge about the soundtrack!
Originally, Chu Qing thought this skill was relatively ordinary, but after digesting part of it, Chu Qing was pleasantly surprised!
Will people who can make music have a lower grasp of musical instruments?
Just because the [soundtrack] skill has been upgraded to level [-], Chu Qing is now almost proficient in most musical instruments!This may also be a small benefit that comes with the skill. From this point of view, I am not losing money this wave!
After waking up for a while, Chu Qing turned his attention to another small box in the system space.

The small box was a little smaller, and it was Chu Qing's reward for overfulfilling the system tasks.

After Chu Qing opened the box, there was actually a note inside, with two simple words written on it, boss!

Immediately, a system notification sounded in Chu Qing's mind: "Congratulations to the host for getting it, big brother's aura!"

After the system notification sound ended, Chu Qing already understood in his mind what a big boss' aura is.

To put it simply, it is an aura!A talker's momentum!
Chu Qing thought, is this letting herself play the underworld big brother?This is possible, after all, he has played either undercover or horse boy before, and he has never played the big brother.

Chu Qing turned off the aura of luck, and while reading Fatty Wang's email, she wondered if there were any big brother movies that she could act in.

Chu Qing smiled when she opened the email, don't think about it, Fatty Wang is ready!
After Chu Qing read the entire script, a movie from her previous life emerged in her mind, that is "Dragon City Years" directed by To Qifeng!
Judging from the plot, the two movies are really similar!

This also gave Chu Qing a sense of urgency. The movie must be made quickly. If he doesn't make it, these grandchildren will!
(End of this chapter)

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