Chapter 300 Script
The movie begins, and the gang is electing a new leader.

The veterans of several gangs have their own ideas, and the people who support them are also different.

But the loudest voices were only two people.

The first person is Brother Le, who is weak, but he is very kind and respects his seniors. Many bigwigs in the industry are optimistic about him.

The second one is Brother Qing. When Chu Qing saw this, he almost laughed out loud, thinking that Fatty Wang would have changed it for him on purpose.

But he didn't know, and he really guessed it right. This is what Fatty Wang specially revised the script before sending it to him.

Brother Qing is vicious, his subordinates are powerful, rich and powerful!

The two of them are the next leader of the gang, the most favorable competitors!
As for the election of the leader of the gang, the elders in the gang need to vote, and the two began to win over the elders in the gang.

Brother Le has no capital, so he can only paint cakes!

Talk about how to improve the gang after the election, and what benefits will they have.

But Brother Qing is much simpler, just give money directly, plus threat of force!

In the end, Uncle Deng, the oldest senior in the gang, chose the weaker Brother Le for balance.

He is still very prestigious in the gang. After seeing his choice, most of the seniors followed him and chose Brother Le.

In the end, Brother Le became the talker, but if he wants to become the real leader, he still needs the token leader stick!

And the leading stick is in the hands of the previous speaker.

Naturally, Brother Qing would not give up, and directly called the previous person in charge to threaten him to hand over the faucet stick to him.

The previous speaker was in a dilemma. If he didn't hand it over to Brother Le, it would be against the rules.

But after handing it over to Brother Le, Brother Qing is not a soft-hearted person.

In the end, he could only ask his subordinates to go out and hide with the faucet stick first, to see the limelight.

Brother Qing wants the gang to re-elect the leader and push himself to be the leader, but Uncle Deng rejects him, telling him that he will not be re-elected and let him appoint!

The police also started to act at this time, and arrested Brother Le and Brother Qing. The two could only line up in the prison and let their men go down to grab the dragon head stick!

Only then did Brother Qing know the news, and in a fit of rage, he actually wanted to split the gang and form a new gang.

After hearing the news, Uncle Deng said, then we can only go to war!

In the end, Uncle Deng met Brother Qing who was still in prison. He came to negotiate with Brother Qing, hoping that Brother Qing would give up his idea of ​​splitting.

But Brother Qing has only one sentence, it’s okay to give up, re-elect, and push me to be the leader.

In the end, the two broke up unhappy, and at the other end, the younger brothers of both sides were still fighting for the leading stick.

Several big men in the gang knew about Brother Qing's plan to split the gang. No matter what they thought before, they must unite at this moment.

At the same time, they began to support Brother Le, and asked their men to bring back the dragon head stick and give it to Brother Le!
In the end, the younger brothers negotiated and brought back the dragon head stick.

Brother Le was also released from the police station, got the leading stick, and became the new talker.

Then he took all the people who contributed to getting the leading stick as his godsons!
After becoming the eldest brother, Brother Le released Brother Qing on bail and invited him to get in the car for a chat.

He talked about his future plans, plans to expand the territory!

And said that if he wants to separate, then the two will never die.

But if he helps himself, then he has already done his best to help him choose the next speaker!
In the end, the two cooperated and successfully killed the eldest brother of another gang, expanding the territory.

But Brother Qing couldn't wait for the next session, so he proposed to get two talkers.

As a result, he was stoned to death by Brother Le!
That's all for the script.

After watching it, Chu Qing sighed with emotion, thinking that this is the source of the famous scene in the previous life, "Who is fishing without a helmet"!
After Chu Qing read the script, he called Fatty Wang directly.

"Director Wang"

"Hey, Chu Qing, how's it going, have you read the script?"

"Well, the script is very good. May I ask if I'm playing the role of Brother Qing?"

"That's right!"

"Then this role, I took it"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, then let's contact a place to meet tomorrow and sign a contract by the way."

"no problem"

The two chatted for a while, and then Chu Qing hung up the phone. Only then did he realize why the lucky halo would give him the [big boss aura], and it turned out that he would need it later!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing intends to show a different boss, and it must be able to surprise the audience by then!

On the other end, Fatty Wang put down the phone with a smile on his face.

In fact, he had chosen the actor for the role of Brother Qing a long time ago, but now, he can only break the contract and let the other party give up the position!
After all, the other party's enthusiasm was incomparable to Chu Qing's.

Now the only option is to let the opponent downgrade and play the role of the younger brother who is fighting for the leader stick.

Fatty Wang thought of this, rubbed his stomach, and sighed with emotion, all these years as a director, good people and bad people have done a lot.

The next day, Chu Qing talked to Song Dawei, the two went to sign the contract, and chatted with Fatty Wang for a while, during which Chu Qing asked him if he had any old actors who had good acting skills but hadn't filmed for a long time.

Now Chu Qing was asking the right person, this kind of old actor Wang Fatty knew a lot, and he knew them well.

For example, how is life now, how long has it been since filming, what is the family situation, whether money is needed, etc., he knows very well.

This startled Chu Qing, and then he realized that many of the films he had made over the years were actually to help these old artists.

Now when I heard that Chu Qing planned to select some old artists to film in Hai K, I immediately started recommending them.

Chu Qing and Song Dawei were recording while listening. They are all precious talents. Chu Qing plans to start contacting after returning to see if anyone is willing to come out to film.

After these old artists get older, many of them are unwilling to leave their hometown to film.

Even if the wages outside are much higher, they are more willing to film locally, which is why Chu Qing planned to establish a branch company in the first place.

In the end, Chu Qing got the current situation and contact information of more than 30 old artists from Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang said that if Chu Qing plans to find these people to film, he can help persuade them, and even lower the salary!
It can be seen that Fatty Wang really did his best to these people.

After the two parted, Chu Qing got the complete script of 'Brother Qing' and made an appointment to go to Xiangjiang in July to officially start filming!
In the afternoon, Chu Qing received a call from Wang Cong. Wang Cong announced that he would go to Xiangjiang to film with Chu Qing, because he had already become one of the investors of this movie!

It was only at this time that Chu Qing realized that Fatty Wang took the initiative to ask him to make a movie. Could it be that he felt that he had a good relationship with Wang Cong and wanted to use himself to get Wang Cong to invest in him?

But after thinking about it, Chu Qing felt that it should not be possible.

After all, Wang Cong is not worthy of Fatty Wang's use of this method.

(End of this chapter)

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