Chapter 304 New Main Quest

In the end, Chu Qing decided to shoot a similar type of film to test the waters and see the audience's reaction.

Anyway, the main lines of Korean dramas are almost the same, so just do whatever you want.

He told Song Dawei about this matter, but Song Dawei said that it was easy to handle, there was no need to test the waters at all, just find a TV series with good ratings in Bangziguo, and then buy the right to adapt it!

Chu Qing slapped his thigh, like waking up from a dream, why didn't he think of it before?
And it's not that difficult to do this matter. In order to send Xiao Xianrou to Bangzi Country to study, Song Dawei met a lot of people.

This kind of matchmaking in the middle is still very simple for them.

Seeing this, Chu Qing simply entrusted the matter to Song Dawei, and he continued to write the script.

When he was filming a movie with Fatty Wang, he had a sense of urgency.

It feels like, if you don't make this kind of movie yourself, someone else will make it.

Chu Qing was writing the script, and the long-lost system notification sounded again in his mind.

"Dididi, the main task has been announced! The host is asked to shoot a movie immediately and become the box office king of the Spring Festival, with unlimited investment!"

"Task reward, a random level [-] skill!"

Chu Qing gasped, thinking that the reward for this mission is fine!
Now that he has tasted the benefits of level [-] skills, he said that after [Soundtrack] reaches level [-], he can be regarded as proficient in almost all musical instruments. This alone is enough to defy the sky!

The mission reward this time is to give another level [-] skill. If this is an acting skill, wouldn't he take off in place?

Thinking of this, Chu Qing realized something was wrong. The mission reward was a random level [-] skill, instead of upgrading a level [-] skill immediately.

In other words, this time it should give me new skills.

He scratched his chin, Xin Dao's new skills are not bad, but this task is somewhat perverted.

Become the box office king of the Spring Festival stalls!
This requirement is really high!

You know, the Spring Festival is a big production, a place where famous actors and directors gather, and it can be said that the competition is the fiercest in a year's movies.

It is not so difficult to become the king of the box office during the Spring Festival.

That kind of feeling is like, your sprint results in school are not bad, and then you are directly thrown to the national team, telling you to compete with them, you must be the first feeling!
Although Chu Qing was very excited about the rewards, after reading the requirements of the main task, he still felt flustered.

Can this be done?
He silently took out his phone and checked the time. It is now August, and this year's Spring Festival falls in February of the Gregorian calendar.

He still has half a year left, which seems like a long time, but including the preparation, publicity, filming, editing, publicity, etc., the time of six months is quite tight!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing couldn't help thinking, which movie would be better to shoot?

He opened the search engine on his mobile phone, wanting to see online promotions about Spring Festival movies, but he didn't see any of them, they were all gossip about internet celebrities.

What this one cheated on, that one chose a concubine, Chu Qing's head hurts seeing it.

In the end, I started to think for myself, what kind of movie can get a high box office!
First of all, consider the time period of the Spring Festival stalls, which is the time when everyone returns home to celebrate the New Year.

The best movie is one that is suitable for the whole family to watch. There are three choices in front of you.

The first choice, comedy, certainly needless to say, before Chu Qing always felt that comedy was the kind that had no market.

But after watching comedy movies such as "Hello, Li Huanying" and "Charlotte's Annoyance", Chu Qing found that she was thinking a little too much.

It's not that there is no market for comedy, it's just that there is no market for trash comedy!

The second option is action movies. The advantage of action movies is that they cover a wide range!Regardless of men, women and children, it is suitable for watching, and the cost of shooting is not too high, but the difficulty is very high.

The last option, special effects film!That is the so-called blockbuster!

This kind of movie is actually the best to shoot, as long as the plot is passable and the actors are passable, the main thing is the big scene, the big scene, what the hell is the big scene!

What flying cars exploded, alien spaceships, a lot of things were made out for the audience to dazzle.

When they walk out of the cinema, they don't need to remember the plot, they just need to remember the big scenes they have seen!
And this kind of movie is also called a popcorn movie, almost forgotten after watching it.

These three kinds of movies are undoubtedly the best themes to be released during the Spring Festival.

Of course, there is another category that is animated movies!
After all, they all say "little ancestors" and "little ancestors", the status of children in the family is detached.

It is a pity that Chuqing Studio has no plans to enter the animation industry, so it is not considered for the time being.

But those that are not suitable for children to watch, such as love and horror, will definitely not work.

At least not when the box office is fully considered, but now because of the main task, what Chu Qing cares most about is the box office!
After thinking for a long time, Chu Qing decided to exclude special effects movies.

Because there are too many things that need to be prepared in the early stage of special effects movies, let’s say that the special effects of the "Assassination of Novelists" I watched before are really good, but the preparation time is too long!
If Chu Qing learns from the other party, he will have to wait until the next Spring Festival when Chu Qing's movie is finished!
In the end, all that was left in front of us were action movies and comedies.

Chu Qing's hesitation has happened again. The shooting of action movies is difficult and demanding, but the upper limit of the box office is also high.

Comedy films have low investment and are relatively easy to shoot, but the upper limit of the box office is low, and it is difficult to achieve an amazing box office!

Chu Qing began to hesitate, which of these two options should I choose?
At this time, Song Dawei walked in again, he came to report to Chu Qing about the situation of Bangziguo TV series.

"Qingzi, I have already told the other party that we plan to purchase the adaptation rights. The other party said that there are two TV series that are very popular right now. I will go and ask for us in the next two days."

Chu Qing hummed, then raised her head and asked formally.

"Viagra, if I want to become the box office champion of this Spring Festival, should I shoot an action movie or a comedy movie?"

After hearing this, Song Dawei said seriously, "I think it's better for you to sleep a little longer."

"Don't make trouble"

"You made a fuss first, what is going to become the box office champion? Is it so easy to become the box office champion? Do you know who is planning to hit the Spring Festival stalls this year?"

Chu Qing became interested when he heard it. He didn't find any information on the Internet before, but he didn't expect that Song Dawei seemed to know something inside!

He hurriedly let Song Dawei sit on the sofa, while he served tea and poured water in a doggy manner.

"Viagra, tell me carefully, what's the inside story?"

(End of this chapter)

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