Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 305 Spring Chapter Competitors

Chapter 305

Song Dawei enjoyed Chu Qing's dog-legged appearance very much, and took a sip of milk tea before speaking.

"You made one yourself, don't you know?"

Chu Qing was startled, and then suddenly realized that "The Wind and Cloud of Xiangjiang" he filmed in Xiangjiang turned out to be one of them!
Song Dawei took a sip of tea and said, "As far as I know, there are already five movies, and they are very likely to be released during the Spring Festival!"

"I won't say much about Fatty Wang's "The Wind and Cloud in Hong Kong". You know how the film was shot, and you also know Fatty Wang's status."

"Secondly, there is the comedy "Homecoming for Chinese New Year", directed by Xu Doudou, the previous Golden Bird Award for best director, known as the king of comedy directors in the new era!"

"And then there's "Looking for". The director's reputation is not too great, but the investor is Wanli International! I don't need to say more about Wanli International's reputation."

After hearing this, Chu Qing frowned and said, "What type of movie?"

"The fight against abduction is said to be based on real cases"

After hearing this, Chu Qing felt a little depressed. It's not that he was afraid of such subjects, but that the last six words were too heavy. Adapted from a real case!
These six words are simple, but they are the history of a family's blood and tears.

During the Spring Festival, there are a lot of people, but how many people will watch a movie that they know they will cry on such a festive day?
Although the other party hasn't been released yet, Chu Qing can be sure that the other party's ability to save money is already very good, and there is a high probability that the other party will lose money!

It's not easy to thank you, that's the kind of person you're talking about.

But this kind of person is great.

If through their efforts, one more child can be found and one case of trafficking can be avoided, then their efforts will not be in vain.

Chu Qing really respected this kind of person.

Unfortunately, Chu Qing has not yet reached this level.

Song Dawei continued: "The next few people are not ordinary. Do you have any impression of the one who filmed "My Dashan Father" last year?"

Chu Qing hummed and said: "There must be. It is said that it did not meet the screening standards, but it has won countless awards abroad."

Song Dawei nodded and said, "That's him. This year he is filming a movie called "Defending the Mother River". With his status as an underground well-known director, there will definitely be a bunch of film critics coming to praise this movie, and the box office should not be bad."

"Finally, there is another movie, "War Without Gunsmoke"! The investment alone is more than [-] million yuan!"

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, the investment alone was more than 20 million yuan, that is to say, only if the box office was [-] billion yuan, he could get back his money!

He can only make a profit with more than 25 billion. How determined is this?

Seeing Chu Qing's appearance, Song Dawei continued to attack: "This is a blockbuster special effects movie! Their special effects team was hired by Hollywood, and the special effects team is the well-known dragon and tiger martial arts team in Xiangjiang! In a word, they are all the best!"

After talking about these movies, Song Dawei looked at Chu Qing and said with a smile, "Do you still think you can be the box office champion now?"

Chu Qing thought about it seriously, then nodded seriously and said: "It's a bit difficult, but I think it's okay."

Song Dawei stared at Chu Qing dumbfounded, not knowing who gave Chu Qing confidence.

But at this moment, Chu Qing said flatly: "Think about our lineup."

Song Dawei didn't quite understand, looked at Chu Qing and said, "What lineup?"

Chu Qing pointed to her nose and said, "We have me, the Best Film King! And Han Jie, the Golden Jun Award for Best Director! They are very strong, but at the same time, we are not weak either!"

Song Dawei was taken aback when he heard it, and it took three or four seconds before he realized it and laughed.

"Hahaha, I've gotten used to being younger brothers, and I forgot that we are no longer little transparent now! You are right, their lineup is strong, and our lineup is not bad! Han Jie is also considered a great director, and you, the actor, Why can't you be the box office champion?"

Chu Qing pinched her chin and said, "What I'm struggling with now is, should we make an action movie or a comedy movie?"

Song Dawei smiled after hearing this: "That's what you need to think about, do you have a script in mind?"

Chu Qing nodded, and Song Dawei patted his legs and got up and said, "That's easy, you make two outlines, let's analyze it, two people count on the short, and three people count on the long."

When Chu Qing thought about it, it was true.

After Song Dawei walked out of the office, he sat at the desk and began to think.

He had to use the method of elimination, and the first thing to rule out was "Hello, Li Huanying"!
The movie was a success, and the box office was inflated, but that doesn't justify how good the movie is.

It can only be said that Jia Ling is very good, her fan base is very exaggerated, and the predecessor of this movie is really good!

And then, there are also some good times, places and people that complement each other, just like "Wolf Warrior 2" back then.

Is the plot of "Wolf Warrior 2" really good?Not necessarily, it's just that he chose the time point very well!

And this kind of movie cannot be chosen, because Chu Qing has no opportunity for them!

Chu Qing scratched her head, wondering whether she chose comedy or action?
In the end, he suddenly thought of a question, he is not a child, why do multiple choice questions?
Come on, adults definitely want them all!

Thinking of this, the movie "City Hunter" naturally flashed in Chu Qing's mind!
This is a movie based on comics. This movie had a box office of more than 3000 million U.S. dollars that year. You must know that it was 1993!

It is self-evident what the box office of more than 3000 million US dollars in that era represented!

What's even more rare is that many of the settings in the movie are still not outdated now.

Thinking about it, Chu Qing quickly started to write the script of "City Hunter", but while writing it, Chu Qing suddenly realized a more serious problem, that is, who should play the role of Meng Bo!
The success of this movie in the last life is absolutely inseparable from Jackie Chan's superb acting skills!And it is also inseparable from the influence of Jackie Chan.

He is much worse, he doesn't have his own style at all, or in other words, he is too popular!

The path Chu Qing took was the most common path, the one that relied on superb acting skills to get into the public eye, amaze the public and then become a best actor.

But Jackie Chan is different, he is walking a completely different path, and only he can walk!

The recognition is too high!

Of course, this was actually influenced by another big boss, Bruce Lee.

When Jackie Chan went abroad, everyone only knew that there was Bruce Lee, but not Jackie Chan.

That's why Jackie Chan created his current style. Since you are serious, then I will have a hippie smile.

You only use your fists and feet, and I can do whatever you want.

In a word, do the opposite to you, let people see our differences, and this is how Jackie Chan is today.
(End of this chapter)

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