Chapter 306

Thinking of this, Chu Qing became entangled again, it was difficult, it was really difficult!
In today's entertainment circle, there are plenty of actors, but there are too few good actors!

Otherwise, Chu Qing wouldn't be able to become a movie king with less than level [-] acting skills!

In the end, Chu Qing gritted her teeth and could only decide to fight herself!

As for the action, there is no need to worry, Chu Qing has long relied on martial arts skills, and it is not difficult for him to shoot action movies.

After deciding on the filming plan, Chu Qing started to move quickly. It can be said that the pen is flying like a fly. In two hours, Chu Qing had already written the script.

As soon as it was written, Chu Qing read it first, and then thought about who would play these roles in her mind.

After waiting for a general idea in her mind, Chu Qing called Song Dawei and asked him to read the script.

It turned out that Han Jie also came together.

As the lead director of 'That's a big studio', he will definitely have to direct this movie as well.

After the two of them finished reading the script together, they couldn't help showing satisfied expressions.

This is the charm of a good script, even after so many years, it is still not out of date.

It's just that some of the settings need to be modified, such as those high-tech, which are no longer available.

There are also some jokes that imply that Jackie Chan is not tall enough, and they have to be revised, after all, Chu Qing is 1.8 meters five.

Since the two of them also thought the script was good, the script was ordered.

The next few people began to discuss the issue of the shooting location. The main plot was all on a cruise ship, but this was actually easy to deal with.

Because whether it is Wang Cong or Song Dawei, they know a lot of rich people, and it is not a problem to find them to rent a cruise ship.

The problem of the venue was solved, and then came the actors. This time Chu Qing planned to hire someone. The actors in his studio alone couldn't support it.

Moreover, it must be all big names, the kind of audience who will recognize it at a glance!And it has to be a good audience, not just someone with traffic!
There are such actors in the circle, but they are definitely not many!
The three of them thought for a long time, and in the end they only made a list of seven people.

Time is too tight now, among the seven people, I don't know how many people have schedules.

After all, like these seven people, they are not short of play appointments at all, and their play appointments are likely to be scheduled for the next year. Whether they have time to come is a question.

After discussing everything, Song Dawei was in charge of contacting the actors, Chu Qing was in charge of ordering the props, and Han Jie took the script and began to think about how to shoot and what equipment to use.

The future Big Three in the entertainment industry have already begun to take shape.

August is bound to be a busy month.

With Song Dawei's efforts, the three of them managed to get out of the schedule and expressed their willingness to participate.

But they can only give one month. Before the end of September, they have to withdraw from the group, otherwise the time is really too late.

Song Dawei is already very satisfied with this. As for the cruise ship, Song Dawei also found it through his relationship, but the price is really a bit expensive!Fortunately, it is also acceptable.

Because the time is too tight, there is no time to design many props, so we can only rent some similar ones. After all, the time of the actors is tight.

On September [-]st, the movie officially started shooting!
But there are still some props that have not been delivered, so we can only shoot some scenes that don't need those props first.

The time is too short, except for some costumes and necessary props, nothing else can be done at all.

But this time the lineup is absolutely gorgeous!

Except for Chu Qing, the starring lineup is all first-line!
Although Chu Qing is not in the first line, he has the name of a film king hanging on his head, and he is not far from the first line.

It can be said that the lineup of the movie is luxurious enough!
And the movie shot this time is not that serious type, and it doesn't require actors to be too involved.

In addition, the strength of the actors is good. After reading the script, it can be turned on. The shooting progress is good.

What surprised Chu Qing was the few foreign artists he invited.

Originally, Chu Qing thought that communication would be a little difficult. After all, Chu Qing's academic English is still somewhat of a generation gap when communicating with real foreigners.

It doesn't matter about other things, but it doesn't work when it comes to training actors and directing filming.

As a result, Chu Qing was very surprised that these actors' Mandarin was so good!
Although it is not better than my own broadcasting learner, it can be regarded as very standard!

The most interesting thing is a big black man who speaks Northeast dialect fluently!It made Chu Qing suspect for a while that the other party was the real Northeast person, and she was a fake!
But it didn't take long for Chu Qing to discover the problem.

That is, the northeastern dialect of this big black man is so contagious!Originally, the normal Mandarin of those foreigners caused him to stray a bit.

Sure enough, no matter whether you are from the north or south, as long as you spend three months with people from the Northeast, your accent will be from the Northeast!

And Chu Qing also found some problems during the filming. He had been imitating his elder brother before.

The result is that painting a tiger is not an anti-dog, and it doesn't have the essence of a big brother at all!
Chu Qing has a deep understanding of what it means to be "whoever learns from me lives, and whoever imitates me dies!" '

In the end, Chu Qing had no choice but to change the plan, try to think about the plot in the comics of the previous life as much as possible, and then directly play the characters in the comics.

In the end, I used system props to find some feeling.

"Everyone on your marks! Battle in theaters! Second shot, third time!"

Following Han Jie's voice, Chu Qing moved into action. This scene was filming Chu Qing fighting two strong black men in a movie theater, and finally defeated his opponent with the help of a Bruce Lee movie.

Although there is no Bruce Lee in the parallel world, there is another kung fu master.

In order to take care of Chu Qing's height, two strong black men over two meters tall were specially found here, and they were even given height-enhancing shoes!

Because this scene was filmed, the comedy effect was really full, and the actors couldn't help laughing in the first two times.

But this time, under everyone's suppressed smiles, it was finally over again, and Chu Qing also heaved a long sigh of relief.

He didn't feel deeply before, but after shooting an action movie, Chu Qing realized that it was really easy to get hurt!
Up to now, Chu Qing has no serious injuries, but there are quite a few bruises.

Only then did Chu Qing understand why few new generation actors were willing to shoot action movies.

At first Chu Qing thought that the threshold for action movies was too high, but now she understands a little bit.

Regardless of whether the threshold is high or not, not everyone is willing to suffer this crime.

Time passed leisurely, and in the blink of an eye, it was the end of September, and the three actors with tight schedules finally wrapped up.

After waiting for the three actors to leave, the crew's actions could finally slow down a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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