Chapter 307
Although the filming progress has slowed down, everyone's condition has improved.

After a month of running-in, the actors and staff also have a tacit understanding. There are almost no NG situations in the shooting. Most of the shooting can be passed by almost two. This kind of efficiency is definitely considered very high in the crew. Soon.

And once she relaxed, Chu Qing realized that she fit the character even better!The performance is also more vivid.

But when Chu Qing was filming, a burst of rumors suddenly spread on the Internet!

#shock!A well-known Xiao Xianrou with the surname C, conceived before marriage and gave birth to a son! #
#Shock!A well-known male actor surnamed C, who abandoned his wife and son, is the contemporary Chen Shimei! #
#世风日下, a well-known male singer with the surname C, actually abandoned his wife and son in order to be famous! #
These two pieces of news spread more and more widely, and then I don't know who led it, and it was said that the little fresh meat with the surname C was Chu Qing!
Netizens recalled that a well-known male singer, a well-known actor, and Xiao Xianrou with the surname C, if these three conditions are added together, it is indeed Chu Qing!
Who made Chu Qing so popular now?So much so that everyone doesn't want to think about it, no matter how they guess it's him.

This time, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet!
Although Chu Qing's fans are helping him argue, there are more people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal to take the rhythm!
There are also some who are purely Chu Qing's black fans, and it will be more joyful to meet this kind of thing.

Everyone comes and goes, and what they say is the same thing, that is, Chu Qing is not a human being, she abandoned her wife and children, and deceived fans' feelings!

Then, a group of photos of mother and child appeared on the Internet. The appearance of the little boy was quite similar to that of Chu Qing.

This time, there will be more scolding of Chu Qing on the Internet!
Chu Qing has been filming on the set these days, and she is still on the ship, so the signal is relatively mediocre.

By the time Chu Qing knew the news, it was already the next day. At that time, the rumors had already fermented, and there was no way to stop them!
After reading it, Chu Qing looked confused, turned to Song Dawei and said, "What do you mean? You said I have a child?"

Song Dawei's face is not very good-looking. As Chu Qing's manager, Chu Qing's reputation is his reputation. Now that there are such rumors on the Internet, it's strange that he has a good-looking face.

Seeing that Song Dawei was silent, Chu Qing turned to Yin Tao and said, "Do you believe it?"

Yin Tao shook her head decisively and said, "I only believe what I see."

Hearing this, Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

No matter who is behind the scenes, Chu Qing will make him pay the price!
Ever since he brought down Xie Kun, Chu Qing thought he was kind to others and had never offended anyone. Who could this be, who wants to attack him?
After thinking for a while, she couldn't come up with an answer, so Chu Qing simply gave up.

After all, although he didn't offend anyone, he may have blocked someone's way invisibly, and it is possible that someone wanted to mess with him.

Chu Qing looked up at Song Dawei, and saw Song Dawei said sternly: "You don't care about this matter, you can film with peace of mind, and I will take care of other things."

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said: "I don't care, you are soft-hearted, don't you make it easier for them?"

Song Dawei shook his head firmly and said, "This time, I'm going to make an example of others! Leave it to me, don't worry!"

Chu Qing looked at Song Dawei, nodded after a long time and said, "Don't let me down."

Song Dawei quickly began to investigate. Before he met Chu Qing, Song Dawei had relatively ordinary contacts in the entertainment industry, but as Chu Qing quickly became popular, Song Dawei continued to accumulate contacts along the way.

Usually, when Chu Qing was filming and partying, he would communicate with some managers and insiders.

Song Dawei was originally a very charismatic person, and his family was not short of money, so it was not easy to make friends.

And this time, it was the first time he launched his network with full firepower!
There are still voices questioning and insulting Chu Qing on the Internet, but behind the scenes, Song Dawei's network of contacts has already started to take action, tracing the source to find the truth of this matter!
Song Dawei, a good-tempered person, was also irritated this time.

They were filming well, but accidents happened and they were planted and framed. It was such a horribly sensitive matter, who could bear it?
Song Dawei has already investigated the details of the few people who are the happiest on the Internet.

If it is a normal person or a paparazzi, then of course there is no problem. The former is just watching the fun, while the latter lives on it.

But if it was those studios, people with ulterior motives were playing the rhythm, then Song Dawei would remember them.

Mountains are high and rivers are long, everyone always meets, then don't blame Song Dawei for killing him!

Thinking of Chu Qing's words 'don't let me down', Song Dawei couldn't help but clenched his fists!
He knew Chu Qing well. Among so many people in the studio, he knew Chu Qing's character better than Yin Tao.

Chu Qing had a gentle smile on the surface, with a humble look.

But in his heart, Chu Qing was a bit dark. He always killed anyone or things that could threaten him.

When the two were working together, Song Dawei once asked him, what is the bottom line for doing things in the future.

Chu Qing just said lightly, either don't do it, or do it if you want to!
At that time, Song Dawei was dumbfounded when he heard this sentence, because he has always followed the principle of keeping a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future.

As a result, when it came to Chu Qing, it turned into, either don't do it, or do it!

It was also because of this that Song Dawei had some understanding of Chu Qing's heart.

People who can say such things are definitely not as gentle as they appear on the surface.

And he also knew that this matter also made Chu Qing very upset. With Chu Qing's current energy, it would be very difficult for him to take action on this matter.

But he was even more afraid of ruining Chu Qing's personality because of this matter, so he took the initiative to take over.

He knew Chu Qing's views on this matter and what result Chu Qing wanted, and he would give Chu Qing a satisfactory explanation.

Yanjing, Weekly Entertainment News
They were the first media to release the news, and they also posted the little fresh meat with the surname C, and added a series of labels behind it, such as male singer, actor, popularity in the circle, etc. For the news, lean on Chu Qing as much as possible.

As the incident fermented, more and more people paid attention to this incident, and their enthusiasm became more and more popular, which made entertainment laugh from top to bottom.

In today's society, if someone pays attention, that is money!
Didn't they work hard to do these things just to get attention and then realize it later?

As far as it is now, they have already sat down.

"Editor-in-Chief, come and take a look, Chu Qing posted a clarification on Weibo!"

Just when the editor-in-chief was thinking about whether to change himself to a sports car or a commercial vehicle, the voice of a small clerk suddenly sounded.
(End of this chapter)

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