Chapter 308 Investigation
The editor-in-chief couldn't care less about his daydreams anymore, and ran over erratically.

It's just right for Chu Qing to clarify at this time, he can definitely guide the netizens, making them think that Chu Qing is saying 'there is no silver 300 taels here'!
Even in the process of walking towards the little clerk, he had already thought about the copywriting.

Walking to the computer, there was Chu Qing's Weibo on the screen.

"The clearer clears himself"

Four simple words, when the editor-in-chief saw it, he almost couldn't laugh out loud.

In today's society, no one really thinks that there is such a thing as 'rumors stop at the wise', right?

Today's netizens don't care who is wrong about a matter at all, they just know how to curse and curse, so what if they are wrong?Are you afraid that you won't be able to call through the network cable?
They just want to release all the pressure they have received in society by spraying you.

That's why the editor-in-chief laughed out loud, that's all?That's it?
You still want to turn around the four words, do you really think that the Internet is full of honest gentlemen, looking at the truth of things objectively?
The editor-in-chief laughed, patted the little clerk on the shoulder and said, "Okay, watch it, tell me what's new, and tell me which comment on this Weibo is the first to reach [-] likes."

"good editor"

The little clerk agreed with a serious expression, as if he was doing something extremely important!

The editor-in-chief himself returned to the office slowly, opened the laptop he carried with him, and began to write a copy on it.

Chu Qing's wave of enthusiasm, he is sure!

And even if he is discovered, he is not afraid at all.

Because there was indeed a little fresh meat surnamed 'C' who, after abandoning his wife and son, followed a female director and was praised by the female director.

But he never said that that person was Chu Qing!He is just guiding all the time, and the rest are all for the netizens to think about. What does it have to do with him?
This is also his shrewdness. If the little fresh meat with the surname C before breaking the news, how much traffic would it be?It would be nice to be able to show a face on the search engine.

But changing the protagonist to Chu Qing is different, and now it is even on the hot search, which shows how influential this matter is!

And the number of followers of their weekly entertainment newspaper has also skyrocketed from 300 million to 650 million, more than doubling!How can this make him, the editor-in-chief who has full power to plan everything, unhappy?
While humming a little tune, he wrote the copy happily, and he was bound to wipe out this wave of enthusiasm to the end!

He knew that Chu Qing's backer was Zhang Sanli, but so what?

Since when were they paparazzi afraid of entertainers?

Paparazzi are the parasites on those entertainers, they hate them, but there is nothing they can do about it!
But while he was writing, a chat box suddenly popped up in front of him.

The editor-in-chief opened it casually. This is a group that only the editor-in-chief can join in their Beijing Entertainment News. He also relied on this group to get other people to cooperate with each other and create such a wave of enthusiasm.

Click to open the group and see that it is the editor-in-chief of another entertainment newspaper.

Daily new knowledge: "@周周娱乐报, a week ago, I recently discovered that someone is investigating this matter, let's stop it"

Weekly Entertainment News: "We just reported the truth of the matter, why stop? We obviously didn't do anything"

Daily New Know: "You know what I'm talking about"

The editor-in-chief sneered twice when he saw this. At first, he saw that the heat was like a mad dog, but now he was scared?

This era has always supported the bold and starved the timid!If you are afraid, then you should all quit, and you don't need to come here to share the heat!

The reason why the editor-in-chief approached them before was to expand their influence and to share risks.

Now the impact is enough, and I don’t see any risks. The editor-in-chief is still afraid of a hammer. He wishes that all these people will leave, and only he will continue to pay attention to this matter. In the end, he may be able to manage his attention to 1000 million. Woolen cloth!
At that time, their Weekly Entertainment News will become the big brother in the industry!
Thinking of this, the editor-in-chief's mouth couldn't help but twitched, and he wrote the copy more happily.

At the same time, he was still proud of himself, and now he had a backer.

This matter was originally supported by the boss of [Chinese Entertainment]. There is such a great god, so I am afraid of a hammer?
Unfortunately, he wasn't happy for long, even before he got off work, people from the court came to the door and handed him a summons!
The content written above is very simple, he was sued, and the person who sued him was 'that is a big studio'!
It is also simple to sue him for defamation!

Judging from the impact of the current events, if he is convicted of the crime, he will inevitably be imprisoned for three years.

But the editor-in-chief didn't take it seriously, because he had seen many people suing him for defamation.

No one can do anything to him, especially now that he has a backer.

But what he didn't know was that this time, Song Dawei hired four lawyers alone!
The goal is also very simple, make them all ex-cons!

On October [-]th, this matter has been fermenting for half a month, and the popularity on the Internet has not diminished. Chu Qing was even scolded as a fan.

However, the number is not large and has no impact.

Chu Qing is not in a hurry, and is still serious about filming on the set every day. Nothing is more important than completing the main task!

And the more Chu Qing's attitude of not worrying, the greater the pressure on Song Dawei, because this proves that Chu Qing really believes in him wholeheartedly!

Don't look at the uproar of online news, but in fact, this is all within Song Dawei's expectation.

Since the matter is irreversible and the dirty water has been poured over, we must maximize the benefits before cleaning it up.

Although these are still scolding now, but when they are washed clean, they will be full of heat!

Wouldn't it be nice to take the opportunity to promote a wave of movies at that time?
Now that those people have been sent subpoenas by him, maybe they are not in a hurry now, thinking that they can get away with it.

Thinking of this, Song Dawei sneered twice.

The four lawyer teams had a three-day meeting, and the final result was that Song Dawei gave them a list of two-year-olds on average!

On this day, Chu Qing finished the day's filming and lay down on the sofa exhausted.

Yin Tao stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders. This was something Yin Tao learned from his teacher specially to relieve Chu Qing's sore muscles.

Song Dawei sat opposite him, took out a paper document from his briefcase, and handed it to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing took it over and took a look, and saw that it was a picture and text, which described the whole incident in detail.

And there are only four words that stand out the most in it, [Chinese Entertainment]!
After seeing the other party's representative 'Tang Lion' LOGO, Chu Qing's eyes narrowed subconsciously.

Song Dawei, who was sitting opposite Chu Qing, felt cold all over, knowing that Chu Qing was going to cheat again!

(End of this chapter)

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