Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 309 Coming and not being indecent

Chapter 309 Coming and not being indecent

Chu Qing will never forget the name of this company, nor will he forget his LOGO.

Because Cui Qiqi and Song Jiji belonged to this company back then, how could Chu Qing forget about this company that almost ruined her life?

Before, Chu Qing always thought that Song Jiji and Cui Qiqi framed her, but after using the shame capsule, she found out that Cui Qiqi actually had some relationship with the boss of Chinese Entertainment.

As soon as Chu Qing saw the name of Chinese entertainment, he built a relationship in his mind.

Now there are two possibilities. The first possibility is that the people above did not say anything, but the people below did this kind of thing on their own in order to please him.

This is a very common thing in the system. The most common thing is that two leaders compete. After one takes the position, the other will end badly.

Is this the victor's revenge on him?No, but those subordinates used this method to prove themselves in order to show their loyalty.

The second possibility is that Cui Qiqi's matter was taken into consideration by the boss of Chinese entertainment before, but it was too obvious to take revenge on Chu Qing at that time, so it was delayed until now.

This possibility is also not too great, the reason is very simple, if the boss of Chinese Entertainment wants to punish Chu Qing, he has more means.

If the dignified Chinese bosses all use such small methods as slander, then Chu Qing will really look down on the other party and feel that he is not worthy.

Then, there should be a third possibility!
Chu Qing began to think hard, and finally thought of a possibility.

That is, this may be a preliminary plan, and the other party should have a series of plans for themselves, and these are just the first step!
Is there any advantage for him to do this?

Overturn the case for Cui Qiqi and Song Jiji?This is absolutely impossible, those two people have already been nailed to the pillar of shame, and they still blew themselves up, and they have no hope of coming back in this life.

What purpose does the other party have?Simply to destroy yourself?

After thinking about it, Chu Qing finally thought of another possibility.


He wants to annex Chu Qing's studio!
Today's Chuqing studio is full of talented people, and what's even more rare is that these people have a high degree of loyalty, and they are still young and can work for many years.

What's even more rare is that Chu Qing has created so many big IPs!

Whether it's "Running Man" or those online dramas, which one is not a cash cow?It's normal to be missed.

So just seeing the four words Chinese entertainment, Chu Qing probably guessed the other party's purpose.

After reading the information, Chu Qing silently put it down, looked at Song Dawei and said.

"Chinese Entertainment is planning to attack our studio. His first plan is to pour dirt on me and reduce my value. Then they must have other plans!"

Song Dawei was taken aback when he heard this, and asked without responding.

"Start at our studio? Why?"

Chu Qing looked into his eyes and said word by word.

"Big fish eat small fish!"

Song Dawei was not stupid after all, he realized it in an instant, but he was still a little unbelievable.

"It shouldn't be, let's, let's"

He couldn't continue talking because he subconsciously understood that it was possible.

No matter what kind of business grows, it will inevitably go through a process of annexing other companies.

In other words, the reason why his family's company has come to this point is not because it has annexed all similar companies around it?

Then why doesn't Chinese entertainment want to annex the studio?He just didn't want to believe it.

Song Dawei fell silent immediately, while Chu Qing was thinking about the method.

Chinese entertainment wants to annex Chu Qing, so why doesn't Chu Qing want to annex the other party?
The opponent has strong capital, but he has a system!Who is afraid of whom?Come on, hurt each other!

After knowing who the other party is, the rest is simple, you just need to think about how to defeat the other party!
The document Song Dawei handed over contains a lot of information about the boss of Chinese Entertainment.

After Chu Qing watched it, he really felt that the opponent was very strong, but he was not afraid. At worst, he would be killed and the net broken, afraid of a hammer?

He is young, he still has the drive, can the other party do it?

In fact, the easiest way is for Chu Qing to use the Shame Scarecrow, just like Cui Qiqi did back then.

But Chu Qing is quite cautious, ashamed of things like scarecrows, one time, two times, but if you use it many times, you will definitely be suspected!

Why does this happen to everyone who targets you?
Never take other people for a fool!This principle applies no matter where you put it!

Chu Qing actually likes these intrigues very much. For him, this is not only a danger, but also an opportunity!

If you don't work hard like this, and just rely on your own efforts step by step, when will you be able to succeed?

After waiting for Song Dawei to leave, Chu Qing closed her eyes and let Yin Tao behind her rub her head.

Her little hands were weak and boneless, which relieved Chu Qing's fatigue to a great extent.

"Isn't it tiring to think about these things all the time?"

Her voice was very soft, as if she was afraid of interrupting Chu Qing's strength.

Chu Qing held her little hand backhand and said, "I'm not tired, on the contrary, I enjoy it very much!"

Chu Qing was still filming on the set every day. The news had spread for such a long time, and of course the crew also received the news. The people in his own studio were fine. They had been in contact with Chu Qing for a long time, and they knew who Chu Qing was.

They didn't believe the rumors on the Internet at all, but those temporarily hired were different.

Occasionally looked at Chu Qing with strange eyes, and even a few people had disdain in their eyes, Chu Qing could only pretend not to see it.

Because there is absolutely no need to explain it to them.

Expelling them would make him look like a small belly. Of course, he remembered those people one by one.

Not to mention revenge or not, anyway, there should be no chance to cooperate again in this life.

Going around like this, at the end of October, this "City Hunter" was finally finished!
Chu Qing was also liberated from the film crew. After handing over the film to post-editing, Chu Qing went to Yanjing with Song Dawei, Yin Tao, Zhang Mo and others.

Today is the day of court!He planned to see what would happen to those villains who framed him!

But Chu Qing was a little late, and by the time Chu Qing arrived in Yanjing, the trial had already ended.

Just like what the legal team promised Chu Qing before, these people started in two years!

Until this time, this group of people panicked!

They were scared, but it was too late!
Chu Qing did not accept any reconciliation at all, killing the chicken to make an example to the monkey, how could it be possible to let the chicken go?
If the chicken is not killed, will the monkey be afraid?

Come and go without indecent!
The opponent made a move, and Chu Qing is not the kind of person who just sits and waits. Since you have already launched an attack, then it is normal for me to fight back!

Standing outside the court, Chu Qing looked at the paparazzi who shouted to appeal but were taken away by the bailiff, and sneered inwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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