Chapter 310 Zhang Sanli

Chu Qing is fine, her expression can be calmer.

Zhang Moke scolded those people, but it was Song Dawei who forcibly held him back.

In Zhang Mo's heart, Chu Qing is one of the people he respects the most!

And these people actually spread rumors and slandered Chu Qing's reputation, how could he bear it?

Song Dawei persuaded him with his good words, but Zhang Mo still gritted his teeth, looking like he would never let it go.

Naturally, Chu Qing would not let it go, otherwise he would not have come to Yanjing.

After seeing these people being taken into the police car with her own eyes, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Let's go."

Several people returned to Song Dawei's car, Chu Qing said: "Zhang Mo, you drive, I'm going to Teacher Zhao"

Zhang Mo became excited when he heard it: "Come on! This kind of people, I have to let my dad kill them!"

Chu Qing smiled, looked at Song Dawei who was sitting in the co-pilot and said.

"Is it possible for these people to betray the water?"

Song Dawei nodded cheerfully and said: "Of course, this kind of people seem to be doing well now, but after they have a criminal record, no one will want them. Whether they can be paparazzi in the future is a problem."

"In this case, they must all want to earn a little more. As long as we spend some money, don't tell them to tell the truth, even let them spread rumors!"

After Chu Qing heard this, she frowned. There was no way that others could not imagine what she could think of.

I can think of spending money to buy it, but can't the other party think of spending money to keep it silent?
Seeing Chu Qing's frown, Song Dawei also thought of this, he thought for a while and said.

"It's also simple. I can find some people and create gaps! Let these people feel that all this is a conspiracy by the other party. Without the other party, they would not have ended up in the current situation! And helping us is revenge for them!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, saying that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. This sentence is true. Song Dawei obviously learned from himself. He can express such sinister thoughts, but Chu Qing Qing likes it very much!

The other two people in the car acted as if they hadn't heard anything, they were both typical helpers and no helpers!

Chu Qing yawned and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Song Dawei patted his chest and said that there must be no problem. Chu Qing will definitely give an answer to this matter in three days at the latest.

More than half an hour later, a group of people came to Zhang Sanli's house.

The two had communicated on the phone before, and they already knew that Zhang Sanli was at home.

After they were done, the nanny poured tea for them and left the room silently.

Only then did Zhang Sanli speak: "Can we get the evidence?"

Chu Qing had discussed this matter with Zhang Sanli as early as when the other party started attacking, so Zhang Sanli knew the whole story of this matter relatively well.

He asked if he could get the evidence, just to know if Chu Qing had any evidence of framing. If there was, Zhang Sanli would have a reason to intervene.

After hearing this, Chu Qing shook her head: "No, his hands and feet are very clean. I'll ask Dawei to test whether those paparazzi can betray them."

After hearing this, Zhang Sanli shook his head and said, "They dare not betray you."

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, he repeated what Song Dawei told him before, and then repeated it to Zhang Sanli.

After Zhang Sanli heard it, he still shook his head and repeated the sentence: "They dare not turn their backs."

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, she understood that Zhang Sanli must know something.

Zhang Sanli didn't intend to hide it, and said directly: "It's impossible for them to change industries. They are used to earning money with pens. Let them use their physical strength to earn money. They can't do it."

"And if you want to hang around in this circle, some people don't dare to offend them! Unless you can prove that [Chinese entertainment] will not pose a threat to them, then they will have the courage to turn against them."

After hearing this, Chu Qing frowned. 【Chinese Entertainment】is one of the best in the industry. There are dozens of people in the first and second tiers of the company, and they are a serious behemoth!

It is not easy to convince these people that Chinese entertainment will fall.

Zhang Sanli said softly: "It's not realistic to let them turn against the water, what we can do is to attack one point!"

After Zhang Sanli finished speaking, he took out a document from the drawer under the coffee table and threw it in front of Chu Qing.

Chu Qing opened it and saw that it was a person's profile.

Xiao Xing, the newcomer that Chinese Entertainment has been touting for the past two years!
I am 25 years old this year. I studied idols in Bangzi Country for ten years, and then formed a men's team in Bangzi Country. I have a strong fan base in Bangzi Country.

Then he returned to Huaxia and joined Chinese Entertainment!

But according to the information, this Xiao Xing was originally a Chinese entertainment person!When he went abroad, it was originally an investment in Chinese entertainment.

Just like Chu Qing sending out five fresh meats, Chinese entertainment has been doing this as early as ten years ago.

Although Xiao Xianrou was not as popular as it is now, Chu Qing had to admire his vision, and he could start planning so many years ago.

Unlike him, it's too late to start training now.

Chu Qing continued to look at the information. This Xiao Xing was called the noble son of the returnee, and there was a lot of news about it. There was nothing about his works, the main thing was that he was handsome!
All-round, the kind of handsome without dead ends!
But under the photo, there is a plastic surgery record of the other party.

Chu Qing looked at the time and was shocked.

This Xiao Xing has been in Bangzi Kingdom for ten years, but he has been doing plastic surgery for eight years!
His current appearance is completely different from his previous appearance, and he can't even tell that he is alone!

Chu Qing took a deep breath, admiring this kind of person who dared to use a knife on her body.

Then look down, there are some other black materials inside.

In general, this Xiao acted as a leader, but he paid a lot, which was much more outrageous than the previous Xie Kun.

After reading it, Chu Qing took a deep breath, turned to look at Zhang Sanli and said.

"Teacher, these materials."

"Don't worry about the information, it's absolutely true, and I have evidence for all the information"

Chu Qing secretly exclaimed, thinking that none of these old guys is simple!Fortunately, I and Zhang Sanli are in the same group, otherwise, when I think of fighting against this kind of person, can I still sleep at night?
But Zhang Sanli said in a flat voice: "What you mainly do now is to shut up those paparazzi in the prison and tell them to wait and see the direction of the wind before speaking!"

"I will post on Weibo tonight to clarify myself, saying that the law has given me justice, and they will still follow the rhythm, but you don't respond, I will stand up"

"As for Xiao Xing's matter, I will also take action. In a word, you must have nothing to do with this matter!"

After Chu Qing heard this, she nodded slightly, but she knew in her heart that she owed him too much!
Zhang Sanli was obviously trying to bear everything on himself, and at the same time, it was also a shock to those people!
Let them know that bullying Chu Qing is offending Zhang Sanli!

And what will happen to those who offend Zhang Sanli!
(End of this chapter)

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