Chapter 311
Looking at Chu Qing's silence, Zhang Sanli smiled.

"He's not only targeting you, he's also hitting my Zhang Sanli in the face!"

Zhang Mo stood up and said, "Yes! Brother Chu, this is not only your business, but also our Zhang family's business!"

Chu Qing remained silent, because he didn't know how to repay Zhang Sanli's favor, and the last thing he wanted to owe was a debt of favor.

The more free something is, the more expensive it is!
But Zhang Sanli said: "There is no need to see each other like this between master and apprentice. I heard from Xiaomo that you have always wanted to expand the studio. This is an opportunity for you. Maybe after this time is over, your The studio can be expanded into a company!"

Zhang Sanli laughed after finishing speaking: "When the time comes, you and my master and apprentice will join forces and dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing finally smiled.

Turning his head to look at Zhang Mo, he had already figured out how to repay Zhang Sanli's favor.

Zhang Sanli doesn't lack anything now, the only thing he worries about is one, Zhang Mo!

Although Chu Qing turned Zhang Mo's prodigal son back, it was not enough. Chu Qing wanted to make Zhang Mo angry, become popular, and completely repay the favor!
Chu Qing silently picked up the document and handed it to Song Dawei who was at the side.

Song Dawei put the information into his briefcase without saying a word.

After confirming that it was put away, he looked at Zhang Sanli with a smile.

"Ms. Zhang, don't worry, I will start writing the copy in the afternoon, and clarify in the evening. I have already prepared the navy and the like, and nothing will go wrong."

Zhang Sanli nodded, told the nanny to start cooking, then looked at Chu Qing and smiled.

"When an artist is praised by someone, someone must hate you, just like coal, half red and half black. If you add all red, then you will soon turn into ashes and disappear."

Chu Qing nodded slowly. He had heard the same words from another master in his previous life.

He always benefited a lot from talking with the older generation.

There is an old saying in Huaxia that if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes. This actually has some truth.

How can people's life experience and experience be useless?
That night, Song Dawei posted a Weibo.

It is written in detail above that the slanderer has received legal punishment, which proves that this matter is slanderous!

The male celebrity with the surname C in those populations was not Chu Qing at all.

Most of the netizens believed it after reading it. After all, the authorities had already arrested him, so it should be able to prove Chu Qing's innocence.

But there are still some real black fans who are persistent in black!
"Don't be misled by them! This is what I'm asking you to do!"

"Yes! Who can prove this? Taking two photos can prove a fart!"

"Hehe, it's so nice to be rich! Turning black and white is so righteous!"

"Is it obvious that your child is at a glance? Since you deny it, why don't you go for a paternity test?"

Just like what Zhang Sanli said, there are still people who are constantly taking the rhythm, and Chu Qing didn't give any response to this.

Do a paternity test?That is simply a joke!
If someone said that his child belonged to Chu Qing, Chu Qing would have to do a paternity test, and Chu Qing would have nothing to do in the days to come. There must be people clamoring for a paternity test with Chu Qing every day!
However, although Chu Qing didn't respond, Zhang Sanli posted a Weibo. There was only a simple sentence in the Weibo, and the popularity was not high, but it was enough to make some people tremble.

"Have you thought about bullying people before, are you capable of bullying?"

This news was noticed by many bigwigs in the circle.

Some bigwigs in the well-known circle who have a good relationship with Zhang Sanli all liked this Weibo.

They are expressing their stance, no matter what Zhang Sanli plans to do, they will stand with Zhang Sanli!
Zhang Sanli was declaring war, but most people outside the circle couldn't see it.

Chinese entertainment did not respond, if he responded at this time, wouldn't it be true that they were playing tricks on this matter?Perhaps, they still have some luck for themselves, thinking that they should not be discovered.

But it didn't take long before they realized that they were wrong, and Zhang Sanli must have made a move!
In just one night, news about Xiao Xing's plastic surgery, customer service, etc. spread all over the Internet!
Huaren Entertainment held an emergency meeting. They originally wanted to turn him into a malicious framing incident before this incident became an impact, and then find someone to clean up.

After all, that star has never been hacked?At that time, the impact will not be too great.

But before they all arrived, this news was already on the hot searches.

At that time, all of them understood that this matter could not be suppressed!

The Chinese boss contacted the Weibo official at the first time, hoping that this message could be deleted, but the Weibo official didn't give him any face, saying that he was fair and just!It wasn't me who made this news popular, but a netizen pushed it!

If you delete it, wouldn't you slap yourself in the face?

For such words, the Chinese boss naturally did not believe it.

Without the cooperation of the other party, this matter would be impossible!
If you don't give heat, can this matter be seen by so many netizens?If netizens can't see it, how can it be popular in the search!

In the past, if there was any news about a Chinese entertainment company, someone would notify him if it was on the trending search or not, but this time, he didn't receive any news at all, and he was directly on the trending search, which must be unusual.

In addition to the Weibo post by Zhang Sanli during the day, the meaning is self-evident.

Zhang Sanli told him very bluntly that I am going to attack you!

The boss of China Entertainment is Zhang Tianci, who is over 50 this year, but as a person who started a huge company like China Entertainment from scratch, his mentality is still very young.

The reason for targeting Chu Qing this time is very simple, just as Chu Qing thought.

On the one hand, he really took what happened to Cui Qiqi to heart. After all, everyone knows about unspoken rules, but almost no one will put it on the surface.

After Cui Qiqi blew himself up, he was laughed at for a long time.

What's more, he really liked the group of young people in Chu Qing's studio, but he couldn't get them, so he simply wanted to suppress Chu Qing, and finally annexed the studio!

As for Zhang Sanli, he also considered it.

To be honest, Zhang Sanli is indeed much stronger than him, but he is not afraid, because this circle has his own rules, and what he is best at is playing with the rules!

Seeing Zhang Sanli start to attack now, not only is he not nervous, but he has a feeling that everything is under control.

As the boss of the company, how could he not know the weaknesses of his company?
That night, Xiao Xing's official Weibo posted a statement, which was a letter from a lawyer, stating that he would pursue this matter to the end!

(End of this chapter)

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