Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 312 The Second Contest

Chapter 312 The First Contest

Nowadays, on the Internet, no one scolds Chu Qing anymore, but everyone scolds Xiao Xing instead.

After all, Xiao Xing is now more popular than Chu Qing, and he has stated more than once before that he has not had plastic surgery, and his entire face is original.

As a result, the time of his plastic surgery is clearly marked on the Internet!There are also those accompanying wine photos, although there are not many large-scale ones, but netizens are not stupid, so they naturally understand what happened after this.

In one night, Xiao Xing became a street rat.

Early the next morning, Chu Qing woke up and watched the news and couldn't help but sigh, netizens are really too easy to be led into rhythm, they don't have their own thinking at all, they believe what others say.

He simply tidied himself up and started practicing with some people in the studio, starting a video conference.

He can't just do calculations, he has to start promoting "City Hunter".

Xiao Xing's fans are very sharp, killing all directions on the Internet, acting like I don't believe what you say, I only believe in my idol.

But the more they behave like this, the more they will irritate those black fans, and on the contrary, they will be more inextricable!
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xiao Xing can't be cleaned up. The biggest cash cow of Chinese entertainment in the past two years is about to collapse now.

But immediately after, Chinese entertainment began to speak out for Xiao Xing, claiming that they had hired professionals to confirm that the evidence was all synthetic.

Now that they have started to prosecute those who spread the rumors, they can prove Xiao Xing's innocence immediately.

This greatly increased the fighting power of Xiao Xing's fans, and they all screamed and killed them.

At the same time, all artists from Chinese Entertainment came out to stand in line!
Everyone liked Xiao Xing and claimed that they would support Xiao Xing. This matter was caused by villains.

The leading role of a star is great, and this is the benefit of a public figure!

They may not have many fans alone, or two of them may not have many fans, but the fans of a group of people combined will be terrifying!

Also, people have a herd mentality.

If one person says he is innocent, no one will believe him, and if two people say he is innocent, no one will believe him. But when there are more people, he is not innocent, but he is also innocent!
This is Zhang Tianci's method, simple, but very practical!
Don't look at Zhang Sanli's ability, but the artists in Zhang Sanli's company are not comparable to those in his company.

So he is confident that Zhang Sanli cannot replicate this method!

And just when he was thinking about whether the next plan against Chu Qing should be carried out as scheduled, Zhang Sanli made a move.

At noon, the well-known director Liu Dalong posted a Weibo, claiming that he had worked with Xiao Xing before, saying that he was a very arrogant entertainer, domineering on the crew, and even beat the crew, and even came late and left early, Nightclubs at night, resulting in the smell of alcohol when I started work the next day.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, Xiao Xing's fans were going to blow up the temple. They didn't believe what they said, and they came to Liu Dalong's Weibo to scold the street!

But who is Liu Dalong?Why would directors of major dramas in the circle be afraid of these ghosts and monsters?
Just posted a short video, which is the video of Xiao Xing beat the staff.

There is also a copy below, the facts speak louder than words!

Now, those fans have nothing to say, but it's okay, they don't care, but they can swear!This is not a conflict, is it?

But director Liu Dalong's actions seemed to have stabbed the director's hornet's nest!
Immediately, almost all the directors who had worked with Xiao Xing stood up, declaring that Xiao Xing has a problem with his character, and playing big names in the filming circle is a common occurrence!

Now, Xiao Xing's black fans have found an entry point.

"Hehe, I just quietly watched you wash the floor! One director said that you didn't believe it, and the other two said that you didn't believe it. Now the directors who have worked with him have said it, so you still don't believe it?"

"We don't know what these fans think. It's just such a scum, what's the use of liking him? Can't we enrich ourselves when we have that time?"

"Come on, you must maintain your current mentality and continue to support it! Don't expose any scandals and swell the faces of you stupid fans!"

"You must remember what you are now. When you look at it again at the age of 30, I believe it must be a kind of 'good memory'!"

Now Xiao Xing's fans have some doubts about themselves. As I said before, people have a herd mentality.

Now that so many people say that Xiao Xing is not good, they can't help but start to doubt life.

But the one who doubts life the most is Xiao Xing!
Just one day before, he was still a much-anticipated idol with countless little fans. In just one day, it seemed as if everything he had before had been destroyed!

He didn't understand why all of this was happening, and he even became a little hysterical!
On this day, he smashed everything in the office!
Ten years of hard work!Only he knows what he has experienced in the past ten years. Just when he saw the dawn and felt that all his efforts had been rewarded, this kind of thing happened!
The company asked him to calm down and said that the company would find a way.

But how does this calm him down, how does it make him accept it?

He felt that all of this was due to the company's public relations, and even wanted to log on to his account to clarify and deny other people's 'slander' against him!
But he never thought about why it was him!
I never thought that if he really didn't do those things, how could others attack him!

After becoming popular, many people will be in high spirits, even Chu Qing was the same back then.

But his way of flying was to spend money, and for Xiao Xing, he felt that he was superior to others, so he didn't treat those staff members as human beings at all when he was on the set, but now, the retribution is coming!

One day, just one day, Xiao Xing turned into a street rat, no matter how his fans tried to wash it, it was useless!
At noon the next day, the actors' guild and the directors' guild took place collectively. I hope everyone will appeal to block this kind of actors who 'domineeringly' on the crew!

This is no longer a question of being unprofessional, it even involves bullying and personality insults!

At night, the higher-ups directly issued a notice to completely ban such 'inferior' artists!
But the point of banning him is not playing big names in the crew, but those ugly photos that were exposed!
As a public figure, you have to give everyone a good image!
Their words and deeds will affect many people, but Xiao Xing's influence is obviously not good.

The above sentence directly characterizes this matter!
Now, those stars who supported Xiao Xing were all affected.

They all silently deleted the Weibo that supported Xiao Xing before, and fell silent.

Another day later, Huaren Entertainment issued a statement, claiming that they had indeed done something wrong. They had already announced the termination of the contract with Xiao Xing, and promised that they would never tolerate such things in the future.

The first contest, the winner, Zhang Sanli!
(End of this chapter)

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