Chapter 313 The Second Action

Zhang Tianci was right. Zhang Sanli's company didn't have many artists, let alone well-known artists.

In the competition of artists, Zhang Sanli is not his opponent.

But if you talk about playing with the background and backing, the combination of two Zhang Tianci will not work!

Zhang Sanli doesn't even bother to play with you in such a vain way, he directly overwhelms you and forces you to bow your head!

It feels as if the two sides are engaged in a war.

Zhang Tianci had many soldiers and designed various tactics.

Although Zhang Sanli didn't have many soldiers, he had fierce firepower!I don't care what tactics you have, just start covering fire!
A wave of firepower passes by, and any formation will be defeated by you!
Zhang Sanli won the first confrontation!
Now Zhang Tianci felt the pain, Xiao Xing alone could bring him hundreds of millions of income a year, but now it was all in vain, even with his heart, he almost exploded with anger.

There are only two roads in front of him now, the first road is to find Chu Qing and apologize!
The second road, one road to black!Continue to fight with Zhang Sanli.

He began to hesitate and began to consider gains and losses.

In the end, I gritted my teeth and continued!

If he chooses to reconcile now, then the previous efforts will not be in vain, and Xiao Xing will be compensated in vain!

Now there is only one way to go to Hei, and the annexation of Chu Qing's studio can stop the loss!

Originally, she planned to disgust Chu Qing, and then started to sow discord, poach people, and finally stigmatize him and annex the studio!

But I didn't expect Chu Qing's response to be so fast. Looking at it now, I can only play hard!

Didn't you abolish my Xiao Xing?Then I will abolish you, Chu Qing!
Now the only thing Chu Qing's studio can do is Chu Qing himself. If Chu Qing is abolished, then the studio will not let me have fish or meat?
But thinking of this, he couldn't help frowning, because he thought of another situation.

When the time comes to defeat Chu Qing, will he directly bring the studio to join Zhang Sanli's company?This is indeed a problem.

But it doesn't matter, the price will be higher at that time. With Zhang Sanli's business scope, he may not be able to swallow it!
Naturally, Zhang Sanli didn't know what Zhang Tianci was thinking, and he was not interested in Zhang Tianci either. At this moment, he was on the phone with a few old friends, and among them was Wu Xin, a boy from the big courtyard!

Wu Xin is an extremely righteous person. When he heard that Chu Qing was being bullied, he immediately became angry.

When filming "Let's Listen to the Dragon" before, Wu Xin was very optimistic about Chu Qing. At that time, he even gave Chu Qing a watch in order to let others know that Chu Qing was wearing it himself.

As a result, looking at it now, Zhang Tianci didn't give face at all. What's the difference between that and hitting him in the face?
But this is because Wu Xin misunderstood Zhang Tianci. After all, Zhang Tianci has a lot of things to do every day, so how could he care about Chu Qing's watch?
And even if you look at it, people who are not too close will not recognize this watch.

"Old Zhang! Can you do it? If you can't, replace me! I don't believe that such a big company doesn't do tax evasion! Even if he doesn't, what about the artists under him? They can't kill him!"

"When the time comes, I'll send someone to check every three days. If there's nothing to do, I'll check taxes, check fire protection, and check potential safety hazards!"

Zhang Sanli had a wry smile on his face, a little speechless.

"How old are you, why is your temper still like a firecracker? I'm not doing it, and besides, your methods are a bit too nasty."

Wu Xin became angry again when he heard this: "A scumbag? They f**kingly framed Chu Qing to be a scumbag if she has a child? What? Grab an honest child and bully her to death? Give them face!"

Zhang Sanli sighed: "You, don't be impulsive, I have a plan for this matter, just leave it to me"

Zhang Sanli talked badly, but it could be regarded as persuading Wu Xin, otherwise Zhang Sanli was really afraid that he would do something impulsively, which would ruin Zhang Sanli's plan at that time.

People who can reach Zhang Sanli's step, of course, can't be soft-hearted people.

And when he decided to do it, he had already thought about the plan and started to execute it.

So he didn't want Wu Xin to ruin his plan, otherwise things might be more troublesome then.

"No black material? How could there be no black material!"

"What do you people do? Isn't it your job to discredit artists? If not, make it up for me!"

"Isn't it just that more than 20 slanderers went to prison? Are you afraid of that?"

"How much money can you make a year now? As long as this thing is done, I will give you 500 million! 500 million is worth going to prison for three years!"

In the director's office of Chinese Entertainment, Zhang Tianci was talking on the phone with Yanjing's well-known paparazzi.

The other party's voice was a little embarrassed, saying that he really couldn't catch Chu Qing's black material.

As an entertainer, Chu Qing smokes and drinks alcohol. This is barely a black point, but the audience and netizens know this!

And then there is no black spot, he doesn't play big names, and has a good relationship with the crew in the crew.

I don't usually go to nightclubs, but occasionally go to restaurants to eat something good. Is this still a black spot?Which foodie is the black spot?
As for the usual things like abusing employees, there is nothing like that. He even did an interview secretly before. As for the young people in the studio, when it comes to Chu Qing, they always look like I am willing to die for him. The paparazzi were dumbfounded.

Afterwards, these employees talked endlessly about how difficult it was for Chu Qing, how he started from scratch, how good he was to them employees, and so on.

After listening to the staff, they wish they had an urge to join the studio!
This makes people, how can they find black spots?
As for the slander, it's even more nonsense. In the first two days, more than 20 people were arrested, and the average start time was two years. That is a living example!
500?Squat for three years?
When you come out after three years of squatting, your wife and children have run away with others, and you are spending the 500 million you got in prison in exchange for it!
You have a bad brain to do this!
So the big paparazzi can only say that he is powerless, after all, he is not capable enough.

Zhang Tianci hung up the phone angrily. In his opinion, this was the simplest thing, but the other party couldn't do such a simple thing, and even told himself that the other party had no black spots!

If the two hadn't known each other for a long time, he would even suspect that he was bought by Chu Qing!
But it doesn't matter, he doesn't take this kind of bad work, someone will always take it!

He is actively contacting the paparazzi, and they are all big paparazzi. Zhang Sanli is not idle on the other side, starting his second wave of offensive!
And this time, it's about to die!

Just when everyone was unprepared, a second-tier female artist suddenly blew herself up on the Internet!
She claimed that she was sent around as a gift, and all of this was forced by the company boss Zhang Tianci!

On the Internet, it's completely blown up!
(End of this chapter)

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