Chapter 314 Negotiations
This female artist is 30 years old this year and has filmed many TV series, but there are almost no popular ones.

Acting skills are also relatively average. She belongs to the vase actress and has been relying on her appearance to take on the role.

But in the past two years, she has gotten older, and she can no longer play many vase roles, and her roles have become less and less.

There are not even 200 million fans on Weibo, not as many as a big internet celebrity.

What everyone didn't expect was that the actress who thought she didn't have a strong sense of presence actually revealed such shocking news!
At the beginning, many netizens didn't know who Zhang Tianci was, but when they knew that Zhang Tianci was Xiao Xing's boss and the boss of Chinese Entertainment, the netizens were immediately angry!

They immediately believed that this matter must be true, after all, Xiao Xing's example is still ahead!
Did Xiao Xing go out to accompany anyone not long ago?Not to mention such a beautiful actress!

The female artist also managed to get the popularity she wanted most, and promised to hold a press conference the next day. She will explain the situation in detail at the press conference, and she has already reported this matter to the police!
Now, almost all the media in Yanjing took action, waiting to attend the press conference tomorrow.

Zhang Tianci was completely stupefied, and immediately asked his assistant to contact the female artist, but he couldn't get through the phone at all. She obviously didn't want to talk to him, and there was no more submissiveness in front of him.

Zhang Tianci would not give up, and he couldn't give up. After making countless phone calls from his assistant, he finally got in touch with the other party's assistant.

Zhang Tianci couldn't leave anything behind, so he couldn't speak out, and could only let his assistant speak.

The assistant said everything softly and hard, but the other party was not moved at all, and only one sentence was repeated over and over again, let Zhang Tianci go to jail!

After finishing speaking, I hung up the phone, and then turned off the phone, not giving them a chance to contact again.

Zhang Tianci took a deep breath, thinking of the cowardly appearance of the other party in his mind, and now he still can't believe it, that little sheep would turn over and bite him!
But now that something has happened, you can't look forward and backward, worry about this and that, those are all useless emotions, now you should calm down and think about how to solve it!

Zhang Tianci convened a high-level meeting directly. Now that the company has reached the point of life and death, it is not time for him to be the master alone.

The conference room was brightly lit and stayed up all night.

The next day, the female artist held a press conference at nine o'clock in the morning!

On the day of the press conference, almost all the media in Yanjing, regardless of their size, were present.

Everyone is very interested in this matter. After all, it has been many years since I have met such an actress who blew herself up. The last time she blew herself up was Cui Qiqi.

At the press conference, the female artist said a lot about the process of her persecution in the company, and she even had evidence.

The reporters in the audience were dumbfounded. Although they had heard about such things, they were still a little shocked when someone directly put these things on the table and said them!

And that female artist is also open-minded, there is no way to publicize many things she said, the scale is too big!
What's even bigger is that she still has evidence, and she even showed the evidence to the reporter. The flashing lights are blinding people's eyes!

All the reporters here have only one thought in their minds, if the other party doesn't have all-hands-eyes this time, they must be in bad luck!

And it's not just Zhang Tianci's bad luck, many people will also be implicated.

Almost none of his so-called backers could escape this time!

At eleven o'clock at noon, the press conference ended, and the police took the female artist away directly, asking the female artist to cooperate with the investigation.

Of course, as the plaintiff!

Before 11:30, news from countless media outlets came out one after another, like snowflakes, unstoppable!
The whole Internet is full of stories about Zhang Tianci letting female artists accompany customers, Zhang Tianci is so popular!
The big internet celebrities were the first to notice the enthusiasm, and immediately, like sharks smelling blood, they came to Chinese entertainment and began to block the door!
There was still a large banner behind him, saying that Zhang Tianci was shameless, Zhang Tianci would die a good death and so on.

They were broadcasting live while asking for gifts.

If the previous Xiao Xing was a rat crossing the street, then Zhang Tianci is the 'Prime Minister of the Japanese Kingdom' crossing the street!
Everyone not only yelled and beat him, but also wanted him to die!

In just one night, Zhang Tianci has aged a lot.

He made a lot of phone calls last night, hoping that the other party would lend a helping hand, block the news, and then counter-kill the female artist, falsely accuse her, and even say that the other party has mental problems.

But the response is that this matter is very difficult, and they need to think about it.

Zhang Tianci was going crazy with anger at that time, tricky?Consider it?Why didn't you tell me when you received the money?
He knew that someone must be obstructing this matter, but can Zhang Sanli have such great energy?

As it turns out, there is!

It took too long to make a move, so that all cats and dogs dared to jump in front of Zhang Sanli, but forgot that this one was also the decisive master!
The signboard of [Chinese Entertainment] is completely stinky now!

But those entertainers don't plan to be buried with him!They started contacting other companies.

After all, the only reason they are here is that Chinese entertainment can bring them certain resources, which can increase their reputation!

But when all the Chinese entertainment can't do it, who wants to play with him?

Zhang Tianci admitted his cowardice, this time he knew that he was really put on the iron plate.

After a lot of trust, he finally found a way to contact Zhang Sanli. He wanted to have a talk with Zhang Sanli. Now he just wanted to get out!

Zhang Sanli agreed to meet him, but the meeting place was at Zhang Sanli's home.

Zhang Tianci couldn't do anything else, so he went to find Zhang Sanli that night.

In just two days, Zhang Tianci's only black hair disappeared. Now his hair is pure white, and he looks very old.

Zhang Sanli is obviously older than him, but he looks younger than him.

Zhang Tianci looked at the person in front of him with complicated thoughts.

Now he really wants to take out a knife and kill the opponent completely!
Because it was the person in front of him who spent two days forcing himself to be like this!
He is not stupid, he knows that if the female artist has no one to back her up, it is impossible for her to betray her.

Then judging from the current situation, who is the best candidate for her backing?it goes without saying!

The two sat on the sofa with a coffee table between them.

Zhang Tianci looked a little listless, and slowly said: "Mr. Zhang is well-deserved, good tricks."

Zhang Sanli just laughed, but didn't answer.

What if the other party is recording?The most powerful thing about Zhang Sanli is that he is calm and never gets carried away!
(End of this chapter)

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