Chapter 315 annexation
Seeing Zhang Sanli's expression, Zhang Tianci said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, it's time now, I won't use any means, I'm here to beg you today, I just hope I can get out of here."

Zhang Sanli said with a smile: "Why can't I understand what Mr. Zhang said? I read the news, but I don't really believe it. After all, Mr. Zhang, how can you to do such a thing?"

Zhang Sanli's voice was a little mocking, Zhang Tianci's expression became even more bitter after hearing this.

He knew that Zhang Sanli was making a pun, saying that in his capacity, he shouldn't do anything to Chu Qing!
But now, it's too late to say anything, the matter has reached the point of no return, if he knew this earlier, he wouldn't do it if he was killed!
Zhang Tianci sighed and said: "Mr. Zhang, Ming people don't talk dark words. I came here this time just to protect myself, so that I can take my wife and children abroad for the elderly."

The smile on Zhang Sanli's face did not change, and he said with a smile: "If you haven't violated the law, of course it's fine. Tell me, I can't help you either."

Zhang Tianci sighed, silently took out a document from his briefcase, and pushed it in front of Zhang Sanli.

Zhang Sanli didn't move. Seeing this, Zhang Tianci took the initiative to open the file, and saw the information of various artists on it.

With a sigh, he began to introduce these artists actively.

These are all artists he cultivated or recruited, most of them are first-tier and second-tier artists. As for third-tier artists, Zhang Tianci knew that Zhang Sanli would definitely not like them, so he was not prepared this time.

After waiting for him to introduce all the artists, he began to talk about the contracts of these artists.

The contract of Chinese entertainment is not bad, but for the kind of artist who is single-handedly, the contract is not so friendly. Although it is not a slave contract, it is not too much.

Zhang Tianci is willing to use the contracts of these people to repay Zhang Sanli for helping him!

Zhang Sanli was still smiling, Zhang Tianci gritted his teeth, and handed over the staff contract to Zhang Sanli, and said that as long as Zhang Sanli agreed to help him, he would be willing to transfer them to Zhang Sanli at a low price, including his company building!

Zhang Sanli finally agreed, and within three days, Chinese entertainment fell apart!

This is also the result of Zhang Tianci breaking his wrist. If he hesitates and is reluctant, the final result may be that Huaren Entertainment still falls apart, and then he will go to jail, his deposits will be frozen, and eventually Huaren Entertainment will be annexed by other companies.

But now, he doesn't have to go to jail, and his deposits won't be frozen, but Chinese entertainment will be annexed by his enemies!

In an adult's world, he can't just think about his blood, he also has to think about his children.

When Chu Qing received the call again, he was stunned. Zhang Sanli told him on the phone that the matter was over and asked him to come to his home at night to discuss the acquisition.

Chu Qing came to Zhang Sanli's house in some confusion, and saw Zhang Sanli was reading the contract.

All of them are the artists and staff of [Chinese Entertainment], such as directors, screenwriters, makeup artists, photographers, directors, trainers and so on.

After seeing Chu Qing coming, Zhang Sanli smiled and handed him the document.

"Look, whoever you want wants whoever you want"

Chu Qing's eyes lit up, she didn't even look at the artists, she just went to look at the staff.

He was not interested in the big names cultivated by others, and the asking price was too high. Chu Qing always felt that it would be easier to train two of them himself than to keep them.

Not to mention that the endorsements of these people are all paid by Chinese entertainment. If I accept them, I have to find new endorsements for them, which is very troublesome.

But the staff is different, this is exactly what Chu Qing and his studio lack the most!

Artists can be found now, there are plenty of them!
Good staff are hard to come by. Among other things, there are only four people in Chu Qing Studio's current post-film production.

Seeing Chu Qingguang looking at the staff, Zhang Sanli was a little surprised and said, "Don't you want first- and second-tier artists?"

Chu Qing nodded affirmatively, um, no!

In Chu Qing's view, an artist's fame is not important, but loyalty is important!

It is too difficult for them to be loyal to old fritters who have been honed by society. In this case, it is better to recruit some newcomers to train them.

Han Jie did this very well, and Chu Qing found that he had great potential to be a legend, and his brainwashing skills were top-notch.

It was impossible for Chu Qing not to be tempted when he looked at those resources that could be called jumping prices.

It's just that the cash in his hand is really not that much, and he may not be able to eat it all. After all, the office building alone is worth a lot!

And a large part of his money was used for theater expansion.

Zhang Sanli may have seen his worry, and said softly: "Don't worry if you can't eat, I still have some spare money here, and this kind of opportunity doesn't come all the time."

Chu Qing also has no opinion on this, just like what Zhang Sanli said, this kind of opportunity does not come all the time, even if you borrow some money, it doesn't matter!
The two quickly made a distribution. To put it simply, Chu Qing bought the entire Chinese Entertainment except the artists!Including his subsidiaries, as well as training company channels and so on.

And Zhang Sanli took over all the artists with full authority!
Chu Qing calculated the price, and he needed to spend about 50 billion!
This price is still acceptable, but after buying Chinese entertainment, Chu Qing can't even afford the investment for the next movie, so she can only hope that after "City Hunter" hits the shelves, it will be repaid with the box office.

But Chu Qing is a person who is good at seizing opportunities, especially this kind of opportunity that is obviously given away for nothing, he can't let it go even if he sells it!
Two days later, Zhang Tianci was taken away for investigation. At the same time, Zhang Sanli and Chu Qing came to the door with the contract and started to split up Chinese Entertainment!
When the artists heard about it, they were very excited to join Zhang Sanli's company.

In any case, at least the matter of Zhang Tianci would not be involved in them.

And although Zhang Sanli's resources are mediocre, his background is awesome!
In the entertainment circle, it is still very good to be able to rely on such a big tree.

The staff is a bit confused, and they don't even know what to do and what to do.

It wasn't until Chu Qing said that they would continue to do what they did before, because they would buy their company, that these staff members were relieved.

But those high-level people couldn't laugh, and some people's hearts were floating.

They still understand the principle of one emperor and one courtier. When Zhang Tianci was the boss, they were high-level, but after changing the boss, they will definitely use their confidantes!
In fact it is so!After Chu Qing called back to the studio, he had contacted everyone and came to Yanjing to take over the new job!
(End of this chapter)

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