Chapter 316 Rapid Growth

Except for Miao Dong who had to stay in Haik to take care of his mother, everyone else came to Yanjing.

Chu Qing sent them to study in different departments directly according to their division of labor.

In name it is study, but people on both sides understand that Chu Qing is letting people get acquainted and prepare to take over.

The office building of Chinese Entertainment will also be officially renamed from today, 'Bright Entertainment'!
Hai K's studio has become the base camp of [Bright Video].

Under Chu Qing's operation, the people in the company were a little flustered, and many people began to contact the next company, planning to change jobs.

After all, if you work in a company and the boss doesn't trust you, who can stand it?I'm not happy about what I did.

But at this time, Chu Qing held a meeting for all the high-level executives. At the meeting, Chu Qing said that because the company had just been acquired, it is normal for people to fluctuate, so he decided to give all employees a salary increase!
Money, that is everything!

Chu Qing used this method to calm down the impetuous people. Everyone began to perform their duties and took on a new job.

Chu Qing finally saw how other media companies work.

Let's just talk about the publicity of "City Hunter", after handing it over to the company, the publicity can be described as overwhelming!
Chu Qing just said that he wanted a new way of publicity. In the afternoon, there were more than a dozen publicity plans on his desk!

Chu Qing looked at it, and was surprised that none of them were perfunctory, and they were all good!

Then there is the treatment of the artists of Chuqing Company. Previously, the artists of Chuqing Studio were just artists, and those with higher status could have drivers, bodyguards and makeup artists.

As for those newcomers, they are usually a manager and makeup artist, and there are several newcomers under him.

But now it is different, because all the previous artists of Chinese Entertainment were taken away by Zhang Sanli, but many supporting staff were left behind.

Such as drivers, makeup artists, stylists, nutritionists and so on.

It's a waste for these people to stay, so Chu Qing distributed them to the artists under her own hands, so that now the little artists are dragged up when they walk!

They also experienced the feeling of being a big star surrounded by a group of people.

And this matter did not cause much disturbance on the Internet, and no one reported it.

In fact, since Zhang Tianci was investigated, the popularity of this matter has plummeted in the evening.

That's right, this was Zhang Sanli's trick too.

Now that the goal has been achieved, it is natural to change the method.

Chu Qing now has a firm foothold in Yanjing and has her own base camp.

Those little brothers in Haik were very excited after moving here, which is also a kind of progress for them.

And Chu Qing took into account the difference in consumption between Yanjing and Hai K. After moving to Yanjing, these old employees who have followed Chu Qing for many years, once again ushered in a wave of salary increases!

Don't look at how much money Chu Qing lost after buying Chinese entertainment, but it still doesn't delay him to raise wages for workers!
He firmly believes that wages determine the working attitude of workers!

Their work attitude has improved and they have made achievements. Who will benefit more in the end?It must be Chu Qing!

Those former employees of Chinese Entertainment looked at the treatment of these colleagues from Hai K, and they were all envious. They regretted why they didn't join the 'that's a big studio'.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be able to enjoy the treatment of a confidant now?
After these people came, the atmosphere of the studio changed!
Han Jie's efforts over the years have not been in vain, he has cultivated many downlines, er no, they are excellent employees!

These people came here for a while and couldn't get into work, so they started to 'make friends'!
The content of making friends is also simple, just one sentence, do you know the family history of our boss?What?I don’t know, come on, let me tell you, it’s not easy for our boss, starting from scratch
At the beginning, everyone didn't take it too seriously. After all, these people have been in Yanjing for many years, and they are all old fritters. How could they change their minds after a few words?
But with the passage of time, and the pious appearance of those people, coupled with the obvious superior treatment Chu Qing gave them, they began to doubt whether Chu Qing was really that kind of 'saint'!
With doubts, the next thing is easy to deal with. The work of these old employees is going smoothly, and the brainwashing is very successful.

When Chu Qing came to the company again, he found that these people looked at him differently.

Before, there was some fear and trepidation. After all, Chu Qing was the new boss, and every word and deed would determine whether their jobs could be kept.

But now these people looked at Chu Qing with a little admiration in their eyes. After all, according to these old employees, their boss had overcome all obstacles along the way!
From a poor boy in the ice city, he owned his own company in Yanjing before he was 30 years old!

They don't know how much effort and sweat they put in, but they can guess it!

Some people in the editorial department even suggested that a movie be made based on Chu Qing. This kind of inspirational story will definitely become popular.

Chu Qing didn't agree with this, he felt that it was too ostentatious to shoot this kind of movie before he was thirty, and at least it would have to wait until he was five or sixty years old to broadcast it!
But he liked the flattering of the screenwriter department very much, so he specially gave this kid a bonus of 5000 yuan.

This made the employees of the company suddenly realize that the new boss likes this bite!

At present, when Chu Qing came to the company, he was full of flattery and loyalty.

But they didn't notice that some things were pretended for a long time, and gradually became real.

On the Internet, there are promotional videos about "City Hunter" everywhere. Everyone knows that during the Spring Festival this year, Chu Qing shot a blockbuster movie suitable for the whole family to watch together!
And the signboard of the Chinese entertainment building has also been changed, and it says [Bright Entertainment]!
This is the new name of Chuqing Company!
At the same time, the first film after the establishment of the new company was also approved.

This is a tailor-made movie made by Chu Qing for Zhang Mo, not for box office, but for fame!
This is Chu Qing's repayment to Zhang Sanli. He wants to use this movie to remark Zhang Mo's status in the movie industry.

This movie is "The Witness"!
This is also Zha Zhahui's masterpiece of the gods back then!Promote him to the position of actor!It is enough to repay Zhang Sanli with such a movie.

As for how far Zhang Mo can go with this movie, Chu Qing is not worried at all, because he will take on the role of director of this movie and personally train Zhang Mo to let him realize his full potential!

Even if he can't win a movie king, let him prove his strength!

(End of this chapter)

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