Chapter 31 Work
Early the next morning, Chu Qing got up, washed up, went downstairs to buy a breakfast, and obediently went to wait for the subway.

More than half an hour later, Chu Qing appeared at the entrance of the TV station. The security outside the door was familiar with him, and let him in without looking at his work card. Before leaving, he said that he believed that Chu Qing was not a scumbag!
After Chu Qing gave him a 'touched' look, he walked straight into the TV station.

In fact, Yanjing TV has many branches, each of which manages its own side, and also has many channels.

In addition to Yanjing Satellite TV, which is the head of the house, there are also channels such as literature and art, film and television, youth, and cartoons.

In addition to these film and television channels, there are also radio channels, such as city radio, sports radio, traffic radio and so on.

Chu Qing is an intern in the story broadcasting in the broadcasting category. This broadcasting channel is good and comfortable!Almost nothing happened all day.

The story broadcasting channel has not been established for a few years, and the stage has little expectation for it. It is said to be comfortable because anyone with relatives and friends will put it on this channel.

The result is that, except for a few teachers who have a program, everyone else is dawdling, playing soy sauce, and getting seniority.

Just wait for two or three years, the family will be transferred, and I will be a small leader in another channel.

People like Chu Qing who have no family background and connections, generally speaking, will stay here until they die!
Unless he is lucky one day and can win a program that belongs to him, if he performs well, he may have the opportunity to be transferred.

But this story broadcast is almost a radish and a pit, and there is no need for audience ratings. If you want to mix up a program, you may have to wait until your next life!

But Chu Qing doesn't care, he has been reborn, and there is another system added to him, so I'm afraid of shit!

He doesn't know if others can stand out, but he can definitely stand up anyway!
After Chu Qing arrived at the TV station, she went to clock in first, then went back to her station to pick up a cup, went to get a cup of hot water, and made a cup of instant coffee.

It was not until he returned to his work station that other colleagues came.

The story broadcast is also divided into several program groups, and everyone keeps a share.

Chu Qing followed the "Comment on the World" program group, including Chu Qing, there were only six people in total.

The first is Wei Xiang, the head announcer. This program is his program, and his program is broadcast from Monday to Friday from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] pm.

The time period is really good, but the audience rate is really low!It has even been aired for a year, and the number of calls from the audience can be counted on one hand!

In addition to this announcer, there are two directors and two editors!

The editor is responsible for reviewing manuscripts, and the director is responsible for answering calls from enthusiastic audiences!
And Chu Qing is the backup announcer!

This is a word about teacher Wei Xiang's dedication. Chu Qing has been practicing for almost a year. Not only has Wei Xiang never asked for leave, he has never even been sick!He, the backup announcer, has been eating dirt in the corner for a year!

The first one to come was Wei Xiang. Chu Qing stood up to say hello with a smile. Wei Xiang is over 40 years old this year.

Seeing Chu Qing coming to work, he first smiled, then sighed, came over and patted Chu Qing on the shoulder to comfort him: "Xiaoqing, you have to work hard, hold on! I believe you are not the guy you say on the Internet. Yes, come on!"

Chu Qing's heart warmed, and she hummed with a smile.

Not long after that, two editors also came.

The editor was not very gregarious, and after seeing Chu Qing, it was as if he hadn't seen it. The two went straight back to their workstations and began to repair and rectify the audio that was going to be recorded today.

After a while, there was a burst of yelling, and Chu Qing laughed immediately.

"Fuck! Fuck! It's too late, it's too late, my attendance award!"

"What the hell are you going to bed early! If you don't win or go to bed, let's play another game! It's all right now!"

"Hurry up and shut up, if it wasn't for your mid laner, we would have lost?"

As the sound sounded, the two youths ran all the way to the clock-in machine, and after waiting for the card-in, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

These two living treasures are the directors of "Comment on the World". One of them is called Yuan Shanghe and the other is called Liu Dadu.

It is the kind of person that Chu Qing said came in through the relationship. They can be regarded as the second generation of the rich. It is said that the family has a little money, but it is different from the second generation of the rich who like to play with watches, cars and tender models. These two people prefer to play. game!

And he is more easy-going, with almost no airs.

Seeing Chu Qing, Yuan Shanghe came over with a smile and put his arms around his neck, saying: "You can do it, you can hide it! Why didn't you tell us that Cui Qiqi is your girlfriend before! When she becomes your ex-girlfriend Only then did we know that you kid is not mean enough!"

Liu Dadu also squeezed over, put his arms around Chu Qing at the other end and said, "The group of idiots on the Internet are yelling at you to leave them alone. My buddies firmly believe that you are innocent and not a scumbag!"

After Yuan Shanghe finished speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and said, "Two?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "You two play, I am not suitable for playing this kind of game with my handicap"

The two didn't force it, and returned to their respective workstations to start playing games.

The work of these two people is the easiest. The other directors' programs are all calls from enthusiastic viewers, but since their "Comment on the World" was broadcast, the number of calls can be counted on one hand.

The two of them were playing games, while Chu Qing began to think while drinking coffee.

He is thinking about his own capital. First of all, he has a system, which may have something to do with his rebirth time travel.

This is his biggest asset, and secondly, he has works in parallel worlds in his mind, which is also one of his assets.

Then, there are some experiences he summed up after suffering and being fooled countless times in his previous life.

These three things are his current capital.

After being slandered by Cui Qiqi in her previous life, Chu Qing thought countless times, why can someone like her stand in the spotlight?Why do I want everyone to yell and beat me?

But in this life, he would not ask such naive questions, because he figured it out, a talent like her is more suitable to stand under the spotlight, after all, outside the spotlight, there is darkness!

Since he decided to exchange props to destroy her, he should sing a new song!

Chu Qing thought for a while, took out a notebook from his desk, and wrote some song titles on it. These were related to his current experience and could be sung.

Eventually, he took a lap on one of the songs!

The song has been decided, but you can't just use guitar accompaniment for all songs, it sounds a bit too monotonous.

Because of his piano skills, he now knows a little about music scores, but he doesn't know how to arrange music!

After thinking about it, Chu Qing went to the bathroom and called Song Dawei.

When Song Dawei heard that he was looking for an arrangement, he gave him an affirmative answer.


(End of this chapter)

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