Chapter 32

Chu Qing was relieved, and skillfully registered the copyright, and had nothing to do, so he simply registered the copyright of the other songs.

Anyway, he, the 'backup announcer', will have to wait until Wei Xiang retires, and he has plenty of time to go to work.

When it was past nine o'clock, the two editors each took a document, and one walked to Mr. Wei Xiang's independent office, and the other walked to Chu Qing.

"Xiao Chu, this is your manuscript"

"Hey, thank you Brother Zhang"

Chu Qing smiled and gave the other party a smile, and the other party nodded slightly in return.

This is also one of Chu Qing's daily tasks. Although Teacher Wei Xiang has never had any accidents, if there is an accident, someone must take the lead. This is the value of Chu Qing's "backup announcer".

Chu Qing looked at today's content, Xin Dao story broadcast, story broadcast, you have to have a story too!
Only this kind of story about helping the old lady cross the road, the devil would be willing to listen to it!

Unless the old lady told the kind boy after crossing the road that she was a lamp god and could grant the boy's three wishes!

This also has to talk about Yanjing Satellite TV, you are not CCTV, why do you have to be so old-fashioned, look at the Mango TV and Tomato TV next door, they are all so popular!

Jiangnan TV has also been catching up over the years, full of variety!

Chu Qing suddenly thought, if this show belongs to him, what should he say?

Since it is a story broadcast, it must be telling a story. How about a series of "Tomb Raiders Notes" and "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?
After thinking about it, Chu Qing didn't think it would work. Telling ghost stories in broad daylight didn't make sense, and besides, telling ghost stories during such a good time would be a waste.

Chu Qing thought about it again, other than these, it was criminal investigation suspense!It can definitely be popular, and it can also popularize the law!

What?What law do you mean?

How to kill!
But it's a pity that it's useless to think about it. Judging from Teacher Wei Xiang's physical condition, Chu Qing wants to take over early because he is thinking of farts!
Soon it was time for the recording of the program. Chu Qing and others followed Mr. Wei Xiang into the recording hall. As a result, Mr. Wei Xiang spoke perfectly for an hour, and he still had a lot to say.

The two of Liu Dadu also paddled very happily for an hour, but still no hotline came in.

This made Chu Qing sigh, such a good time, the popularity is not as good as those who sell fake medicines!What a waste.

The afternoon passed much faster than the morning, and it was not long before it was time to get off work. Song Dawei wanted to pick him up, but Chu Qing refused, saying that he would just meet at the Blue Ocean Bar.

To be honest, driving at off-duty time is really not as fast as taking the subway, but the subway is really crowded!
More than an hour later, Chu Qing came to the Blue Ocean Bar. The security guards and waiters at the door knew Chu Qing, and told him with a smile that Song Dawei had arrived and was waiting for him inside.

Song Dawei and Fatty Xia were still in their old positions. Chu Qing went over and sat down, wiped his sweat and said, "It's really hot."

Hearing this, Fatty Xia waved to the waiter beside him and said, "Go get some drinks, watermelon here, I want ice."


The waiter not far away agreed and walked to the side.

Fatty Xia looked at Chu Qing and said with a smile, "Brother Chu, I heard you are looking for an arranger?"

Chu Qing hummed, picked up the napkin on the table and wiped off his sweat, and said, "I wrote a new song, but I don't think the effect will be very good if I just use the guitar to play it."

Fatty Xia laughed when he heard the words: "I know a good arranger! No, it should be said to be a recording studio. They specialize in this! Your song is so popular now, it would be a waste not to find a platform to download it for a fee!"

Chu Qing's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, this is possible!He is really short of money now!
Song Dawei asked from the side: "Which shed and what price?"

"Snowflake Music Studio! Her price is not low. It costs 800 yuan an hour for recording, and the price for arrangement can be higher. If the band also uses real people, it can cost about 8000 yuan. If you use synthetic music It’s cheaper, I guess four or five thousand will block it.”

When Chu Qing heard the price, she silently put down the tissue and said, "I suddenly felt that it would be good to just use the guitar."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them couldn't be more funny, especially Fatty Xia.

He smiled and said: "You can't just look at your eyes. I guess the quality of your songs will be paid back in a few days. Now the general music platform does not take a commission for less than [-]. Plus a commission, no matter how you calculate it, it’s still a lot of money for you!”

Song Dawei also echoed: "That's right, you've made a lot of money in Lao Xia these two days, so what are you doing with your money? You should spend it well. It's not a skill to be able to save money, but a skill to be able to use it to make money! "

Fatty Xia laughed when he saw Chu Qing begging for money like this: "Also, if you go to record songs, maybe no one will ask for money. If you can sacrifice a bit, you might get a big red envelope!"

Chu Qing and the two were taken aback by these words, and they both looked at Fatty Xia suspiciously.

Fatty Xia continued: "Do you two know who the boss of Snow Flower Music Studio is?"

Song Dawei waved his hands impatiently: "Nonsense, where do we know where to go?"

Fatty Xia became even more excited when he heard that, he picked up the iced watermelon brought by the waiter and ate a mouthful before he spoke.

"Do you remember that young woman who sent flower baskets to brother Chu every day? That's her!"

Song Dawei said speechlessly: "Fatty Xia! You pimp must have taken money!"

Fatty Xia laughed and said, "Don't talk nonsense, what a pimp, that's brother Chu's meat like a Tang monk, and any female fairy wants to taste it."

Song Dawei looked at Chu Qing and shrugged, "I'd better find you a safer one, that one doesn't cost money, but I'm afraid your waist won't be able to bear it!"

Chu Qing said seriously: "Brother, if you are beautiful, I think I can hold on!"

Song Dawei: "."

The time came to 08:30 in a blink of an eye, and there were a lot of customers today, and the seats were already full by around eight o'clock.

Fatty Xia looked around and then shrugged at Chu Qing, "Your waist is saved, those sisters didn't come today"

Chu Qing smiled and waved his hands. What he said before was actually a joke. How could he sell his dignity just to save thousands of dollars?

He is full of youth, can smile brightly and has abs, so he has to pay more!
On the stage, Chu Qing sang "Overfire" again.

The audience burst into applause after listening to it, and a few little girls came up to offer flowers, saying that they were students from nearby, and they watched the live broadcast on Shake Hands, and this time they came to see him specially, and asked if they could take a photo together .

Naturally, Chu Qing had no objection, she showed a sunny smile when they took a group photo, fascinated by the little girls.

Without the support of the little rich woman, Chu Qing's income dropped significantly today.

This made him suddenly miss the little rich woman who had never masked her face.
(End of this chapter)

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