Chapter 33
After the performance, Song Dawei drove Chu Qing home.

While in the car, Chu Qing sent the score to Song Dawei, and said some simple requests.

He doesn't have time to go to the studio to record songs now, so he decided to make a soundtrack first. He needs some enthusiasm these days, otherwise he will be overwhelmed by other enthusiasm, and he may be forgotten by the audience in a few days.

What's more, he needs points, and now the points and experience are rising a bit slowly, when will he be able to buy the ashamed scarecrow!

Song Dawei said that these are small things, he will do them tomorrow morning, and one afternoon will be enough.

When they arrived at Chu Qing's house, the two parted ways. Chu Qing bought some food downstairs and had a simple meal. After returning home, he washed and went to bed.

Early the next morning, I squeezed the subway, went to work, and started again and again.

The moment he squeezed the subway, he suddenly had an illusion, as if everything that happened during this period was a dream, and he was still the salesman who was tricked by Cui Qiqi.

Every day I have to deal with different customers, drinking, bathing, massage, being scolded like a dog, just for the few taels of money to make my parents feel at ease.

He looked up and looked around. Everyone in the car looked numb. They were looking at their mobile phones, looking out the window, in a daze.

Chu Qing didn't know what they were thinking, maybe it was firewood, rice, oil and salt, maybe a mortgage and car loan, but it certainly wasn't their dream.

There are only a few young children who are still laughing and discussing with their classmates how to dress up the game characters and how cool the newly bought skins are.

There are also two couples who are passionately in love, talking about their longing for the future with foreign accents.

They say they want to work hard in this city, and then earn money to go home and buy a house of their own, so that they don't have to move all the time.

They are still young, and they feel that the future is promising, as long as people work hard, they will have a bite to eat.

It was the same with Chu Qing in the past, but before graduation, he had already thought about his three-year plan at that time.

Become a host, have your own show, and marry Cui Qiqi.

However, life soon told him that what is meant by plans does not change quickly!

Chu Qing woke up when he was almost at the station. He looked at his hands and his work ID.

That's right, I was indeed reborn!God gave me another chance to start over again.

He, who has been reborn, doesn't want to be mediocre!

He wants to become the brightest star in China, and he wants to show Cui Qiqi what kind of man she missed!
Walking into the TV station, clocking in, and returning to the station to get a cup of coffee, Chu Qing did this set of movements extremely skillfully.

When he finished making coffee and returned to his work station, Yuan Shanghe and Liu Dadu hurried in to check in. They both stared at a pair of dark circles, and they were still complaining about how bad each other was last night.

Seeing this, Chu Qing suddenly smiled, this is his life.

The time at work always passes quickly, and today he has written more than a dozen songs and registered the copyright.

In the past two days, he had spent a lot of money just to register the copyright, but he knew that the money was worth it.

Go to the bar on your bike, save it, spend it!
The necessary money must not be stingy, the songs he registered are all golden songs that have been verified by the parallel world market!Now they are all registered at the price of cabbage by themselves, isn't this still alive and well?

Even if you don't sing it yourself, you can sell the copyright!
Thinking of this, Chu Qing's eyes suddenly lit up, ah, ah, this is a good idea!

Now is the time when I need money, so I can sell two songs for emergency.

But after thinking about it, he became wilted again. He has no reputation at all now, and even if he wanted to sell it, he couldn't sell it at a high price.

Do you want to sell those golden songs as Chinese cabbage?Just kidding, then he would rather let the 'cabbage' rot in the ground!
In the afternoon, Chu Qing received the soundtrack from Song Dawei. After listening to it, Chu Qing tried to hum a few lines along with it. It was not bad, but it was the only way to do it now, after all, he couldn't remember the original soundtrack.

After get off work, Chu Qing went straight to the Blue Ocean Bar. There were so many people today that it was already full at seven o'clock.

As soon as he entered, several young people came over, some men and some women, but most of them were girls.

These people are all his fans, and they came here to ask him to take a group photo. Chu Qing naturally didn't care about this kind of request.

After taking a group photo with several fans, Chu Qing went to Song Dawei's booth.

Song Dawei just sat down and said with a smile: "How is it, do you feel like a star?"

Chu Qing shrugged and said: "What kind of star, I can be regarded as a small Internet celebrity at best!"

After he finished speaking, he looked around, but he didn't see Fatty Xia.

Seeing this, Song Dawei said: "Don't look for it anymore, Fatty Xia has gone to pick him up!"

Chu Qing turned her head and said in surprise: "Who has to ask Boss Xia to pick him up in person?"

Song Dawei shook his head and said: "I don't know, it is said that he is quite popular, and he also said that a great person will come today, and I don't know who it is."


"Probably not. If it was a big star, that fat man would have been unable to resist showing off to me."

After hearing this, Chu Qing also laughed. Through these few days of contact, he also gradually knew what kind of person Fatty Xia was.

Simple, direct, bold and unaffected!
But he has a small problem, which is not really a problem, that is, he likes to show off!
How much does he love to show off? Let's just say that he has to post thirty or forty Moments a day, all of which are used to show off all kinds of things around him!
Because a new song was to be sung tonight, Chu Qing went to discuss it with the host in advance, and the host directly helped him copy the soundtrack to the audio disk.

In such a short time, several people came to ask Chu Qing to take a group photo to sign, which made him a little surprised. Could it be that buddies are really going to be popular?

After returning to the seat, Chu Qing shared his thoughts with Song Dawei. Song Dawei took out his mobile phone with a smile, found a video in his trembling hand and said, "Just look at this and you'll know."

Chu Qing took it over and took a look, and saw that it was actually a photo, but it was accompanied by copywriting and music.

This photo was a photo of me and that little girl last night, and my smile on the photo was very sunny.

Look at the copywriting again, "Brother Chu makes you feel warm like the sun. If it was me, I would hold him tightly in my arms, but that person is willing to abandon it"

Looking at the comments below, Chu Qing couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Little sister, my sister is taking a geography question for you. Where is the address of this handsome young man?"

"You're laughing, tsk tsk, the child in my stomach is crazily calling daddy"

"Isn't this the male god I still dream of, this smile, I love it"

The vibrator directly sent out the address of the bar, and also popularized the science below about what kind of wine is good here, and where is the live broadcast, which made Chu Qing suspect that this might be the person hired by Fatty Xia.
 Ask for everything during the new book period, now I can hardly hold on to the cold, the votes and collections of brothers and sisters determine the life and death of this book
(End of this chapter)

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