Chapter 34 New Song
Seeing this, Chu Qing looked at his fans again. He now has more than 80 fans, even higher than the fans of some small stars.

Seeing this, Chu Qing laughed and said, "I don't know if I have a chance to bring the goods, maybe I can become the Lion King too! It's okay to cheat my family or something, wouldn't that be flattering?"

Song Dawei at the side suddenly said: "Cui Qiqi posted Weibo again, have you read it?"

Chu Qing was startled, then shook his head and said, "No, what happened?"

"It's quite long, take a look for yourself"

Chu Qing opened the Weibo app and almost laughed out loud after looking at it twice.

"Breakup is a very personal thing. I am really happy to have so many netizens and seniors caring about me. I can't repay you."

"But everyone, don't give a shameless villain an opportunity to take the heat away in vain."

"Some people are used to being a scumbag, but now they want to be a parasite. It's really disgusting!"

"In addition, thank you for your support along the way. My new drama "Little Princess in the Palace" will hold a press conference tomorrow, and I will also have a wonderful performance in it. I hope everyone will continue to support it."

Chu Qing laughed after watching it: "This person is interesting, he is cursing the street and promoting a new play, there is something there."

Song Dawei smiled and said: "I know this play, the actors have already been booked before, and I don't know if the producer is trying to gain popularity, or Song Jiji used some method to stuff her in, don't underestimate this play, there are big names gathered ! Maybe it will become a hit!"

Chu Qing sighed and said, "I'm also one of the protagonists in this popularity, why is no one looking for me to be an actor?"

Song Dawei was surprised when he heard the words: "You can also act?"


"Then you're going to be an actor"

"Won't that thing have a long face and be able to act?"

"It's true that you say so."

Boss Xia didn't come until after eight o'clock. There was a young man standing beside him. Chu Qing looked familiar, but he couldn't remember his name.

At this moment, both of them respectfully accompanied an old man, who was about five or sixty years old, about 60 meters tall, and his hair was carefully combed back.

Song Dawei was startled when he saw the old man, and he was about to get up subconsciously. Boss Xia obviously noticed him and made a secret gesture to him.

Song Dawei sat down after seeing this, Chu Qing noticed the small movements between the two and asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Dawei pointed to the old man and said, "You don't know this person?"

Chu Qing took a look, then shook his head decisively and said, "It shouldn't be Zhang Aimin."

Song Dawei was surprised after hearing this, "Who is Zhang Aimin?"

"My second uncle"

"Are you sick!"

"Hahaha, I'm not watching you nervous, I want to relieve you"

Song Dawei's nervousness was really relieved when Chu Qing made such a fuss.

Chu Qing asked back: "Who is this person? Why are you so nervous?"

"Director Zhang Xiao! Last year's "Farewell, My Lover" was filmed by him! Let me tell you, this is a great director, and the ratings of all the TV series he filmed are not lower than [-]%!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing was even more surprised. Why did such a director come to a folk bar?

Song Dawei was obviously also curious about this question, and the two waited at the booth for another ten minutes before Fatty Xia came over.

As soon as he arrived, he sat next to Chu Qing and said, "Brother Chu! This time, for you, brother did his best!"

Chu Qing didn't understand, but Song Dawei was so excited.

"Interlude or title song?"


Chu Qing still didn't understand, Song Dawei hastily explained: "Director Zhang Xiao must have come to select the singer! The singer of the opening song or the ending song of the record!"

Chu Qing wondered: "Is the director responsible for this kind of thing?"

"Of course not, how else can I say that this is the opportunity my brother won for you!"

After Fatty Xia heaved a sigh of relief, he explained to Chu Qing.

It turned out that director Zhang Xiao was also a drinker, and by chance, he met Fatty Xia, and the two chatted about everything, which can be regarded as a little friendship.

When Zhang Xiao came to drink two days ago, he accidentally said that they had finished filming the scenes, but the theme song of the episode hadn't been recorded yet.

When Fatty Xia heard about it, he recommended Chu Qing to him.

But the other party shook his head as soon as he heard it. He usually likes to shake his hands, so he naturally knew about the matter between Chu Qing and Cui Qiqi.

The popularity of people like Chu Qing is not stable, and it is easy for people to collapse. He is afraid that his TV series will be implicated.

In contrast, another Internet celebrity male singer is more favored by him.

In the end, Fatty Xia talked all kinds of things, and finally let Zhang Xiao let go, and agreed to come here to listen to Chu Qing sing. If he really sings well, then give him a chance.

After hearing this, Song Dawei patted Fatty Xia twice and said, "Old Xia! Brother will remember you well! Good brother!"

Lao Xia waved his hand and said, "You go up first, after you finish singing Liu Ning."

It was only when Chu Qing heard the name that she remembered that Liu Ning was a big internet celebrity. Chu Qing had seen a video of him singing before, no wonder he looked familiar.

Fatty Xia gave a few more instructions: "I'm still waiting for you over there, Brother Chu, you should prepare well! I'll be leaving first!"

After talking about Fatty Xia, he returned to Director Zhang's table. Chu Qing took a deep breath, deeply understanding that this opportunity must be rare, otherwise Song Dawei wouldn't be so nervous!

"Dididi, the temporary task is released! Please use your singing to conquer all the audience!"

"Limited time, one hour, task reward, the system will give you a piece of low-level props! One hundred points!"

Chu Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then beamed with joy!

Here we go again, the second temporary mission.

He benefited a lot from the Sunshine Youth Capsule that the system gave him last time, and he is very much looking forward to what novel props will be given this time!
Looking at the direction Fatty Xia left, Chu Qing knew that Director Zhang was there.

I'm sure of this spot!Yeah S can't keep it either!I said!

Soon it was Chu Qing's time, and the audience cheered in unison. At least half of the audience who came today came for Chu Qing.

Chu Qing waved to the audience and said: "Thank you, thank you for your support. I have written a new song in the past two days and have never sung it. Do you want to hear it?"

"miss you!"

"Wow! Today is not in vain!"

"That's right, I didn't expect to hear a new song, hurry up, take it and shake your hands!"

"Let's post the original before it's released, isn't it good?"

"It's okay, brother Chu never cares about these things"

This time, Chu Qing didn't hold the guitar, he just stood on the stage alone, nodding to the live sound engineer.

The next moment, the background music was already playing.

Chu Qing's intoxicating voice sounded slowly: "The name of this new song is "The Queen of Heaven". I hope everyone here will never understand the meaning of this song."

(End of this chapter)

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