Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 35 "The Queen"

Chapter 35 "The Queen"

Several female fans were taken aback, what do you mean?Hope we don't understand the lines?Is there any way to say this?

Fatty Xia in the booth said to Director Zhang Xiao, "Director Zhang, this was definitely not discussed in advance. It is a coincidence that you came today to sing a new song!"

Liu Ning pouted secretly, he was very upset seeing this fat man now!It was originally his opportunity, but now there is one more competitor, can he be happy?It's all a coincidence, do you think I'm an idiot?Who can believe this?Do you believe it yourself?
It's the first time your family sings, even the background music is ready?

Not to mention Liu Ning, even Zhang Xiao didn't believe it, thinking it was a trick played by Fatty Xia.

But before he could say anything, Chu Qing had already sung the first line of the lyrics.

"Finally found an excuse"

"Take advantage of drunkenness"

"express all my feelings"

As soon as these words were spoken, Liu Ning's complexion suddenly changed, and he turned to stare at Chu Qing on the stage!

In the industry of singers, 90.00% of singers over [-] need to fix their pitch after singing!
A well-known sound engineer in the parallel world once said that when he recorded songs for celebrities, he never met a single person who didn't need to fix the sound in almost two or three years. This is a good proportion!
And now, Chu Qing on stage is obviously one of them!

That voice was full of emotion and extremely stable, with no flaws at all. It belonged to the kind of contestant who could achieve [-] points in a single sentence in a certain K song!

"Loneliness grows stronger"

"Silence in the corner of the dance floor"

"You talk too little or too much"

"It will make people more panic"

Zhang Xiao couldn't help narrowing his eyes as he listened. To be honest, he didn't think this song was so good. After all, his age was there, and there was a generation gap with young people. song.

But as a director, he has been in touch with music over the years, and he can judge that the quality of this song is very high!
He turned his head and looked at the guests around him. Just by looking at their expressions, he knew that the first part of this song had already won the audience's love. This is a very important point!
"Who Let Whom Indulge"

"Who will give up freedom first"

"It must always be me in the end"

"Feet hanging in the air"

"Walking between your coldness and passion"

"Being invaded, you have to accept it with a smile"

Chu Qing graduated with a major in broadcasting. Clear enunciation is the most basic requirement. Every line of lyrics he sang can be perfectly delivered to the audience's ears.

The same is true of the emotions contained in the singing, and pictures have already appeared in front of many people.

A couple, the woman is as arrogant as a queen, and the man is as humble as an ant.

Forgive her for being playful, giving all her time, and experiencing her moodiness.

Obviously she has already taken over everything, but she still accepts it with a smile.

Does such a person really exist?

exist!And right in front of you!That so-called Queen of Heaven should be Cui Qiqi, as for that humble ant, is that the big boy who used to smile brightly?

The eye sockets of several female fans were red, and they suddenly felt sorry for Chu Qing, and they didn't understand why such a person had to go through those things.

Is it really so unfair to be naive, the kinder a person is, the more he has to accept the hardships of life?
"I'm jealous of your love"

"The momentum is like a rainbow"

"Like a diva who is always popular"

"What you want is not me"

"It's a form of vanity"

"How outstanding is someone who hurts"

In the chorus part, Chu Qing's voice suddenly became high-pitched, directly full of emotions!The tears of several glass-hearted female audience members were already streaming down, and they covered their mouths, as if they were afraid of crying out loud.

Xiao Xue also came today, she was sitting in the booth facing Chu Qing, with a lady's cigarette dangling from her mouth.

Listening to Chu Qing's singing reminded her of some unpleasant experiences, but she could only blame herself for being too young to tell the difference between a human and a dog.

She beckoned, and the waiter at the side ran over, Xiao Xue pointed to the stage and said, "Send me fifty flower baskets."

The waiter was startled, and said politely, "Sister, is it five or fifty?"


"Okay, then let me thank sister on behalf of Brother Chu."

The waiter smiled and went to tell people to prepare the flower baskets, feeling envious in his heart, look at Brother Chu!He is handsome and can sing, let the rich woman fancy this time!The shot is fifty flower baskets, more than ten thousand!

"I fell into the tolerance of blind mad love"

"Fulfill your beloved queen"

"If there is only temptation left in love, only mutual endurance is left"

"Stop torturing each other"

"Because we were all wrong"

Chu Qing's voice was full of emotional ups and downs. At this moment, he really thought of a lot. He remembered the sweetness of being together with Cui Qiqi, and then betrayal, his so-called tolerance and forgiveness, hoping that the other party would change his mind.

But the ending is so powerless, instead of torturing each other like this, it is actually better to separate early.

Chu Qing forgets who once said a word, please remember your feeling of being single now, if you didn’t feel as good when you were in love, then break up decisively!

More and more girls at the scene burst into tears, and even Qiao Xue, a woman who had seen the world, had red eyes.

The few friends who were at the table with her before and always liked to tease her also quieted down, listening to the big boy on the stage singing this cruel song with that magnetic voice.

"Push away the pale hands, push away the pale companionship"

"Don't care how frustrated you are"

"Don't call me again"

"A soft heart is the most fatal vulnerability"

"I know everything, but I'm still desperately loyal"

It is not true that love is blind.

A person in love is not blind, but he will choose to turn a blind eye to some things!He can only see the advantages of the other party, but not the disadvantages of the other party!

This kind of situation often happens. When two people are in love, they always feel that the other party is perfect. After breaking up, they find out that the other party is just an ordinary person.

In fact, there is nothing special about her, it's just that your sight casts a layer of golden light on her.

Some small moves and tricks in love, the other party really can't understand?

We are all adults, who can have a much higher IQ than the other?
He could understand, but he was just looking for reasons to comfort himself.

He clearly understands everything, but he still desperately pledges his allegiance!

"I'm jealous of your love"

"The momentum is like a rainbow"


Chu Qing sang the chorus for the second time, and his voice was even higher-pitched on this side, and he was almost roaring in the later stage, which caused him, who is not a professional singer, to break and go out of tune.

But at this moment, no one would care about these details. They just looked at the hoarse man on the stage and listened to him singing hoarse songs, but they were thinking about their own stories in their minds.

"If one day love no longer confused"

"Enough to see all right and wrong"

"Until then you were on my mind"

"Will no longer be sung about you as a queen"

"It won't be me anymore"

Chu Qing's voice lowered slowly, and the last line of the lyrics was almost whispered.

But these five words seem to be a drop of water dripping into the sea of ​​their hearts, splashing circles of ripples.
(End of this chapter)

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