Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 36 Happy Cooperation

Chapter 36 Happy Cooperation
When young people listen to songs, what they listen to is the melody of the song and the rhythm of the lyrics.

When middle-aged people listen to songs, they listen to the artistic conception of the songs and think about their own stories.

When the elderly listen to the song, what they listen to is the rhythm of the song, and what they think of is the old man and old lady dancing in the square!
After Chu Qing sang the song, she took a deep breath, and when she raised her head, her eyes were a little bright, which made the little fans in the audience feel distressed enough.

But Chu Qing was thinking, even if he couldn't cry next time, he wouldn't put onion juice on his hands. He felt that his eyes were about to explode from pain now!

Listening to Chu Qing's long exhalation, the audience seemed to be able to feel his inner fluctuation at this moment.

Chu Qing still stood on the stage, holding the microphone and whispering: "Actually, I want to see you jealous for me, but I'm afraid, you wish me happiness"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she bowed deeply, and the audience burst into thunderous applause!

It was hard to imagine that this would be the applause heard in a folk bar, it was so loud that the guests outside the door could hear it clearly.

"Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing!"

The audience in the audience shouted Chu Qing's name over and over again, and Liu Ning's expression in the audience changed slightly.

It was his turn to perform on stage soon, and he was confident that he could crush Chu Qing in terms of singing skills!He can even control his emotions very well, allowing the audience to feel his joy and anger, but at this moment, he really doesn't have the confidence to take over Chu Qing's situation.

In a word, all the emotions in this scene have been drained by Chu Qing!
Doesn't it sound a little funny, can emotions be drained?
A person will actually feel tired after laughing or crying bitterly, and will feel tired after a long time.

At that time, when encountering some things again, even though I thought it was funny, I couldn’t laugh. This is a manifestation of being drained of emotions.

Of course, you may also feel that you are used to it.

Chu Qing had already bowed and stepped off the stage. Just as he stepped off the stage, he was surrounded by a pair of his little fans, who all wanted to take a photo with him.

The pose for taking pictures was also very bold, wanting to hug or hug, but Chu Qing's performance was very upright, as could be seen from the gentleman's hands.

Fatty Xia approached Zhang Xiao and said, "Director Zhang? How is it? I'm not lying to you, this little brother's voice is simply top-notch! Once you hear it once, you will never forget it!"

Zhang Xiao laughed and said, "Tian Lai is a bit exaggerated, but the sound conditions are really good."

Liu Ning on the side was a little anxious when he heard it, he had to prove himself now, even if he didn't have the confidence to take the stage, he could still get in!
He coughed lightly and looked at Fatty Xia and said, "Boss Xia, is it my turn to play next?"

Fatty Xia was taken aback for a moment, and then he said with an easy-going smile, "Yes, yes, yes, come, come, I will take you to the stage."

While talking, he got up and led Liu Ning to the stage, Zhang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, he was weighing some things.

Liu Ning’s voice is something he has heard before. If there is no sound card and other cooperation, it is actually just mediocre, not very good. The main reason is that his singing skills are really good, and the treble is also very good.

But looking at it now, it is obvious that Chu Qing's voice is better!
But Chu Qing has scandals, and the name of that scumbag and soft rice boy has not been removed from his head until now.

If Chu Qing is used to record, I am afraid that the news will suddenly become true, and netizens will scold him. When Chu Qing quits the circle, his TV series will be sprayed to death!
This made him hesitate, wondering how the two should choose.

At this moment, Liu Ning's singing sounded on the stage, Zhang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and decided to make a decision after listening to Liu Ning's singing.

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for completing the temporary task, and the rewards will be sent to the system backpack!"

As soon as Chu Qing stepped off the stage, she heard a system prompt in her mind, and then a panel appeared in front of her eyes.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 001"

"Current points: 310"

"Current experience: 120/500"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: Off!"

This is Chu Qing's latest panel. The experience value has increased very quickly, and the increase in points is also quite good.

In the small one-square-meter space in front of him lay a small gift bag, and Chu Qing resisted the desire to reach out to it.

If I can take out something out of thin air, I am afraid that an expert will come to the door tomorrow to slice and study it!

After Chu Qing took a group photo and signed, he finally returned to his booth. Song Dawei picked a thumbs up to him and said, "This song is really good! You really are a musical genius!"

Chu Qing smiled, wiped off his sweat and said, "Sure, do you think this song will be popular for a while?"

Song Dawei knew that he was talking about shaking hands, so he nodded immediately and said, "Many people have recorded you just now, just wait, shaking your hands in a few days will definitely refresh your screen!"

Chu Qing smiled. The two were talking when Fatty Xia walked over while wiping his sweat.

"Old Song! Brother Chu, come here, I'll introduce you two to Director Zhang, hurry up"

Chu Qing and Song Dawei looked at each other, and they both got up and walked towards Zhang Xiao's booth.

Liu Ning on the stage may have noticed this scene, and his mood fluctuated instantly, and his singing was a little out of tune.

But he is a professional singer after all, changing the pitch immediately, as if it was an impromptu change.

Fatty Xia led Chu Qing and the two to the booth and introduced with a smile: "Director Zhang, this is Chu Qing, and the one next to him is his manager Song Dawei. He has been an old friend for many years, and he is absolutely trustworthy."

Zhang Xiao smiled and nodded, "Brother Chu Qing, I appreciate your song just now, it's really good."

"thanks, thanks"

Chu Qing smiled brightly, Zhang Xiao was taken aback after seeing it, and then said, "You probably haven't studied music before."

"Yes, I studied broadcasting and hosting"

Zhang Xiao was a little surprised and said, "Then why did you come here to sing?"

Fatty Xia hurriedly explained: "Brother Chu has a formal job. He is an announcer of Yanjing TV Station. He has a bright future! The reason why he sang here is to save my face. The song "Overfire" he sang before is not It’s very popular in shaking hands, I just wanted to catch the heat, so he came to help.”

After hearing this, Chu Qing's heart warmed up. He knew that Fatty Xia was looking for compensation for himself, and wanted to help him raise his status.

Chu Qing smiled and shook his head and said: "Boss Xia is a good person. In fact, the reason why I came here to sing is very simple. I am simply short of money. My parents are getting old. If I earn more, they will be able to relax. So simple"

Zhang Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, he is a director, he has met too many people, and they are all the kind who can act!

So he has developed a pair of eyes long ago, and he thinks that he is quite accurate in seeing people.

He can confirm that the two words Chu Qing said just now are absolutely sincere!

And how bad can a filial person be?

Zhang Xiao picked up a glass of beer on the table with a smile, and said with a smile on his face: "It's a happy cooperation."

Chu Qing was a little dazed, but Song Dawei and Fatty Xia had already raised their wine glasses, hahaha laughed and said, "Happy cooperation!"

 Today is April Fool's Day, I don't believe what you say, unless you vote~

(End of this chapter)

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