Chapter 37

Several people drank a lot this day, so Song Dawei couldn't drive him off after drinking.

Chu Qing had no choice but to take a taxi home. As for the cooperation with Zhang Xiao, Song Dawei would naturally handle it.

Chu Qing was flushed from drinking again, and hurriedly took a shower after returning home, only then did she feel that the smell of alcohol on her body was a little less.

Chu Qing fell headfirst on the bed, and then excitedly opened the system space. He was looking forward to the journey, and he was waiting to go home to see what props the mission gave this time.

After opening the gift box, I saw a small scarecrow lying quietly inside, which looked like a key chain.

His head couldn't help but rumbling, thinking that it couldn't be such a coincidence!

"Ashamed Scarecrow, after using it can make the target extremely ashamed, and can't help but tell all the wrong things they have done!"

After seeing the props introduction clearly, Chu Qing almost jumped up excitedly!Damn, this is too coincidental!And what's more coincidental, tomorrow is the press conference of Cui Qiqi's "Little Princess in the Palace"!Is there a better chance than this?

Chu Qing couldn't help laughing out loud, and didn't care if she would be complained by the neighbors, if she was happy, she would laugh heartily!

When she had had enough laughing, Chu Qing clenched her fists, it was even God helping her!I must seize this opportunity, and I can't live up to God's love for me!
Chu Qing immediately searched the Internet about tomorrow's press conference, and was pleasantly surprised to find that tomorrow's press conference will be broadcast live on!
Chu Qing laughed strangely, God help me too!

Chu Qing turned on Shaking Hands, and found that her fans had increased by another 5 people, and now she has 85 fans, which is not far from a million.

Just now, Chu Qing found a video of herself singing "The Queen" in a bar, but this is not the full version, only the part where she sings the chorus.

Going to look at the number of likes, it's almost 100 million, and there are nearly [-] retweets and comments. This data is quite scary!
"What is the identity of this person? How can I see him all the time these two days? Is he a singer?"

"No, he is Cui Qiqi's ex-boyfriend"

"Fuck, you're kidding, don't tell me he's that scumbag and soft rice boy"

"Yes, it's him. Do you still believe what Cui Qiqi said after listening to this song?"

"To be honest, I don't know if he's a scumbag or not, but he definitely won't be a soft rice boy! Just these few original songs are enough for him to eat for a few years!"

"Brother Chu Qing, if you want scum, you can scum me. I have every look you want, and I can do all the poses you want!"

"Upstairs, that's enough! Please pay attention to your age, it's enough to be sentenced if you catch it!"

"Hey hey, there are more and more judges these days."

Chu Qing looked at the comments of these sand sculpture netizens, and he was very happy. He was happy on this side, but Cui Qiqi was not happy on that side!
On this day, Cui Qiqi was lying alone in her apartment. Yes, a big star like her also slept in an apartment, but the difference was that she bought this apartment herself.

Song Jiji is not here tonight, he went out to socialize, it is said that he is trying to win her the position of No. [-] new actress!

Cui Qiqi, who was bored by herself, started to shake her hands, and saw Chu Qing's video within a few clicks.

She wanted to paddle subconsciously, she hates everything related to Chu Qing now, but for some reason, she still stopped by a ghost and listened to Chu Qing's singing quietly.

"I fell into the tolerance of blind mad love"

"Fulfill your beloved queen"

"If there is only temptation left in love, only mutual endurance is left"

"Stop torturing each other"

"Because we were all wrong"

In the video, Chu Qing sang hoarsely, as if she was venting, but also as if she was telling something.

As Cui Qiqi listened, she couldn't help recalling the sweet scene when the two were together.

That poor boy, who has done so many stupid things for her, treats her wholeheartedly, as if he is his whole world!

In his eyes, he can always see his own reflection, just like the song says, he is really the Queen of Heaven, the Queen of Heaven who belongs exclusively to him.

For some reason, Cui Qiqi suddenly felt regretful, her heart ached as if a poisonous snake was biting her heart!It was also as if someone had taken a large piece out of her heart with a knife, and she felt that she had lost something very important.

She hurried to the bathroom to wash her face, and took a few deep breaths before she felt better.

And after regret, it is resentment!

Since you are so talented, why didn't you expose it earlier?Then will I leave you?Are you just waiting for me to go!

Since you can write songs, why don't you write them for me?If these songs were given to me, they would definitely sing better than you and be more popular than you!
Now netizens are laughing at themselves, laughing at themselves guarding Baoshan but throwing it away like a dog's tail grass!
Do not!
My vision must be right!My choice must not be wrong!

I'm going to step you into the mud so that you can never turn over!At that time, I will see who dares to say that my choice is wrong!
I am right!My choice is right!

The next morning, Chu Qing continued to go to work. After washing up, she brushed and shook her hands while squeezing the subway, only to find that she had over a million fans!
Chu Qing was stunned. After having the experience of the phone ringing for several minutes last time, Chu Qing set the message to avoid reminders. Now he is really surprised to see him!

[-]% fans and less than a million are completely two levels, because from now on, Chu Qing can call herself a big internet celebrity!
When he came to work, he continued to make soy sauce. After counting the days, his host card should be coming down soon.

Waiting for the certificate to come down, will I be able to become a regular?
Just as Chu Qing was thinking about it, her phone vibrated suddenly, and she opened it to see the video from

Remind him that the press conference of "Little Princess in the Palace" that he reserved has started!

With a smile on Chu Qing's face, she silently put on her bluetooth headset and turned on the live broadcast.

The picture is very clear. The director and several leading actors are standing on the stage. Behind them is a huge poster with some stars' signatures on it.

A reporter was asking the director a question. After the director had just finished answering, the staff selected another reporter.

"Excuse me, Ms. Zhao Bailu, why did you take this drama?"

The heroine on the stage took the microphone and said: "Because I have cooperated with Director Li a long time ago, I admire Director Li's ability very much. This time, as soon as Director Li invited me, I came here."

There was applause at the scene, and the on-site staff selected another reporter.

The reporter got up and looked at Cui Qiqi and said, "Miss Cui, is Chu Qing really a scumbag? Now many netizens especially like the songs he wrote and defended him. What do you think about this matter?" look?"

Cui Qiqi looked a little embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, I can't answer questions that have nothing to do with this show."

Chu Qing watched the live broadcast and smiled, you don't answer?Have you asked me?
Ashamed Scarecrow, start!

(End of this chapter)

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