Chapter 38 Using props
Chu Qing held a scarecrow the size of a key chain in her hand, and her mind was full of the words that Cui Qiqi said back then!
With a flash of red light in his hand, the scarecrow has disappeared!
Chu Qing was startled, and hurriedly raised her head, but saw that the others seemed to have not noticed, and they were still busy with their own work.

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to look down at the live broadcast.

Seeing that Cui Qiqi in the picture still wanted to refuse, her face suddenly became a little stiff, and finally she burst into tears.

This scene stunned the others, and everyone in the crew also looked at her in surprise.

The eyes of the male actors are fine, but those of the actresses are not.

At this moment, everyone secretly scolded her in their hearts as a scheming bitch, who wouldn't cry?I have to choose to cry when there are so many reporters, I really know how to find the time!Who would believe that she wasn't trying to steal the spotlight?
Then they soon realized that they had misunderstood, because what Cui Qiqi said was definitely not for the sake of gaining popularity!

"Woooooo, I'm sorry for Chu Qing, I'm sorry for him, I know he treats me very well, but I framed him for myself"

"I seduced my agent to help me plan my graduation breakup"

"I know Chu Qing and his brother, his brother will definitely do something, and then he can make things big, and set up a poor person for myself who is abandoned by a scumbag."

"I'm sorry for him"

Cui Qiqi cried very badly, her face was full of guilt, but the reporters in the audience blew up the temple, and the flashing lights flickered repeatedly, and the eyes of the people shining on them couldn't keep their eyes open.

In fact, Song Jiji has been in the background all the time, and rushed out when Cui Qiqi said these things in a hurry, covered her mouth and said: "Don't listen to her nonsense, she is not in good health today, delete everything just now! Why delete it!"

But who cares about him, in front of big news, Chinese entertainment is nothing!
Cui Qiqi struggled and continued: "I'm still sorry for my boss, I promised to be with him forever, but I..."

Song Jiji was really going crazy this time, covered Cui Qiqi's mouth again, and yelled at the photographers: "The live broadcast is off! The live broadcast is off!"

The live broadcast screen was really closed, but the barrage in the live broadcast room did not disappear!

"Damn! Fuck! Fuck! The important thing is said three times"

"Is there such a large amount of information? Let me go through it. There is Chu Qing and Song Jiji here. Who is the boss she is talking about?"

"Hahaha, the way of heaven is clear, the retribution is not good!"

"I wonder if this woman is crazy? What good will it do her to say these things?"

"Perhaps she has repented?"

"Don't dream, how can a person who can do such a thing have a heart of remorse?"

"Everyone, who is Chu Qing?"

Chu Qing grinned wider and wider as he watched the comments above, and finally suppressed a smile!
Come on, cover up!Find a celebrity to give you a platform!
Chu Qing smiled and felt sad for a while. Although some things were late for a lifetime, they would still make people feel good when they arrived!

At this moment, it was as if an invisible shackle had been lifted from Chu Qing's body. He had never felt so free before.

It's like being reborn!

Just as Chu Qing was feeling this experience, his phone vibrated again, and when he picked it up, it was Song Dawei's call!
Chu Qing went to the bathroom to answer the phone, and just pressed the answer button when she heard Song Dawei's excited voice.

"Hahaha! Chu Qing! Chu Qing! Cui Qiqi blew herself up, blew herself up!"

Chu Qing was taken aback, what the hell?Self-destruct?So ashamed that the scarecrow can still kill people?
But then he realized that what Song Dawei said should be self-explosive black material.

"Slow down, speak slowly"

Song Dawei on the other end of the phone took two deep breaths in a row, suppressing the ecstasy in his heart.

"Just now at the press conference of "Little Princess in the Palace", Cui Qiqi suddenly blew herself up and told the whole story. Now everyone knows that you were framed!"

Chu Qing pretended to be surprised and said, "Really?"


"The Chinese entertainers have a big business, you can ask the navy to wash the land."

"Hahahaha! This time, even if he moved the Pacific Ocean, the land will not be cleaned!"

Song Dawei's laughter was full of joy, he couldn't help being unhappy, this was the only thing he was worried about when he signed the contract with Chu Qing.

Now the other party blew himself up, proving Chu Qing's innocence, there is simply no better ending than this!
Chu Qing hung up the phone after chatting with him for a few words. It's working time now, so it's not good to leave the post.

Within half an hour after this incident happened, it became a trending topic and became a super topic on Weibo!
Cui Qiqi lost two-thirds of her 200 million fans in an instant, while Chu Qing's fans had already risen to 100 million, and the number of fans on Shaking Hands had risen to more than 120 million!
Countless netizens have left messages on his Weibo and Shaking Works, saying that they are sorry for him, that they were deceived by traitors and believed in rumors.

Some of his fans laughed wildly: "What am I talking about? My Chu Qing can't be that kind of person!"

"Yes, yes, just listen to Chu Qing's song and you'll know. People who can write "Overfire" and "The Queen" are used for soft food? Are they used to be scumbags?"

"Cui Qiqi has a conscience, she knows to give my family Chu Qing justice."

"Chu Qing, don't worry, we will always support you!"

This time, Chinese entertainment acted very quickly. Cui Qiqi was on the trending search on the front foot, and they made a statement on the back foot.

First of all, they declared that all of this was done by the artist's agent, and Chinese entertainment did not know about it before!

Then I decided to thoroughly investigate this matter, and I will give everyone a satisfactory answer!

Song Dawei directly sent the screenshot of this statement to Chu Qing, and the corners of Chu Qing's mouth curled up when he saw it.

He knew that both Cui Qiqi and Song Jiji were finished.

What was waiting for them was either the termination of the contract or Xue Zang. I hadn't seen each other for at least five or six years.

And after five or six years, Chu Qing is confident that she will grow to a level beyond their reach!

This evening, more people came to the Blue Ocean Bar to listen to Chu Qing sing!

There are even quite a few fans who brought gifts. The other singers I see here are so envious!

Everyone sings in bars, you look at the treatment of others, and then you look at your own.

But they also understood that Chu Qing's ability to receive this kind of treatment depends on his strength, and not everyone can do the original songs!

If it was other young people who wrote so many songs at once, some people might suspect plagiarism, but Chu Qing would not, because as soon as he heard those songs, he would know that he wrote them according to his own situation!It can be described in three simple words, I am distracted!
After Chu Qing sang, she was holding a lot of gifts from fans, including dolls, flowers, and the key card of a certain room.

Fatty Xia asked the waiter on the side to help him pick it up and said with a smile: "Brother, you are almost in your early years!"

 Chu Qing is about to come out, and the mountain ghost is about to cool down~ The cool night is like a river of longing for me~

(End of this chapter)

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