Chapter 39
Song Dawei smiled from the side: "That's for sure! When I became his manager, I thought about today! But I didn't expect things to be done so quickly, and it's still like this."

Fatty Xia laughed and said, "You've found a treasure!"

After speaking, he looked at Chu Qing and said, "Director Zhang called me specially after he knew about it, and said thank you for introducing you to him."

Chu Qing hurriedly said: "I should also thank Brother Xia, you gave me this opportunity"

After hearing this, Fatty Xia waved his hands again and again: "If you have the heart, just come and sing two songs for me when you have time."

Chu Qing also laughed when he heard that, the two agreed before that it was seven days, but now it will be here soon.

Now that Chu Qing has some money in his pocket and has cleared away his grievances, there is no need to travel so far to sing again, but for Fatty Xia, he is sincerely grateful.

Chu Qing nodded vigorously and said, "Don't worry about this brother Xia! Even if I become a superstar one day, I will definitely come if you ask me to sing!"

Fatty Xia laughed out loud when he heard it. Regardless of whether this sentence is true or not, at least he feels comfortable listening to it now.

The three of them were chatting when they saw a woman in a black one-piece dress approaching.

The woman looked very elegant, about 30 years old, with a glass of wine in her hand.

After Fatty Xia saw her, he gave Chu Qing an ambiguous look and said, "Brother Chu, your benefactor is here!"

Song Dawei glared at him, and when the woman walked to the booth, Fatty Xia got up first and said, "Miss Xiao is very beautiful today!"

Xiao Xue gave him a white look with a smile, then she looked at Chu Qing and said, "Little brother, your singing voice is amazing."

Chu Qing thought that I was better in other aspects, but on the surface she smiled like a little sheep and said, "Thank you, sister."

"Well, so cute"

Xiao Xue was also not polite, and directly acknowledged the title of sister.

She smiled and took out a business card from her small bag and handed it to Chu Qing, saying, "I run a music room. If my little brother has time, I can go and record a few of your songs. We have the most professional music studio there." equipment and sound engineer”

"I also know some people from music platforms who can help you promote your songs at that time, no money required."

Chu Qing immediately showed a super sunny smile, which made Xiao Xue's legs feel a little weak.

"Thank you sister"

Chu Qing smiled and took the business card from the other party's hand, but felt that the other party's fingers gently touched his palm.

Seeing that he had put away his business card, Xiao Xue twisted her waist and left.

After waiting for Xiao Xue to leave, Fatty Xia touched his face and said, "Why didn't I have such a good thing?"

Song Dawei pursed his lips and said: "Who is blind, can fall in love with you, a pig-head brat?"

Fatty Xia opened his mouth to refute, but Song Dawei looked at Chu Qing and said, "Stay away from this woman, she is very powerful and might hurt you!"

Chu Qing was startled, and asked curiously, "Hurt me? How did it hurt me?"

"It hurts your kidney!"

Chu Qing: "."

Fatty Xia: "."

The time passed quietly like this, and Chu Qing bought some equipment for live broadcasting online.

Yes, he plans to do a live broadcast. After all, he now has more than 100 million fans. Wouldn't it be a waste if he didn't broadcast live?

Chinese entertainment also came out with Cui Qiqi and Song Jiji's handling. Song Jiji was fired, and she will no longer be the manager of Chinese entertainment from then on!
At the same time, Chinese Entertainment announced that it is recommended that everyone not give this kind of bad agent a chance!
Anyone with a discerning eye can understand that Chinese entertainment is banning Song Jiji.

Waiting for Song Jiji is notoriety all over the world. He can't continue in this industry, so he can only change careers!
All of this is exactly the same as Chu Qing in the previous life, infamy, expulsion, and career change!

How amazing that one woman, in two worlds, has turned two men into one result!
As for Cui Qiqi, Chinese Entertainment did not fire her, but announced that she would be transferred to logistics to do behind-the-scenes work.

To put it simply, you will sit on the bench until you die!
But the netizens were clearly dissatisfied with this result, and countless netizens went to the official Weibo of Chinese Entertainment to scold the street, saying that the bad guys will be severely punished and so on!

Before Chinese Entertainment could respond, many production crews, endorsements, etc. who had cooperated with Cui Qiqi announced the termination of all contracts!
In particular, the crew of "Little Princess in the Palace" directly announced the postponement of the filming, and re-selected actors to replace Cui Qiqi's role.

Under pressure, Chinese Entertainment could only announce the termination of the contract with Cui Qiqi.

In just two days, Cui Qiqi lost everything she had, and was scolded as a street rat on the Internet!And because the termination of the contract was caused by her image problems, she will also face some liquidated damages, enough for her to drink a pot!
Compared with her, Chu Qing's current life is very happy.

Time came to Saturday in a blink of an eye, and the TV station was off.

He followed Song Dawei to the recording studio. Director Zhang invited him to record the song today.

Now the TV series has almost been edited, the only thing that needs to be composed is the soundtrack.

The two came early in the morning, especially Chu Qing, who started to practice after getting the song score, but Director Zhang was still not satisfied with singing until noon.

Chu Qing was going crazy, he felt his throat was on fire!

What's even more frustrating is that Director Zhang's reason for saying no is too weird.

Every time I almost feel it, almost feel it, so what the hell are you talking about?

Emotions, skills, rhythm, what do you say!

Chu Qing's voice was a little hoarse until lunch time.

Song Dawei took out a box of loofah and handed it to him, "I bought it on an errand just now, hurry up and eat some."

After Chu Qing finished her meal, she took her throat in her mouth and enjoyed her lunch break.

Director Zhang's lounge was right next to him. Chu Qing and the two of them were chatting first when they heard Director Zhang's roar coming from the lounge.

"No! No! There is no problem with the singer, so there must be something wrong with the melody or lyrics of this song!"

"What am I spending so much money for? What is your company doing for food! I don't care who wrote this song, it's not what I want!"

"Now! Change it for me immediately! What I want is a deep love for this land, what I want is Yanjing! What I want is reluctance!"

Hearing the roar in the lounge, Chu Qing was taken aback.

He moved closer to Song Dawei and whispered, "It's quite scary, it won't affect us."

Song Dawei shrugged and said, "Probably not. Didn't you hear it too? Director Zhang said that the singer is fine. This proves that it has nothing to do with you!"

Chu Qing nodded, and thought of what Director Zhang said just now, this song is not good, change the song, what the hell!Does this mean that I have to sing again all morning!This is not good, if this continues, I will become dumb sooner or later.

Thinking of the requirements Director Zhang just said, Chu Qing clapped her hands, this is easy, I can meet your request, I have such a song!

Warning, warning, I'm going to pretend!This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill!
 I, Shangui, vote!

(End of this chapter)

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