Chapter 40 Song Royalties!
Not long after, the door of the lounge was pushed open from the outside.

Director Zhang's face was still a little red, which was obviously caused by his anger just now.

He adjusted his mood, squeezed out a smile and said: "I'm sorry, Xiao Chu, you may have come here for nothing today, but I still think there is something wrong with that song as the opening song."

Chu Qing quickly stood up and smiled, "Director, you are too far-fetched."

Song Dawei also said with a smile: "Yes, today is just a rehearsal, about the opening song."

Director Zhang looked a little ugly and said: "I have already contacted the lyrics company and asked them to revise it again."

After finishing speaking, he was still a little angry and said: "I don't know what these songwriters are doing now! I spent more than 20 yuan to buy a song, and they use this kind of junk to fool me!"

Chu Qing's eyes brightened when he heard that, what the fuck, 20!

I only got 4 yuan after singing in the Blue Ocean Bar for a week. After buying the equipment, there are more than 2 yuan left, while others only get 20 yuan for a song!If the 20 was given to myself, it would be enough to buy a domestic car to drive!
Chu Qing immediately decided that she must seize this almost!So he took the initiative to interject: "Director Zhang, what is your request for this song?"

If someone asked this question, Zhang Xiao would definitely not answer him, but it was different when Chu Qing asked, because Chu Qing is an original musician!The songs he wrote on Shaking Hands are all written by himself, and he still has some accomplishments in terms of lyrics and music.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao repeated his request just now.

Chu Qing pondered for a while before raising her head: "To be honest, Director Zhang, I wrote a song before, and I think it's quite suitable. How about I sing it to you?"

Director Zhang laughed and said, "That's a good relationship, we have time anyway."

Chu Qing smiled and borrowed a guitar, and started playing and singing in front of Director Zhang and Song Dawei.

"When I walk every street here"

"My heart never seems to be at peace"


That's right, the song Chu Qing sang was "Beijing Beijing" by Wang Banbi of the previous life!
Of course, now this song is called "Yanjing Yanjing", and the author is called Chu Qing!
Chu Qing's voice is a little hoarse now, it sounds a bit like a smoker's voice, but it is brighter than a smoker's voice.

Director Zhang's eyes widened after hearing a few sentences!
"I'm here to laugh and I'm here to cry"

"Here I live and here I die"

"I'm here praying I'm here lost"

"I'm here to find and here to lose"


When Chu Qing sang the whole song, Director Zhang was still a little unresponsive, and looked at Chu Qing in a daze.

Song Dawei's expression was much more exciting, as if he had won 500 million in the lottery!
My own idea is really against the sky, and I can find such a good seedling!You have to be optimistic about what you say this time, but you can't be poached away again!
"Ahem, Director Zhang, can you give me a word?"

"Ah? Ah! It's okay! Why can't it work! It's too good!"

Director Zhang finally came to his senses, and then he laughed loudly and said, "If I knew you had this ability, why would I need those useless snacks! Xiao Chu, you wrote this song?"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "Yes, the song I wrote when I first came to Yanjing was just registered for copyright a while ago. Don't worry, Director Zhang, this song is definitely original."

"Hahaha, this is great! Xiao Chu, how about selling the copyright of this song to us?"

Chu Qing shook her head decisively and said, "I'm sorry Director Zhang, I won't sell the copyright of this song, but I'm willing to let you use it."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Song Dawei, and Song Dawei naturally stood in front of Chu Qing and said with a smile: "Director Zhang, you have heard the quality of this song. Songs like this are hard to come by. So in terms of copyright, we will not sell it.”

Director Zhang nodded and said: "I understand, I understand, I can't use your songs for nothing, so how about 20!"

Song Dawei directly agreed on Chu Qing's behalf. For a newcomer, this price is the ancestor's price!
The current market is that the songs of newcomers are all below 1 yuan. For example, Chu Qing, the appearance fee for his singing is 1 yuan, and the copyright of the songs belongs to the crew.

Those who have a certain status in the music circle, or those who were once popular and now outdated, are generally below 20.

Even better, the current traffic niche is less than 50.

Superstars, the kind that everyone knows in terms of music, are usually under a million!

There are also more than one million, but there are not many single songs that exceed one million, especially in the TV drama circle.

Now Director Zhang can offer a price of 20, which shows how much he likes this song!

Chu Qing forcibly suppressed the joy in his heart and tried to show a calm look, but his eyebrows that were about to take off still betrayed him.

Director Zhang continued: "One thing for nothing, two masters, there are still two episodes, you can see if there are any suitable ones."

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Director Zhang, what is your request?"

“The first song should be as affectionate as possible, and it’s best to reflect dedication, and it’s the kind of willingness”

Chu Qing nodded and said: "I sang a song at the graduation party, maybe it can meet this requirement"

So Chu Qing sang "I Love You No Return Date" again, Director Zhang nodded after listening to it and said: "This song is also good, then I want this song too, but the price can't be given according to the previous one. I'll give you 15 for the song!"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile, it doesn't matter, anyway, he doesn't sell the copyright, even if it is 1 to [-], he agrees, it's just a promotional song!
"Director Zhang, what about the last song? Do you have any requests?"

"The last song should be simple, play it when the plot is cheerful or a little ambiguous"

This is really difficult for Chu Qing. There are a lot of sad songs, but if you want to talk about sweet love songs, it's really hard to find.

The main reason is that he still needs to be cheerful and a little bit ambiguous, so he really can't think of it for a while, but he is even more unwilling to give up this opportunity, it's all money!
While thinking about it in a hurry, a song suddenly popped up in his mind, oh, show your age, let's show your age, sing!
"Let me taste it lightly, you love me as you said"

"Still reminiscing about the tenderness you gave"

"I take a sip lightly, this fragrant temptation"

"You have everything I like"

That's right, the song that appeared in Chu Qing's mind was none other than Jay Chou's "Sweet".

Needless to say, Jay Chou's strength, the brisk melody and simple lyrics won Zhang Xiao's approval in an instant.

"Well, this song is also good, so let's do it, I will pay you a total of 50 for these three songs! How about it?"

Chu Qing looked at Song Dawei, and the next step was to deal with the manager.

Song Dawei smiled, pushed his glasses and asked, "Before and after tax?"

“Certainly before tax”

"Director Zhang, you all have great achievements. A little leak in your hand is enough for my two brothers to eat and drink."

Song Dawei began to talk eloquently. At this moment, he was extremely professional.

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(End of this chapter)

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