Chapter 41 Cui Qiqi's Phone Call
Song Dawei finally managed to negotiate the price of 50 yuan after tax, but the 1 yuan he promised to Chu Qing for the concert was in vain.

The group signed the contract in the afternoon, and Zhang Xiao got the score. Because Chu Qing didn't understand the soundtrack, Zhang Xiao went to find someone to make a soundtrack, and agreed to record it tomorrow morning.

After leaving the door, Song Dawei looked at the contract in his hand and said with a smile: "This can be considered a big contract! You can receive a contract of 50 yuan within half a month of your debut, which is amazing!"

Chu Qing was also a little excited, 50 after tax!According to his contract with Song Dawei, he can get 45 yuan!

On the surface, it seems that Song Dawei got 5 yuan without doing anything.

But it's not like this in reality. Without Song Dawei, he wouldn't have known Fatty Xia at all.

And without Fatty Xia, he would not have the opportunity now, let alone 45, he would not even earn the [-] from Fatty Xia.

Moreover, Song Dawei also has a good understanding of the contract, so let's talk about the contract signed this time.

The 50 that the other party paid was only the usage fee for Chu Qing's three songs.

In other words, they can only edit these three songs into the TV series as the soundtrack, and the rest of the other things have nothing to do with them.

If someone from the film crew used these three songs to make money and didn't say hello to him in the future, Chu Qing could sue him in court!
Song Dawei sent Chu Qing back to the apartment and left. He said that he recently contacted the last variety show.

If the negotiation is successful, it will definitely increase Chu Qing's popularity by then!
Chu Qing asked him what variety show it was, but this guy didn't say anything, saying that he would tell him after the negotiation was completed, so as not to make Chu Qingkong happy.

Chu Qing shrugged and stopped asking, and retrieved his courier at the courier station downstairs, which was full of his live broadcast equipment.

First is a computer, then a mobile phone, then a stand, fill light, microphone and sound card, background cloth.

He bought a desktop computer, which cost him more than 7000 yuan. It is not top-notch, but it is definitely enough for live broadcasting.

The mobile phone is also more than 7000, and these two things alone cost him [-], but since it is a device for live broadcasting, it must not be sloppy.

Afterwards, the sound card and microphone spent a total of 1000 yuan, all of which were relatively common brands, and the fill light, bracket and background cloth cost more than [-] yuan. This is all the equipment for his live broadcast.

As for other equipment, he doesn't need to be so professional now, these are enough.

After returning home and following the instructions, Chu Qing installed it in her small apartment.

Thanks to his good health now, if he changed to his body before rebirth, all these would be considered a big deal for him!

After busy installation all afternoon, it was dark outside after Chu Qing researched and understood everything.

Chu Qing wiped off her sweat, but the phone rang. Seeing the caller's name on it, Chu Qing was startled.

Cui Qiqi!
Chu Qing is really curious, why does this person have the face to call him?
He didn't bother to answer the call at all, so he directly hung up the other party's phone, and then pulled him into the blacklist.

But not long after, Chu Qing's phone rang again, this time it was an unfamiliar number, Chu Qing knew it as soon as he thought about it, needless to say, the other party must have called from a different number.

He sighed, if she kept calling from different numbers, there was nothing she could do, she couldn't stop answering the phone just because of this.


Chu Qing still answered the phone, and there was no abnormality in the voice.

"Chu Qing, I'm Qiqi, don't hang up the phone, I have something to tell you"


"Chu Qing, I know I was wrong before, I was not good, but you believe me, those were not my intentions, it was Song Jiji, that bastard who tempted me!"


"Chu Qing, can you forgive me, please forgive me, please?"

"What are you talking about, I never blamed you"

The other party was obviously a little surprised when he heard the voice, and hurriedly said: "Chu Qing, let's start again, shall we? I will definitely treat you well this time. I only realized now that I still can't let you go!"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "It's too late, Qiqi, I learned three things after breaking up with you"

"First, don't try to buy cheap mobile phones with [-]G memory"

"Second, don't get back together with your ex, it will only repeat the same mistakes"

"Third, whenever I can't let you go, I will think about how you let me go in the first place"

"So Kiki, it doesn't matter if you let it go or not, I've already let it go, please don't call me again, I need to start my new life"

Chu Qing's voice was still so gentle, like a glass of boiled water at just the right temperature, which could be tolerated and accepted by everyone.

Cui Qiqi had never felt before that Chu Qing's voice was so magnetic and attractive.

At that time, she could only see one thing in Chu Qing, and that was honesty, so honest that it was almost transparent.

This is also the point that she despises Chu Qing the most. In her eyes, honesty is worthless!
Unexpectedly, just after the two of them broke up, Chu Qing began to shine and show off her talent!
She regretted it, really regretted it!If she hadn't announced the breakup back then, or even wronged Chu Qing, then this glamorous man might still be hers.

Chu Qing hung up the phone, he had all kinds of vicious things to say in his mind, but in the end, when it came to his lips, he could only say one sentence, forget it, I need to start a new life.

He didn't know that he was afraid that the other party's recording would destroy his personality.

Or, he really thought so.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Qing lay on the bed, his head was empty, all kinds of messy thoughts flashed back in his mind.

There were difficulties in the previous life, sweetness in the past, and resentment in the future.

In the end Chu Qing changed her clothes and went downstairs to buy a case of cheap beer.

How to relieve worries, only snowflakes!
Early the next morning, Song Dawei took Chu Qing to the recording studio to record all three songs.

Busy work, another morning!

At noon, Chu Qing's voice became even hoarse. Song Dawei smiled and said, "Young man, you can't do that either! Do you take good care of your voice?"

Chu Qing coughed twice and said, "Yes! I did this mainly to create a smoky voice, and this is to cater to "Yanjing Yanjing""

"Hurry up and pull it down, who is struggling to speak with their voice in order to cater to the song?"

"Hey hey hey"

The two laughed and joked with each other, and Song Dawei suddenly said, "The variety show I told you about may be ruined."

Chu Qing asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Because of the recording time of the show, that variety show has a lot of momentum, and it is's ace variety show this year!"

Chu Qing rubbed his chin when he heard the words. After Song Dawei said that, he didn't want to give up anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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