Chapter 320 Spring Festival
The company's annual meeting was held in a big hotel, so it goes without saying that the quality of the food was excellent.

Today, the total number of people in Bright Media is about 300, and these are all internal personnel of the company.

For example, photographers, makeup artists, security guards, cleaners, etc. all count.

As for the people from [Bright Cinema], only a few high-level people came.

After all, [Bright Cinema] now has a large number of branches, and Chu Qing can't just let those employees come all the way for the annual meeting.

The annual meeting was quite successful, thanks to the company's planners, who came up with a lot of game ideas that caught Chu Qing's eyes.

As a result, after the annual meeting was over and the year-end awards were distributed, Chu Qing found them in person, and told them that he would invest 1000 million in the early stage to create a program for them, and asked them to copy "King vs. King" !
These planners were stunned when they heard it. Although these games were designed to attract Chu Qing, who would have thought it would be a real success?
The initial investment of 1000 million doesn't seem like much, but with their company's current reputation, it's too easy to get some advertising investment, and they can't produce a good program every minute?

At the moment, these people patted their chests and said that they will definitely complete the task!
As for the director, producer, editing and other things, Chu Qing didn't have to worry about it at all.

There are a lot of idle people in the company now, and many people have time to deal with these.

After making arrangements, Chu Qing took Yin Tao and returned to Haik.

A few days after the two arrived home, their parents came over happily.

When her mother, Wang Ping, saw Yin Tao, she couldn't see her smiling eyes, and she didn't let go of her hand.

Chu Qing had clearly told them before that this is their future daughter-in-law!
After getting along for this period of time, the relationship between the two can be regarded as advancing by leaps and bounds.

At least now Yin Tao doesn't have so much to worry about, she is taking care of Chu Qing wholeheartedly, and has handled the assistant's work perfectly.

These days, she is still learning to drive and has to take her driver's license test. Her daily life is very fulfilling, and she already looks like Chu Qing can use her at any time.

When it was time for lunch, Yin Tao offered to cook, but Wang Ping refused to let her.

In the end, neither of them could convince the other, so they went to the kitchen together.

Chu Qing sat on the sofa with his father and watched TV, waiting for the two women to disappear before his father said softly.

"This girl is really nice. She is a person who lives a life. If you can find such a good girl, your parents will be relieved."

Chu Qing smiled when he heard this, and didn't say much.

But the father said with a serious face: "I don't care what you do in the entertainment industry, but since you want to marry someone, then you are not allowed to do anything! The girl is with you to enjoy happiness, not to suffer, do you understand? ?”

Chu Qing was speechless: "Dad, you don't know what kind of person I am?"

"Just because I know, I'm worried!"

Chu Jianye sighed and said, "You child has been ruthless since you were careful. I'm really afraid that after you become famous, you will do something that abandons your wife and children. How will you ask me to explain to other girls?"

Chu Qing has a black line on his forehead, what kind of thing is he cruel, what kind of thing is he abandoning his wife and son?What is this all about? You have watched too many TV shows!
Chu Qing would have scolded him a long time ago, but this was said by his father, so there was really nothing he could do about it.

Seeing that he was silent, Chu Jianye continued.

"Also, you are not young anymore, you will be 29 after the new year, and you will be almost [-] soon, hurry up and get married!"

"You can afford it, can other girls afford it? Don't think about yourself, you have to think about others"

"Also, your mother and I are almost sixty, and their grandchildren will run away. My son is not married yet. Don't you know how those old brothers laugh at me!"

As soon as Chu Jianye mentioned this topic, he felt uncomfortable. Originally, he was in his hometown, driving the big G that Chu Qing bought for him.

Go out and show off if you have nothing to do, but people will get annoyed if you show off for a long time.

You have a big G and I have a grandson.

You have a villa, I have a grandson!
Anyway, no matter what you say, and no matter what you have, I have a grandson anyway!

This made Chu Jianye so angry that he stopped driving and went to many lectures instead.

It's all about how to get your sons and daughters to have children!

In contrast, Wang Ping is fine, she is more particular about letting nature take its course, and she also believes in her son.

While Yin Tao and his mother were cooking, Chu Jianye kept mumbling, wishing he could tell Chu Qing everything he had heard in the lecture.

Chu Qing was so annoyed that he had no choice but to promise that he would do it as soon as possible.

Moreover, this should indeed be considered.

Chu Qing followed the idol route when she debuted, so naturally she couldn't announce her relationship, let alone get married.

There was a saying in the circle back then that idols are not allowed to fall in love, this is not a joke.

Even if your company lets it go, the fans won't let it go, some brainless fans will even make violent moves!

But fortunately, Chu Qing has successfully transformed now!
Moreover, his earliest fans have almost all entered the society now, and have no time to care about his marriage.

The rest time always passes quickly, and the Spring Festival comes in a blink of an eye.

The Spring Festival Gala is as ugly as ever, and I don't know if the audience's aesthetics are now higher, or the quality of the Spring Festival Gala has really declined.

When it was the first day of the Lunar New Year, Chu Qing wore an eye mask and a peaked cap, wrapped herself up tightly, and brought Yin Tao to the Guangming Cinema in Hai K!
As the headquarters of Bright Entertainment, Haik also has Bright Cinema.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, many people came to watch the movie.

Bright Cinema screened seven movies at the same time, but fortunately there were enough auditoriums to show them.

But they also have selfish intentions. For example, the advertisement of "City Hunter" is placed in the most prominent position, especially there is a big poster at the entrance, which can be seen by the audience as soon as they enter the cinema.

This plan was relatively successful, and the attendance rate of "City Hunter" far exceeded other movies.

The movie tickets are all sold out, and even tomorrow's movie tickets are sold until the night show!

But this is naturally not a problem for Chu Qing, as the boss still has certain advantages.

The two came to the VIP hall, found their respective seats and sat down. Not long after, the movie officially started!
In order to cater to the times, Chu Qing teamed up with several screenwriters to slightly modify the plot. After all, the script is a good script, but some settings still need to keep pace with the times.

From the beginning of the movie, the audience's laughter never stopped!

I have to say that this is the charm of a good movie. No matter how many times or when you watch it, you can still see its brilliance!
(End of this chapter)

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