Chapter 321 Spring Festival
After the movie ended, almost all the audience walked out in sequence with smiling faces.

At the same time, I told my friends that when I go back, I must give the movie Amway to my friends, or take my family to watch it again.

Chu Qing laughed secretly, this is one of the reasons why he chose "City Hunter", this is a movie that is very suitable for the whole family to watch together!
After leaving the screening hall, the two did not leave. Instead, they lined up and walked into another screening hall. The movie "Xiangjiang Wind and Cloud" co-produced by Chu Qing and Fatty Wang was played in this screening hall!
Although this movie was not produced by their company, it was made by Chu Qing!
Anyway, Chu Qing had to see the reaction of the audience.

The movie started soon, and the audience also watched it with great interest, especially those who had watched Chu Qing's "City Hunter" before, and even exclaimed from time to time.

I just watched Chu Qing's comedies, and now I see Chu Qing playing the boss, it really made them play a little bit, but somehow I think it's a bit good.

Especially when Chu Qing played Big Brother Hei's aura, they were even more excited, and they all felt that this should be the big brother's appearance!
It was already noon when Chu Qing walked out of the cinema.

Yin Tao seemed very happy. She was in the movie theater, but she heard those people discussing Chu Qing a lot, almost all of them were full of praise.

She has the character of a little woman, and someone who praises Chu Qing is even happier than someone who praises her.

At twelve noon the next day, the first-day box office of the seven movies was announced!

The box office of "Going Home for the New Year" on the first day was 7000 million!

The box office of "Looking" reached 500 million on the first day!

The box office of "Defending the Mother River" was 3000 million on the first day!

"War Without Gunsmoke" grossed [-] million on the first day!
The box office of "The Wind and Cloud" on the first day was 2000 million!

The box office of "City Hunter" was 5000 million on the first day!

The box office of "Wangcheng" reached [-] million on the first day!
This time, Chu Qing took the lead with a box office advantage of 3000 million and became the box office champion of the day!
This made Chu Qing feel more at ease. Although it didn't reach the original "Infernal Affairs"'s single-day score of breaking [-] million, it was enough. Who made the gods fight this Spring Festival, and there were too many big productions?

For example, "Wangcheng" is the movie that was originally released on New Year's Day, but was delayed due to technical reasons. Its cost is said to be five to six billion!
How can it be so easy to grab the box office with this kind of movie.

The first step is very good now, and the follow-up plan cannot be left behind!

For these plans, Chu Qing had made several plans as early as years ago, which were specially aimed at different situations.

And now, the plan begins to implement!
Not long after the Ticket Vendor announced, Bright Entertainment posted an official Weibo with a poster below.

"Warmly celebrate, the premiere box office of "City Hunter" exceeded [-] million!"

Below is an independent poster of Chu Qing. On the poster, he is posing in a playful pose, which makes people laugh.

At the same time, various activities also started!

Fans of Chuqing gave movie tickets in an internal lottery, and recorded and co-produced "City Hunter" on Shaker to send the same merchandise.

All kinds of activities stunned everyone in the circle!

They all look for some popular programs, and then spend some money to promote them on the programs.

Then put some posters at some subway stations and bus stops for promotion. When did you think that movie promotion can still be done like this?
Before they could react and follow suit, Chu Qing directly posted a video on his official Weibo.

Chu Qing said on Weibo that she just watched "Looking for" today!He thinks this is a very meaningful movie, and he will donate [-] million yuan to a charity fund to find these trafficked children!

As soon as these words came out, the popularity soared instantly!

After watching "Looking", the director tweeted Chu Qing on Weibo, saying that he would replace those families whose children were trafficked, thank you Chu Qing!

In an instant, Chu Qing's enthusiasm soared!

There is also a lot of talk on the Internet, some say that he is hype, and some say that he is genuine.

But it is still based on good reviews. After all, no matter if it is a hype or not, Chu Qing spent [-] million in real money!
If this is hype, then netizens hope that there will be more hype.

Chu Qing's advertisement was undoubtedly a success. From the second day on, the box office of "City Hunter" skyrocketed again!

The other crew members looked at it and said, what the hell, is the effect so good?Let's donate too.

It's a pity that the investor gave too little money, which was completely incomparable with what Chu Qing donated, and the audience didn't accept it at all.

When Chu Qing donated money, they felt that Chu Qing was sincere.

When other film crews donate money, they feel that they are just joking around!This also made everyone want to cry without tears.

The time soon came to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, half a month after the movie was released, "City Hunter" was still far ahead at the box office, and even left other movies behind by a certain position. This time, people in the circle remembered Bright Entertainment, and even more Chu Qing lived here.

Someone even investigated Chu Qing's past, and found that this half-way monk had participated in so many movies, but none of them hit the street!
In particular, almost every movie produced by their company can be a big hit, and even the movies that don't sell well can help him win awards, which is very purposeful.

Such an investigation can be said to surprise them!
For a while, Chu Qing was even regarded as a koi, and countless movie invitations followed one after another.

But Chu Qing rejected them all. He didn't have time, really no time.

Because he is ready to start filming "The Witness"!

Zhang Mo, as the leading actor in the movie, has been preparing for several months, reading the script every day.

According to Zhang Sanli, the kid was a little bewildered, and two scripts were torn apart.

When he said this, Zhang Sanli's tone was very gratifying, this is his son Zhang Sanli!

He also understood that Zhang Mo was eager to get rid of everyone's stereotypes of him before, and that's why he worked so hard.

In the eyes of many people, he is an out-and-out prodigal son, especially in the eyes of those directors in the circle.

And this time, he just wanted to use his acting skills to prove that he was an actor, and there was no coward in their old Zhang family!

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the first day of March in the Gregorian calendar, the crew of "The Witness" started up in Yanjing silently. There was not even a press conference, and there was no news about it.

This time, Chu Qing became the chief director and took full charge of the filming!

Han Jie went to shoot another movie of the company. Now that the scale of Bright Entertainment has expanded, it can already support the shooting of two or even three movies at the same time!

Coupled with the fact that the old staff of the studio kept brainwashing them, everyone was enthusiastic about their work, and the shooting was smooth!
But the more Zhang Mo filmed, the more he felt that something was wrong. This villain, he doesn't look like the protagonist at all. Can he really win the actor?

(End of this chapter)

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