Chapter 328
The applause continued for a long time, and it was not until Chu Qing stepped down that the applause gradually receded.

Hu Xingchen, who was afraid of Chu Qing's indifference before, is even more unhappy, his sister!
You made the place so hot, I can't take it anymore!
But fortunately, today is his concert after all, and the fans still like him very much, barely caught the stage.

Waiting for the last song, when the four of them sang Hu Xingchen's debut song, the audience once again divided.

"Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing!"

"Hu Xingchen!"

"Hu Xingchen!"

The scene began to shout the names of these two people frantically, but no one could suppress the other.

Both sides wanted to overwhelm each other, and the voice became stronger and stronger, and Chu Qing was a little scared when he heard it, for fear that these people would get emotional and fight.

Hu Xingchen was almost speechless, and vowed in his heart that he would never ask Chu Qing to be a guest at his concert again.

Is it easy to accumulate these fans by yourself?As soon as Chu Qing came, she cheated so much!

After the concert ended, Hu Xingchen inexplicably felt that this wave was his own loss.

At least one-third of the fans who came to his concert this time will 'transfer love'!

And after the concert ended, within an hour, a secretly recorded video was exposed on the Internet, and it was posted all over the Internet within a few minutes!
What they secretly recorded was the song "Under Mount Fuji" that Chu Qing sang!
Many music critics on the Internet had a collective climax and began to analyze this song!

After netizens listened to their analysis of the complete song word by word, there were only two words left in their minds, damn it!

Not overnight, just that night, the phrase "To have something, you must first understand how to lose it" became popular all over the Internet, and the personalized signatures of countless middle school and high school students were all replaced with this sentence.

On the Internet, it is even more favorable.

But some of Chu Qing's fans feel a little dissatisfied, that's why this song is in Cantonese!

They don't understand at all!

They feel that Cantonese is not as widely spread as Mandarin, and the audience is too small.

And after all, isn’t Cantonese just a dialect?There is no difference between SiC dialect and HeN dialect, they are all dialects.

Who cares about dialect songs?
This kind of remarks has been recognized by the majority of netizens on the Internet. After all, there are not many people who understand Cantonese in the whole country.

Chu Qing, who was attending the 'Celebration Banquet', also saw this comment, and immediately replied to the netizen on her official Weibo.

"Mandarin version, online in two days"

In less than 5 minutes after posting this Weibo, the number of likes exceeded [-], which shows how popular Chu Qing is now!
Hu Xingchen seemed very happy, because this concert was definitely a very successful one.

He exchanged cups with Chu Qing and the others excitedly, and had no time to look at his phone at all.

But his manager was a little speechless.

This is obviously my family's Hu Xingchen's concert, why did Chu Qing become popular after the singing?
Also, isn't it forbidden to record videos when watching a concert?Who recorded these videos?

I will not say anything if you secretly recorded, why did you record Chu Qing?Is my Hu Xingchen unworthy?

Two days later, Chu Qing, who returned to the company, directly posted a video on Weibo.

In the video is "Love Transfer" he sang in the recording studio, which is the so-called Mandarin version.

After the song was released, the popularity became even higher!
The sentence 'Let the mistakes made last time reflect on the dream' is equally lethal!

What Chu Qing never expected was that a regional war broke out on the Internet!
Just because of Cantonese and Mandarin!

The reason is because of Chu Qing's song!

The first audience, especially those at the concert, supported "Under Mount Fuji" for no reason!
I think this song is the pinnacle of not only singing but also singing, especially Cantonese has added a lot of points to this song.

This makes some domestic audiences dissatisfied, what kind of stuff will add a lot of points?

As far as your dialect is the same as Niaoyu, how can you add points?
Then I can also speak Northeast dialect, can I also get a lot of points?
What can you be proud of when you say something that no one else can understand?
According to me, "Love Transfer" is still good, with good lyrics and good singing!

Then, the map cannon began!

Those who killed on the Internet were inextricably linked, but with the expansion of popularity and the expansion of things, Cantonese lost in the end.

No way, the two sides are not at the same level in terms of numbers.

And there are still many people who put a big hat on it. What country popularizes Putonghua to make you feel proud of being able to speak "birds"?

Can you give me a sentence, each country has its own national anthem?

Song Dawei didn't let go of the heat, and bought a lot of sailors for Chu Qing.

When the latest January music list is released, the number one is "Love Transfer"!
And No.2 is "Under Mount Fuji"!
Hu Xingchen looked at the rankings of the music charts and was extremely speechless.

Didn't he come to help?I should be the protagonist!Which part of this is the problem?

Is the gap between me and a genius really that big?

Chu Qing's old fans got excited and asked Chu Qing to hold a concert as well, claiming that they would go to see how much the tickets cost!

Song Dawei was a little moved, and said that many manufacturers have approached him recently, hoping to cooperate with Chu Qing. If Chu Qing holds a concert, they can sponsor it.

Chu Qing thought about it, but still refused.

After all, the singing world is still going downhill.

Just like the show business circle, a large number of 'fast food entertainers' have joined this circle, making the circle a mess.

But the difference is that the show business circle in the past two years is obviously going uphill.

Whether it is high-end drama or low-end traffic, it can bring good returns.

As for the music world, with the old people fading out of sight, there is nothing to see now.

When I open the music app, there are all kinds of cover songs. If I don’t have my own stuff, I just change other people’s stuff. It’s disgusting to death.

Chu Qing never felt that he was a savior, saving the music world or something like that, and he didn't care about it.

He just wants to make money!Make a lot of money!

If one day Chu Qing changes careers to become a singer, it can only mean one thing.

That is, being a singer makes more money than being an actor!
July, Yanjing

Chu Qing was having a video conference with five people who were going to Bangzi Country for internships. These five little ones were all selected by him.

The brain is smart enough to not do some stupid things.

Not to mention their looks, they are absolutely natural, plus Chu Qing hired a professional body and maintenance teacher for them, and now they are all unbelievably tender!

Chu Qing's attitude towards them is very gentle, after all, they are just cash cows!
In name, they have been intern in Bangzi Country for two years, even if they return to China now, they can start to earn money.

(End of this chapter)

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