Chapter 329 Five little ones

Chu Qing has made a plan for the five of them during this time. After they return to China, Chu Qing is confident that within two years, they will become the top streamers!

In the video, these five people are very grateful to Chu Qing.

After all, it was because of Chu Qing that they had the opportunity they had now.

Chu Qing treated them very well, which made these teenagers and their families very grateful.

But Chu Qing understands that these are all temporary.

After they start earning money and the company gets a share, they will feel that the company has given them too little, and then these people will not think so in their hearts.

But to be honest, Chu Qing really didn't care much.

He has always wanted to be a capitalist, and the first step to becoming a capitalist is not to have a conscience!
Chu Qing is confident that she can still do it.

Just like what Chu Jianye said about him back then, Chu Qing is ruthless!

His character since he was a child has always been that he only cares about the people he cares about, and the life and death of other people has no way to affect his emotions at all.

"Mr. Chu, we have lived up to your expectations. All five of us have been selected for the big list. This year the company will very likely let us form a men's team to debut!"

On the opposite side of the video, a tall and thin young man smiled.

He is the oldest among the five, his name is Song Wei, and he is also Chu Qing's default captain.

Although he is a young man, he has more brains. He grew up in a rural family, but he clearly knows what he wants and has the courage to give. This is what Chu Qing appreciates very much.

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "That's not bad, how many people are there in the men's team?"

"There are only eleven places in total, and there are more than 60 people in the big list, but we are confident!"

Chu Qing smiled after hearing this. In fact, he knew the news a long time ago.

And Chu Qing is very sure that as long as these five children don't perform too badly, they will definitely be selected!

The reason is very simple, that is, Chu Qing spent money!

Debut abroad and then return home.

It is completely different from returning to China after studying abroad.

For this reason, Chu Qing spent a lot of money in order to gilt these five children, but Chu Qing didn't tell him in advance, because he was afraid of dispelling their enthusiasm and making them feel that they were stable, so they would not study hard.

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Well, all of you work hard, and if you pass the exam this time, I will give each of you a bonus of 10 yuan!"

"thank you boss!"

"Thank you Brother Chu!"

As soon as Chu Qing finished speaking, there was a chattering sound next to her.

In their eyes, Chu Qing can be described as a mess of boldness.

Chu Qing smiled and waved her hands and said, "Sending you abroad is not for tourism, you guys work hard, and when the time comes, you will be a big star when you return home."

After finishing speaking, Chu Qing picked up a few file bags on the side and shook them in front of the camera: "I've prepared scripts, singles, and albums for you. Come back soon!"

Chu Qing's words touched the children deeply. Their age group is just at the age when the three views are formed.

Generally, a boy at this time will find someone he admires to imitate.

Most of the boys imitated his father, and a small number imitated his leadership.

And what these five children admired was undoubtedly Chu Qing!

Now when they heard that Chu Qing had paved the way for them, the five children were all moved.

"Boss, don't worry! This time we will definitely make our debut in the men's team!"

"Yes, let's start today and practice for another hour every day!"

"Boss, we can definitely do it!"

The five little fresh meats seemed to have drunk chicken soup for the soul, and each of them screamed to work hard.

After hearing this, Chu Qing couldn't help showing a gratified smile, Come on, young man!
You perform well, I will strive to marry you a sister-in-law next year!
After Song Wei hung up the phone, there was still a determined look on his face.

"Brothers! We are all mediocre poor boys. It is thanks to Mr. Chu that we can come to Bangzi Country to study. This time, let's say nothing to embarrass Mr. Chu!"

"The captain is right!"

"Yes! Let's make a debut this time no matter what we say, and return to China as soon as possible to repay Mr. Chu!"

"Brothers are united, and their profits will break the gold!"

"come on!"

The five children were inexplicably excited and cheered in unison.

The time passed leisurely, and their days were really like what Song Wei said, they kept practicing for themselves, singing and dancing every day.

Compared with the academies of the same period, they are more tired, because in addition to learning singing and dancing, they also have to learn the language of Bangzi Country.

Fortunately, young people are relatively capable of learning. They have been able to communicate with the locals without barriers during the time they have been here, but they have not yet understood the meaning of some words.

The teachers in Bangziguo were very pleased to see them working so hard.

He likes these Huaxia students very much, not because of their hard work, but simply because their company gives them a lot of money!
What Huaxia pays attention to is that there are many people who don't blame people!
Not to mention being on someone else's platform, the agent Chu Qing sent would invite them to dinner every now and then, give them some small gifts, and even big red envelopes during the New Year and holidays!

Under this kind of treatment, how could they not like these five students?

The other party also reciprocated, and often gave these five children small meals, otherwise they would not have improved so fast.

Looking at the five people who were sweating profusely in the dance practice room, the teacher said with emotion: "Huaxia people are really hardworking. I have never seen these five children being lazy."

The agent sent by Chu Qing was outside the door all the time. Hearing the teacher's emotion, he said with a smile: "Of course, we left our hometown and came here not for sightseeing. If they don't work hard, wouldn't they be sorry for their efforts?"

The teacher was a little surprised when he heard this, and then turned his head and said: "Mr. Han, why are you so anxious to let them debut? With all due respect, if they practice for three to five years, they may directly become first-line artists! They are still young now. There's no need to be in such a hurry!"

The person called Mr. Han was Han Changqing, the agent that Chu Qing recruited with the "Talent Wanted Order" at the beginning!

This is a talented person who is proficient in multiple languages. Before becoming an agent, he had been an entertainer for a while. He graduated from a law university and knew everything about the circle and legal contracts like the back of his hand.

In a word, apart from the fact that he has no connections, this person is simply the perfect agent!
It's a pity that the most important thing about being a broker in Huaxia is connections!
Without a network, your artist will have no announcements, no commercial performances, no money, and no chance to stand out.

Song Dawei was miserable enough at the beginning, but even so, he still has some connections, which can give Chu Qing some exposure opportunities, such as "Idol Has an Attitude"!
(End of this chapter)

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