Chapter 330
Hearing the teacher say don't worry, Han Changqing smiled and spoke in fluent Bangzi Mandarin.

"It's different between our two countries, and we haven't had that long to wait"

"What's more, their goal is not to become a trainee, but just to learn some basics"

"My boss has paved the way for them in the future, Mr. Jin, believe me, in a few years, their names will shine in China!"

Teacher Jin sighed when he heard the words, looked at the five children who were still practicing, and said, "Isn't your boss afraid of ruining these five children?"

Han Changqing smiled and said: "Of course, because this is just an attempt by my boss, the cost this time is not even a drop in the bucket for my boss!"

"But we won't destroy them. Believe me, my boss is definitely the most professional in making stars!"

When talking about Chu Qing, Han Changqing seemed to have a gleam of light on his face.

Seeing this, Teacher Jin was surprised and said: "Mr. Han, what kind of person is your boss? Even someone as outstanding as you is so respected!"

Han Changqing smiled and said: "My boss is a person who is destined to stand at the top!"

After hearing this, Teacher Jin was speechless. What's going on with this look of a junior high school fan?

Han Changqing is Chu Qing's most successful use of the "Talent Wanted Order"!
Compared with the others, he is completely Chu Qing's little fan, even a bit disfigured.

Whatever Chu Qing said casually, he could comprehend the truth from it!
He is someone Chu Qing can rest assured of, otherwise Chu Qing would not be able to entrust him with such an important task.

Han Changqing was very moved by Chu Qing's importance, and has been devoting himself to it since coming to Bangzi Country.

He is very clear about the management of this Bangziguo company. Otherwise, with the qualifications of these five little ones, how could they appear on the debut list this time?
Han Changqing smiled and lowered his voice slightly.

"I organized a dinner tonight and invited President Han, President Park, and Teacher Jin. Do you have time? If so, why not come and have a casual meal together?"

After Han Changqing finished speaking, the smile on his face became a little wretched.

"I also made an appointment at 'Emotions', after dinner we can go to sing and take a bubble bath"

Teacher Jin's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and he rubbed his hands with a smile and said, "Isn't this a little bad? Is it convenient?"

Han Changqing said solemnly: "How can it be bad? You usually take care of the five of them like this. This time, take it as my little care, and it can be regarded as repaying your kindness."

Teacher Jin stopped postponing, accepted it with a smile, and left contentedly.

After waiting for Teacher Jin to leave, Han Changqing looked at the five little ones who were still practicing, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

Judging from the current progress, in another year, in another year, these five little ones will almost be able to return to China!
In July, Bright Entertainment began to promote "The Witness" like crazy!
There are not many good movies released in August, only two small productions and animation movies. It can be said that this is almost the least competitive schedule.

The two most intense competitions for movies are usually the National Day file and the Spring Festival file.

The main dramas of the National Day file and the Lunar New Year movies of the Spring Festival file have always been inextricably killed!
And in the summer, it's usually a fight of TV dramas!

All kinds of big productions and the works of famous directors are almost always selected for release in summer.

This is why Chu Qing chose to release the movie in August. The competing products are not big productions. As long as she doesn't collapse, it is easier to build a reputation.

Zhang Mo and Zhang Sanli have been very busy these days. Zhang Mo is on various programs, and he is desperately promoting this "Witness" on it!
Zhang Sanli helped Chu Qing organize a screening. This time, well-known film critics, theater owners, entertainment media, etc. were invited.

Of course, the three gold judges are also indispensable.

Zhang Sanli still has a lot of face, Sanjin all came and watched this "Witness" together!
Zhang Sanli has seen the finished film a long time ago. When everyone was watching the film, he was observing the expressions of these people, trying to understand their thoughts through their expressions.

After the movie ended, all the audience gave a standing ovation.

As a director, Chu Qing has received countless compliments, and the Golden Bird Award winner even jokingly said that Chu Qing's shooting techniques and mastery of the camera are not inferior to those old directors, and this film can definitely be shortlisted for the Best New Director Award!

Chu Qing smiled modestly with everyone, and when they left the table, Zhang Sanli's assistant was already waiting at the door.

Those film critics, entertainment media, etc., all received a big red envelope, thick enough to satisfy them.

As for the judges and theater bosses of the Three Gold Awards, naturally they couldn't give red envelopes, otherwise it would look like insulting them.

Of course, it's just that you can't give it on the bright side!

Zhang Sanli personally invited these people to have a meal, during which Chu Qing was with him.

Needless to say, Chu Qing's drinking capacity is needless to say, and he accompanied them all to the table, during which the other party promised countless conditions!
After sobering up the next day, they pinched the envelope on the bedside table, and everything was said without saying a word!
Zhang Sanli taught Chu Qing a lesson this time, telling him that some things can be solved in a very simple way!
It didn't take long for film critics on the Internet who had received red envelopes to start advocating "The Witness" one after another!
It started with the sentence 'Thank you for the invitation, it is a great honor to participate in the screening of "The Witness", this movie".

Almost all film critics praised it. Of course, some people praised it openly and secretly in order to gain attention!
There are also some film critics who did not receive the invitation, and they immediately started to blackmail.

This is the result Zhang Sanli wanted. The topic can only become popular when there is conflict. Otherwise, if the two sides agree, then there is still a lot of heat?
For a while, whether netizens want to know or not, they have a few more keywords in their minds.

"The Witness", released on August [-]st, good movie, bad movie.

With these few keywords, it is enough for Chu Qing and others, this is definitely a very successful advertisement.

Zhang Mo saw that the entire Internet was promoting "The Witness", which made him feel somewhat complicated.

In the past, he also imagined that one day he would play the leading role, win an award and become the best actor, and the whole Internet would cheer for him.

But he also understood that those were unrealistic fantasies, and it was impossible to happen at all.

But now, the fantasy he regarded as a 'daydream' was so close to him.

It was so close that he felt that as long as he worked hard, he could grasp this fantasy with his hand!
The growth of a man is actually very simple, one or two things are enough to make his mood change drastically!
Zhang Mo, grown up
(End of this chapter)

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