Chapter 331

In this way, the time slowly came to the end of July, and "The Witness" will be released soon.

Zhang Mo became surprisingly tense, he would drag Chu Qing out for a drink no matter what, saying he wanted to relax.

Chu Qing didn't mention him, but she had to choose a bar by herself, and even brought Song Dawei and Yin Tao with her.

As for Duan Peng, this kid can be said to be constantly making appointments.

He was spotted by an action film director and pulled to play the lead actor.

Chu Qing is still very happy about this, which proves that his brother has begun to show bright spots, which can attract people to invest in him!
Chu Qing didn't go to any big nightclub with Zhang Mo, but took him to the Blue Sea Bar in Wulitun instead!

Song Dawei couldn't help but smile when he saw this, this was the place where Chu Qing's dream set sail.

Chu Qing's first job back then was as a resident singer here.

When Chu Qing thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. Whether he should say it or not, Fatty Xia was definitely fond of Chu Qing back then.

As a result, when they reached the door, Chu Qing was a little dazed.

I saw a statue of Chu Qing at the entrance of the bar!

The image is of Chu Qing holding a guitar and playing it while sitting on a chair!

There is also a banner behind the statue, 'Chu Qing Debut Bar'!
The corners of Chu Qing's mouth twitched uncontrollably, and Song Dawei was also speechless, thinking that this dead fat man really plucked his hair, this little bit of enthusiasm was not wasted at all!

A few people walked into the bar, and there was a female singer singing folk songs with a guitar on the stage.

Chu Qing and the others were completely blinded, and the waiter didn't recognize them, but skillfully led them to the booth and sat down, waiting for them to finish their drinks before leaving.

Zhang Mo somewhat disliked the environment here, wiped his hands on the sofa and said, "Brother, the environment here is too ordinary! I'm treating guests tonight, let's find a similar place to drink."

After hearing this, Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said, "Didn't you see what was written at the door? This bar means a lot to me."

When Zhang Mo heard this, his eyes widened suddenly and he said, "What? Brother, is what the door said true?"

Before Chu Qing could speak, Song Dawei laughed first.

"It can also be said to be true. Before going to "Idol", Chu Qing worked here part-time. His recording equipment was all bought here. Have you heard of "Song for Myself"? ? It was sung here for the first time”

After hearing this, Zhang Mo asked in surprise, "Here?"

Chu Qing and Song Dawei nodded at the same time, both of them expressed emotion.

It didn't take long for wine and snacks to be served. They ate and drank while watching the performance.

The basic skills of the singers on stage are good, but their performance experience is not very good. They never interact with the audience, and they rarely even make eye contact.

Song Dawei couldn't help laughing when he saw that he was an inexperienced rookie.

"Lao Xia still likes to give newcomers a chance"

While the two were talking, suddenly a beer bottle was thrown onto the stage and shattered all over the floor!
Chu Qing and Song Dawei were taken aback by this, and they all looked up at the stage.

The little girl who was singing on the stage was also blindfolded, holding the guitar at a loss.

"What kind of nonsense are you singing! Moaning without illness! I came out to have fun, not to be awkward! Sing me a cheerful song"

The little girl on the stage was almost crying in fright, but when the person below saw this, he threw another beer bottle up!
Now, both Chu Qing and Song Dawei's expressions turned ugly.

Fatty Xia is their friend, if someone doesn't give Fatty Xia face, it's not giving them face!
The bar waiter also ran over, two waiters apologized to the guests one after another, and another waiter came to the stage to comfort the singer and asked her to step down first.

"Stop! Did I tell you to go? I told you to sing a cheerful song. Are you deaf?"

The other party's voice was a little vague, and it was obvious that he had drunk too much.

This kind of wine is the most annoying. After drinking, it seems to be a different person.

Fatty Xia finally came late, long time no see, Fatty Xia is still smiling like Maitreya,
He walked up to Jiumengzi with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, newcomers don't know how to sing so much, so, I'll buy what you spend on this table tonight, and treat it as a friendship."

The other party spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and Fatty Xia's face turned black immediately.

"Do you know who I am? Make a friend! You deserve it too!"

This time, even Fatty Xia couldn't laugh anymore, and looked at the other party with a gloomy face.

"Brother, did you inquire before you made trouble, who owns the bar here?"

After Fatty Xia finished speaking, he pulled the neckline, revealing the hideous tattoo on his chest, and Chu Qing looked surprised.

Song Dawei laughed and said, "Do you really think that any fat man can open a bar in Wulitun? This man was also a ruthless guy when he was young."

That is, after sweeping H and E in the past few years, he stopped.

Chu Qing couldn't help being speechless, this Fatty Xia looked like a Buddha, but he didn't expect to be a hidden boss!
The other party didn't accept this at all, and instead sneered: "Hey, ask who opened it? What can you do to me? I'm afraid you will hit me! Come on, get him a mobile phone and record it. Let everyone see that there are still people who dare to threaten people in broad daylight."

The other party looked like an old man who came to the hob, and many drinkers around him were aggrieved.

Chu Qing stood up at this time, Song Dawei grabbed his wrist and said, "Don't be impulsive, Fatty Xia can handle this matter well."

Zhang Mo also said: "Brother, if this is known by the unscrupulous media, it will definitely be written indiscriminately again, don't be impulsive!"

Chu Qing smiled, waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, he won't recognize me."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he took off his sunglasses, still wearing a mask and sunglasses, and walked to the two of them silently, [big brother's aura] fully opened!

He didn't say a word, just quietly looked at that Jiu Mengzi and made him dare not move!

That feeling is like a frog being stared at by a poisonous snake!

He turned his head stiffly, and subconsciously took two steps back when he saw Chu Qing staring at him.

"You, you, what do you see me doing?"

He stuttered a bit, but he became much clearer. In just a few seconds, his body was drenched in cold sweat. This man was sobered up by Chu Qing's fright!

Chu Qing deliberately controlled her voice, making her voice a little hoarse.

Hearing Chu Qing's threat, the man subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but he still felt a little embarrassed and coughed.

"What do you want to do? This is a society ruled by law!"

Chu Qing still didn't say a word, just stared at the other party, looking back and forth at the other party's throat and heart, as if thinking about where to start the operation!

"I, let's go! What a rubbish bar, I will never come again"

The other party was scared and wanted to leave.

Chu Qing said indifferently: "Let's go now? Who should settle the debt with?"

As soon as Chu Qing said this, the bar seemed to quiet down.

(End of this chapter)

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