Chapter 334
When we arrived at the restaurant, after a few glasses of wine, Xia Zhen complained about leaving.

His uncle forced him, and his parents had no idea, so Yunyun complained all over.

Then it’s time to start thinking about the future!
In his future vision, he can also become a big brother like his uncle, and then retire to the world and become famous.

Song Dawei almost couldn't laugh out loud, pointing to the direction of Yanjing Prison.

"The life you yearn for, people are squatting there!"

Xia Zhen curled her lips indifferently and said: "That's because their rank is too low, I'm not the same as them"

Song Dawei opened a can of beer and said, "What's the difference? You won't die if you get hacked?"

Xia Zhen was taken aback by this remark. He felt that Song Dawei was a bit arrogant, but he couldn't find a point to refute the other party.

Song Dawei chuckled and said, "Do you know why your uncle chose to open a bar?"

Xia Zhen curled her lips and said: "There is a policy at the top, so just stay dormant for two years."

Song Dawei shook his head and said, "If you think so, you will underestimate your uncle too much."

Song Dawei gradually became serious and said, "That's because your uncle knows that being a gangster will never have a future!"

"That kind of arena where fighting and killing will be limited to movies in the future! The times are different, and now we pay attention to using our brains!"

Xia Zhen still looked like I didn't believe it, Song Dawei didn't say much, just looked at him and smiled.

"Do you know how much favor your uncle used to send you to Guangming Entertainment? I know what you think, I must be thinking that I won't come tomorrow, what can you do to me?"

"But if you did, you'd have let your uncle down so much"

Of course Xia Zhen wouldn't listen, if he could be persuaded to leave with just a few words, Fatty Xia wouldn't have to push him hard to send him to the company.

Early the next morning, Chu Qing came to the office and looked at his watch. It was nine o'clock, but Xia Zhen did not show up in Chu Qing's office.

Chu Qing took out her mobile phone, found Fatty Xia's number and broadcast it.

"No one seen"

The other party hung up the phone after hearing Chu Qing's words. Half an hour later, Xia Zhen, who was walking with a limp, appeared in Chu Qing's office.

Chu Qing looked up at him and said, "Where are the minutes of the meeting that you were asked to write?"

Xia Zhen rubbed her head and said, "I'm at home."

"Now go back and get it. Also, cut my hair. I don't like yellow hair."

Xia Zhen walked up to Chu Qing's job and hammered it hard, saying: "Why! Who are you old? Do you care about me?"

Chu Qing looked at him coldly and said: "This is the first time, I won't argue with you, if there is another time, don't blame me."

Xia Zhen was a little flustered by Chu Qing's eyes, but when he thought of being under his control in the future, Xia Zhen resisted from the bottom of his heart.

Gritting his teeth, he slapped the table again and said, "I did, what can you do?"

Chu Qing got up and kicked at him. This time, Chu Qing didn't hold back, and kicked Xia Zhen onto the carpet without stopping.

Chu Qing walked up to him and said, "What do you think I can do? Your uncle didn't tell you before he came, did I have an agreement with him?"

Xia Zhen clutched her stomach, unable to utter a complete sentence due to the pain, but Chu Qing said coldly.

"Before you came here, your uncle promised me that he would not care about your life or death! You'd better not make me angry, or I will definitely vent my anger on you!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she walked back to the desk and said, "Go cut your hair and get the minutes!"

Xia Zhen struggled to get up, pointed at Chu Qing and said, "Wait, I'll call the police and arrest you now!"

Chu Qing smiled, made a hand gesture and said, "You can try it."

In fact, Chu Qing could have used a [wake-up card] just like he did with Zhang Mo back then.

But Chu Qing felt that Xia was really unworthy!

It may be a bit bad to say so, but it is Chu Qing's most real thought now,
Moreover, Zhang Mo could at least see a little bit of light in Chu Qing, but in Xia Zhen, Chu Qing really didn't see it at all.

In the words of someone in the previous life, it is so ordinary, yet so confident!

So Chu Qing planned to test him one last time, if this kid really had no feelings at all, then Chu Qing planned to give up on him.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing raised her head and said, "Do you like acting?"

Xia Zhen, who had a bald head cut off, was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Acting? It's okay, it's okay."

He speaks a lot softer now, probably because Chu Qing really dared to beat him up!

Ever since he was a child, only Chu Qing and Fatty Xia had beaten him.

"Get ready, there is a charity performance in the afternoon, you go with it"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she found a document while doing work, and threw it to Xia Zhen casually, looked at his bald head, and added: "You play the sun!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chu Qing seemed to see the corners of Xia Zhen's eyes twitch twice.

Xia Zhen took over the script, thinking what the hell is playing the sun?Is it the same as the big tree in the stage play?
In the end, after reading the script twice, he was even more speechless. This is indeed a stage play, and it is the worst and worst stage play!
Just two words can sum up the content of the whole script, childish!

This should be a fairy tale, because the heroine is a flower and the hero is a big tree.

The male protagonist shields the female protagonist from the wind and rain and enjoys the sunshine of the sun.

The lines are even more childish, and they have a dubbed accent.

Xia Zhen wanted to turn his face again after looking at it twice, but after considering Chu Qing's combat effectiveness, he remained honest.

The 'Sun' he played had only a few lines in total, and he memorized them without even looking at them.

But with Chu Qing watching, he could only show that he was studying the script seriously, and at the same time was thinking about where he was going to perform.

Such a naive plot should be in elementary school, no, this is a bit naive for elementary school, it should be kindergarten!
After lunch, Chu Qing led him to the company's dressing room.

Several actors here are already putting on makeup, and the makeup is all exaggerated and colorful.

Xia Zhen was put on a sun hood, and then painted her whole face golden!
During this period, Xia Zhen wanted to turn his back on many times, but whenever he had such thoughts, he would look at Chu Qing, and then he calmed down.

In the afternoon, a group of people arrived at the performance venue in several cars.

Only then did he realize that the place where they performed was not a kindergarten, but an orphanage!

In the orphanage, children and some old people lined up, holding banners to welcome them.

While Xia Zhen was in a daze, the other artists got off the car and interacted skillfully with the children.

Xia Zhen was the last to get out of the car. Looking at the children and the old man in front of him, he was a little dazed.

Give them a show?
Is there a fee?Can they create any value?

Looking at the children who were smiling at him, Xia Zhen was a little suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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