Chapter 335

Most of the children in orphanages are abandoned.

Only a very small number came to the orphanage because of the death of their parents and other reasons.

Among the abandoned children, more than 80.00% had diseases!
Xia Zhen saw a child who was drooling while looking at him with a smirk. The old man beside him had a kind face and wiped his chin little by little.

Seeing this, Xia Zhen was a little disgusted, but didn't say much.

Chu Qing also got out of the car, but she was wearing a mask, carrying a camera, and dressed like a staff member.

The dean of the orphanage is an old woman. She is thin and not tall. It is hard to imagine that such a woman can carry so many children's daily necessities!
She expressed her gratitude to Bright Entertainment for coming to the charity performance, and personally brought them to the performance stage.

It is said to be a stage, but in fact there is not even a stage.

The facilities of the orphanage are very simple, they just cleared the cafeteria except for an open space, this is a simple stage.

But around the 'stage', there are many paintings and slogans, which are all written by those children, and their expectations for this performance can be seen.

After the children and the elderly are seated, the performance officially begins.

The faces of other artists are all smiles, no matter what they think in their hearts, they must perform well!

Because they all know that their big boss, Chu Qing, is standing by the side with a camera on his shoulders!

Maybe if I perform well, my boss appreciates me and pulls me to make a movie?
Only Xia Zhen kept a bitter face, as if someone owed him money.

He feels that he is very worthless now, even if the university he went to is a pheasant, he is still a college student!

You can join the group casually in Hengdian, can you come here to perform for such a group of people?Do they understand?

And all of this was seen by Chu Qing.

Chu Qing has already sentenced him to death in his heart, a person who is not even willing to pretend, Chu Qing feels that he is hopeless.

After ten minutes of performance, it was time for intermission.

Several actors walked towards the bathroom together, two of them took out cigarettes on the way, and one of them even handed one to Xia Zhen.

Xia Zhen didn't refuse, took the cigarette, lit it, and started smoking.

Several people leaned against the wall, and began to swallow clouds and fog as if no one else was there.

One of the artists smiled and said, "Brother, are you President Chu's new assistant?"

Xia Zhen was startled, nodded after thinking for a while and said, "Almost, anyway, I'm working as an assistant now"

The artist couldn't help showing an envious expression: "It's great, being so close to Mr. Chu, are you still worried that there will be no good opportunities in the future?"

Xia Zhen curled her lips, in his heart, he would definitely not be worse than Chu Qing in the future, so why should he give him a chance?

Just as he was thinking about it, a child who was still drooling ran in.

"Brother Sun, Brother Sun"

The child's voice was very vague, and his enunciation was unclear.

Several people who were smoking threw their cigarettes on the ground and stamped them out, but the child didn't even look at anyone else, and walked all the way to Xia Zhen crookedly, gathering the crayon drawings in his hands.

On the drawing paper is a somewhat abstract sun with a big smiling face drawn on it.

At this moment, Xia Zhen suddenly felt that there was something extra in his heart. The child was still drooling, probably because of a brain disease.

But Xia Zhen has never seen cleaner eyes than his!
Just looking at him like that made Xia Zhen feel a little ashamed.

What have you done!

The purest audience in the world is in front of me, but I use that kind of rubbish performance to fool them, what have I done!

They like themselves so much, worship themselves so much, but they despise them?

Looking at the smiling face on the crayon drawing, Xia Zhen tried hard to force a smile, and stretched out his hand to fan the smoke in the air.

"Little friend, it's a bit choking here, you go back first, Brother Sun will be back soon"

Inexplicably, Xia Zhen felt a little guilty.

The few people around are also a little embarrassed. The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, but when others treat you with sincerity, it is difficult for you to turn a blind eye.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry teachers, I didn't pay attention just now, he ran here by himself"

At this time, an old man ran in from outside the door, bowed and apologized repeatedly, and stretched out his hand to pull the child out.

Xia Zhen felt a strange feeling in his heart, a little sour, but also a little sweet.

A few minutes later, several people returned to the performance scene again, but this time, Xia Zhen's performance was completely different!

Anyway, he also graduated from a major. If you ask him to make a movie, he may not have the ability, but it is still no problem to shoot this kind of children's drama.

The smile on his face has never disappeared, he is playing the role of the sun very seriously!
All of this was seen by Chu Qing. Chu Qing didn't know what happened just now, but she could see that Xia really changed.

After the charity performance was over, many children ran to Xia Zhen, asking him to sign.

Xia Zhen signed autographs for these children one by one with extra seriousness, and even drew a smiley face after signing, and there was no more disgust on his face.

While waiting for the crew to leave, the children were reluctant to part with them and sent them far away.

Chu Qing deliberately sat in the same car with Xia Zhen, watching him turn his head frequently, with reluctance in his eyes.

After arriving at the company, Chu Qing called several other people over alone, and asked about what happened before.

After waiting for a few people to leave, Chu Qing sighed.

This child is not completely hopeless, at least he still has a heart.

When it was time to get off work in the evening, Chu Qing stopped Xia Zhen who wanted to leave.

"I have a drinking party tonight, you go with me"

Xia Zhen was a little reluctant, but after all, he still didn't dare to refuse.

Chu Qing called Song Dawei, and the driver drove the three of them to a restaurant.

The restaurant was reserved, and the manager of the restaurant had been waiting at the door. After waiting for a few people to arrive, he politely led the three of them to the best location in the restaurant.

At the dining table, Wang Cong was playing with his mobile phone boredly, and only put it down when he saw Chu Qing coming.

"Hahaha, Qingzi, long time no see!"

Wang Cong's voice was still full of enthusiasm, and Chu Qing also smiled and said, "Why did Young Master Wang remember to invite me to dinner?"

Wang Cong laughed and said, "It's not thanks to you. The last movie made a lot of money! I always wanted to thank you, but I didn't find an opportunity. No, I just took a break."

Chu Qing and Song Dawei smiled and sat opposite Wang Cong, but Xia Zhen was a little embarrassed because there were only two seats opposite Wang Cong, and he didn't know where to sit.

Chu Qing didn't speak, but just looked up at the manager.

The manager bent over and signaled: "I'm sorry sir, it was my mistake"

After the manager finished speaking, he went to get a stool and added it himself.

Xia Zhen felt a little embarrassed, but Wang Cong threw the recipe away.

"Look at it, just bring some signs and new arrivals"

"Okay, Mr. Wang"

(End of this chapter)

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